Jina AI
- Berlin, Germany
- @michael_g_u
- @michael-g-u.bsky.social
Jennifer Maldonado
Hello, some of my old things and current stuff, while I'm in a continuous learning.
Time zone in Buenos Aires (GMT-3)
Tuqueca Company Argentina
Mahesh Budavarapu
Engineer working on LTE/5G/AI
Passionate on applying signal processing techniques to solve real world problems
Radisys India Private Limited India, Bangalore
Alex Cureton-Griffiths
Senior Open Source Evangelist at Jina AI. Old, grim, and full of vim.
Making animatronic butterfly jewelry in spare time w/ Arduino.
@jina-ai Berlin, Germany
Deddy Ratnanto
Master of Python, Ruby and Go! Hacking with Python, Flat Earth Community Founder, Big Data Specialist, Python Magician, Python Fanatics, Pythonista. BATMAN
MapleCode Indonesia Jakarta, INDONESIA
Scott GK MacLeod
Developing CC4 OCW.MIT.EDU-CENTRIC WIKI @WorldUnivAndSch, like Wikipedia in 300 languages with best STEAM MIT OCW in 5 langs & accrediting for free WUaS degrees
World University and School / Academic Press at WUaS in 7151 living languages with machine learning translation Online and San Francisco Bay Area