Check if your current version is Python 3 by
python --version
If Not install version 3
After cloning the project, setup the virtual environment by following commands inside project folder
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
In python, requirments.txt file holds all the information of installed packages and their versions.
Download all dependencies of project by command
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you add any dependency within the project run the following command to update requirements.txt file
pip freeze > requirements.txt
In order to create a new django app, within the main project repo
cd demoapp
then create another app like existing pdfforms
django-admin startapp app2
And then add the app in InstalledApps of settings
- Make migrations of the models
python makemigrations
- Migrate
python migrate
- This will create a Table Form (id, name, fields list). And a Table Field with (id, name, type). Both Forms and Fields have many to many relationship.
We can add values in form and field table by using django admin.
- Create SuperUser by
python createsuperuser
Give Username, Email, Password. - Run the Django Server by
python ./ runserver
- Go to
. And give Username and Password to sign-in. - Use the Console to add/edit Forms and their fields. You need to add Fields first which can be selected for a form later.
- Go to
- To retrieve all forms with their fields, give query:
query {
allForms {
fields {
You'll need to install Yarn to run the frontend app in development. The quickest way is with Homebrew:
brew install yarn
cd demoapp/pdf-gen
yarn install
yarn start
The React dev server will be running on localhost:3000