Emojicode is an open source, high-level, multi-paradigm programming language consisting of emojis. It features Object-Orientation, Optionals, Generics and Closures.
To learn more about the language and get started quickly visit Emojicode’s documentation.
You can easily install Emojicode from our stable prebuilt binaries. See Installing Emojicode for instructions.
Follow Emojicode’s Twitter account @Real_Emojicode.
If you don’t want to use the prebuilt binaries, you can of course also build Emojicode from source.
These build instructions only apply to the latest code in the master branch.
To build previous versions, please consult the according README.md by cloning
the repository and checking out a version: git checkout v0.3
Prerequisites (earlier versions might work but are not tested):
- clang and clang++ 3.9 or newer, or
- gcc and g++ 5.4 or newer
- CMake 3.5.1 and (preferably) Ninja
- Python 3.5.2 or above to pack for distribution and run tests
- Allegro 5 to compile the allegro package
sudo apt-get install liballegro5-dev
on Debian/Ubuntubrew install allegro
on OS X
Clone Emojicode (or download the source code and extract it) and navigate into it:
git clone https://github.com/emojicode/emojicode cd emojicode
Create a
directory and run CMake in it:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -GNinja
You can specify the heap size in bytes, which defaults to 512MB, with
and the default package search path with
like so:
cmake -DheapSize=128000000 -DdefaultPackagesDirectory=/opt/strange/place .. -GNinja
You can of course also run CMake in another directory or use another build system than Ninja. Refer to the CMake documentation for more information.
Build the Compiler and Real-Time Engine:
You can now test Emojicode:
ninja tests
and take the distribution package created inside the build directory.
Want to improve something? Great! First of all, please be nice and helpful. You can help in lots of ways, like reporting bugs, fixing bugs, improving the documentation, suggesting new features, or implementing new features.
Whatever you want to do, please look for an existing issue or create a new one to discuss your plans briefly.
Emojicode is licensed under the Artistic License 2.0. If you don’t want to read the whole license, here’s a summary without legal force:
- You are allowed to download, use, copy, publish and distribute Emojicode.
- You are allowed to create modified versions of Emojicode but you may only distribute them on some conditions.
- The license contains a grant of patent rights and does not allow you to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo.
- Emojicode comes with absolutely no warranty.