VFX for Unity for ribbon tapes used in live performances.
It works by specifying VAT (Vertex Animation Texture) to VFX, and by using Cloth simulation results, realistic ribbon tape effects can be realized in a lightweight manner.
Two types of VAT can be specified: at the time of launch and at the time of fall, and these are interpolated and displayed internally.
This asset can be installed using the Unity Package Manager (UPM).
The packages required for installation are as follows.
(Will be installed automatically by installing using UPM.)
- Visual Effect Graph
Open Window > Package Manager
and click the + sign in the upper left corner to display Add package from git URL...
You can install the latest version by typing https://github.com/kuyuri-iroha/RibbonTapeVFX.git?path=/RibbonTapeVFX/Assets/RibbonTapeVFX
in the input field that appears when you click to install the latest version.
Development version:2021.1.0
- High Definition RP
- Visual Effect Graph