A Xen API XMLRPC jQuery Client Library for working with XenServers & XCP.
quick example how to use the library:
var client = new XenAPI(username,password,hostUrl);
client.init(function(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
client.VM.get_all(function(error,result) {
var all_vm = result;
Once you have done init any api call is possible, for a list of all the possibilties please visit the api page of XenServer. As addition to the default calls it is possible to retrieve all server version information with a single call .serverVersion(callback). To get the current session once you done a call you can use .currentSession() and to get a session before doing any calls use .getSession().
In the examples folder there are 2 examples on how to use the library, rrd.html shows how to get round robin database updates from a XenServer. The VNC shows a noVNC implementation with XenServer. Make sure you setup your credentials in the source before running the examples.
- To turn the coffescript into javascript see http://coffeescript.org/.
- To minify the javascript see https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS/.
- Reduce number of calls to server.
- Less callbacks
- Actualy implement a integrated test framework
- Do crossbrowser testing...