Fluentd filter plugin that Explode record to single key record.
$ gem install fluent-plugin-filter-single_key
Add following line to your Gemfile:
gem "fluent-plugin-filter-single_key"
And then execute:
$ bundle
regexp pattern for target key
regexp pattern for keep key
If this param is set, replace this value as new key
You can copy and paste generated documents here.
<filter sample.tag>
key_pattern foo(\d)
new_key bar\1
keep_key_pattern other1
{"foo1" => 1, "foo2" => 2, "other1" => 99, "other2" => 100}
{"bar1" => 1, "other1" => 99}
{"bar2" => 2, "other1" => 99}
{"bar3" => 3, "other1" => 99}
- Copyright(c) 2017- joker1007
- License