A Stanford Engineering Beamer Template, so that you don't have to make the template yourself.
Pull the image from Docker Hub if it is available. Note that this docker container only contains a minimum latex installation.
docker pull docker.io/jand271/ubuntu-texlive:ja-dissertation
If the image is not available on Docker Hub, you can build it locally with the following command.
# build the docker image (only do this one time)
docker build -t jand271/ubuntu-texlive:ja-dissertation .
Execute the following to compile all of the files into a pdf.
# create a container, run latexmk, and then destroy container
docker run -v .:/app --rm jand271/ubuntu-texlive:ja-dissertation
To use the container in an interactive mode, use the following command.
docker run -v .:/app -it --entrypoint /bin/bash jand271/ubuntu-texlive:ja-dissertation
Then build via latex.
latexmk -pdf -quiet -interaction=nonstopmode example.tex && latexmk -c example.tex
# build the docker image locally with the correct tag
# --platform linux/amd64 needed for github actions
docker build -t jand271/ubuntu-texlive:ja-dissertation --platform linux/amd64 .
# push to docker hub
docker push jand271/ubuntu-texlive:ja-dissertation