These instructions were created from trial and error for the UnitTest Target
- Create a new Xcode project
- Include Unit Tests
- In your Podfile include Cucumberish in your Unit Tests Target
platform:ios, '11.0'
target 'AppName' do
target 'AppNameUnitTests' do
inherit! :search_paths
pod 'Cucumberish'
pod install
In the navigation pane of your Xcode project: inside AppNameTests folder create a new objc header file and rename it to: AppNameTests-Bridging-Header.h and add the following line in the meantime:
#import <Cucumberish/Cucumberish.h>
In the navigation pane of your Xcode project: inside AppNameTests folder create a new objc implementation file and rename it to: CucumberishTest.m and add the following contents:
#import "AppNameUnitTests-Swift.h"
void CucumberishInit(void);
void CucumberishInit()
[CucumberishInitializer CucumberishSwiftInit];
- Navigate to the AppNameTests and add a new folder with name Features
Here you will create new empty files with the name of the feature follow by the .feature
file extension as an example name it Login.feature
- Add a new swift file inside the folder AppNameTests and name it CucumberishInitializer.swift
- Inside CucumberishInitializer.swift add the following content:
import Foundation
import Cucumberish
@objc public class CucumberishInitializer: NSObject {
@objc public class func CucumberishSwiftInit() {
let bundle = Bundle(for: CucumberishInitializer.self)
Cucumberish.executeFeatures(inDirectory: "Features", from: bundle, includeTags: nil, excludeTags: nil)
- Create a new folder inside AppNameTests directory and name it StepDefinitions
- As an example create a new swift file a name it LoginStep.swift , which is where the actually Gherkin language is match with Regex
import Foundation
import Cucumberish
class LoginSteps: LoginScreen {
func LoginStepsImplementation() {
Given("I'm a new user that is registering for the first time") { args, dataTable in
// call your unit test implementations
When("the user submits the registration form with the following details") { args, dataTable in
// call your unit test implementations
Then("the user is successfully registered") { args, dataTable in
// call your unit test implementations
import Foundation
@testable import TestCucumber
class LoginScreen: XCTestCase {
func loginWithUsername(_ username: [String]) {
XCTAssert(username.first! == "Idelfonso")
- Run your UnitTest [CMD + U] and you will see the XCTest classes being generate it in the process. A simulator device needs to be selected