- Table of Contents
- About
- Getting Started
- Deployment
- Usage
- Configuration Info
- Built using
- Authors
- Acknowledgements
LastFM personal charting API specifically made for use with github readmes image proxying by sending cache-control headers.
I was trying to use other public alternatives for collage/chart generation but they didn't send the cache-control headers, so they wouldn't update on github readme and I had no way of setting a specific time for it to revalidate except for github actions sending "curl -X PURGE..." to the camo urls, and somehow still the image ended up breaking some hours after the PURGE request.
So I made this configurable API where you can define how much time after image generation it will get stale requiring github to revalidate it.
It is important to note that even though this API is public it doesn't really offer a way to select a LastFM user and that's intentional.
The user is set through environment variables instead of through the request URL so if you want to have your own charts being generated you can follow the guide below to deploy your own copy of this API with your own user and api key.
- Implement transparent background behind album info text
- Include a main api swagger page on "/" url for further documentation
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them.
Python >= 3.9 (current vercel's python version)
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running.
Clone repo and cd into it
git clone "https://github.com/hoxas/lastfm-charter" && cd lastfm-charter
Create virtual environment
python -m venv venv
Activate virtual environment
Unix or MacOS:
source venv/bin/activate
Install requirements from "requirements.txt" file
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create .env file
Unix or MacOS:
touch .env
type NUL >> .env
Afterwards copy (with your preferred method) the content from ".env.example" into ".env" replacing the variables with your specific desired values.
For further info on .env values refer to configuration.
Run the api server
python main.py
Finally test it by requesting a simple chart:
Before deploying I recommend testing locally to make sure that the environment variables (API KEY, LASTFM USER) are working correctly.
Afterwards simply fork this repo by clicking on the fork button.
Go to:
Import the repository you've just forked and set the environment variables through the GUI.
Finally just click deploy and wait till the deploy is complete.
Test it by requesting a simple chart:
The API needs to be setup with the proper environment variables in order to work, refer to configuration info for further info.
The API has one path with one method:
/api/<period>/<chart_shape> - GET
week - weekly chart
month - monthly chart
year - yearly chart
overall - all-time chart
You can pass any shape in the format "numberxnumber" (x-axis by y-axis)
All the environment variables are needed and must be passed to the vercel environment (deployment) or written in the .env file (locally)
The values need to be set as follows:
Get your lastfm API key at:
Expiration time* is in seconds. Examples:
- daily = 86400
- weekly = 604800
- monthly (30 days) = 2592000
- always revalidate = 0 (duhh)
* It is important to note that the expiration time's sole purpose is for github to know when it should revalidate the image back with the API, this means that whenever you access the API directly through your URL the image will always be the most recent (recreated).
But since github internally caches the images it doesn't send a request everytime we reload the page, hence we need this variable.
- Python - Scripting Language
- lastfm-py - LastFM API Wrapper
- Quart - API Server Framework
- Pillow - Image Manipulation Library
- @hoxas - Project Creator
- @twitch0001 - Creator of lastfm-py lib
- Last.fm Profile Readme - Inspired by