When we build new openstack privete cloud, should be run an acceptance test.
Install dependencies.
- Your Keystone should have a member which associate to tenant 'service(default tenant)'.
- A Member should have public key.
- Should import Image for nova.
Put your credentials to ./.os_accept.yml
:name: admin
:api_key: admin_password
:name: member_name
:api_key: member_password
:tenant: service
:ssh_key: ssh_key_name
os_accept help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
os_accept init # initialize: create configfile with ask
Creates .os_accept.yml
step by step.
$ ./bin/os_accept init
Input openstack_auth_url
Input openstack_admin username
? admin
Input openstack_admin_api_key(password)
? admin_password
Input openstack_member_username
? member_name
Input openstack_member_api_key(password)
? member_password
Input openstack_member_current_tenant
? service
Input openstack_member_ssh_keyname
? ssh_key_name
I, [2013-09-18T18:55:58.279663 #1656] INFO -- : ConfigFile created.
cucumber features/compute_api.feature
# coding: utf-8
Feature: OpenStack Compute API
In order to provide services on OpenStack
As a OpnStack user
I want to control an infrastructure with remote api
Background: We have own OpenStack environment. # features/compute_api.feature:8
Given I have an account which roled member of OpenStack # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:4
And My current tenant is available # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:29
Scenario: Verify available Nework # features/compute_api.feature:12
Given I retrieve "Network" from API # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:17
Then There is at least one ACTIVE router # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:35
And It has network "ext_net" # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:41
And It has network "int_net" # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:41
Scenario: Verify available Images # features/compute_api.feature:18
Given I retrieve "Image" from API # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:17
Then There are at least one image # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:46
Scenario: Verify computer dependencies # features/compute_api.feature:22
Given I retrieve "Compute" from API # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:17
Then There are at least one flavor # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:51
Then There are at least one keypair # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:56
Scenario: Create and destroy Computer # features/compute_api.feature:27
Given I retrieve "Network" from API # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:17
Given I retrieve "Image" from API # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:17
Given I retrieve "Compute" from API # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:17
When A requirement which must be satisfied before create computer # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:61
And I try to create computer with private nic # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:71
Then new computer should be ACTIVE # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:86
When I create floating_ip and associate to new computer # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:99
Then computer has valid attributes # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:112
When I
try to destroy new computer # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:95
And I release floating_ip # features/step_definitions/compute_api_steps.rb:107
4 scenarios (4 passed)
27 steps (27 passed)
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write you change
- Write tests for your change (if applicable)
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
Authors: sawanoboryu@higanworks.com (HiganWorks LLC)
Licensed under the MIT License;