Rare homozygous/hemizygous deletions caller giving in input a dataset of BAM files
Please, clone or download the entire folder of VarGenius-HZD from this repository. Installation is not required, but you need some dependencies...
Installation with Singularity
IMPORTANT NOTICE --->> As of Nov-16,2021 we are experiencing problems in the upload of the VarGenius-HZD container in GitHub as its size is greater than the allowed size. In the meanwhile we provide VarGenius-HZD/LIB/SOFTWARE/VarGenius-HZD_container.def file for the users. You should build and save the .sif file with identical name within the same folder with a command such as:
singularity build VarGenius-HZD_container.sif VarGenius-HZD_container.def
- Download entire folder of VarGenius-HZD from this repository
- Install singularity and PERL
- Create a directory to work in
mkdir /home/frank/hzd_analyses cd VarGenius-HZD perl install.pl
- When asked provide
- your work directory (e.g. /path/to/hzd_analyses).
- the path to the reference genome
VarGenius-HZD automatically detects your singularity installation and sets the paths to samtools, bedtools and R. If you won't plan to install singularity then you have to manually install them.
After the installation you are ready to run VarGenius-HZD using your own samples generated with the same enrichment kit. and the following input files:
- the reference genome in FASTA format that you used for the alignment
- the genome file for your genome. It is generated automatically, otherwise see FAQs.
- the target BED file for your sequenced samples (same enrichment kit MUST be used!)
- a file with a list of sample names and paths to the BAM files tab separated (bamlist.txt). E.g.:
samplename path
sampleA /path/to/SampleA.bam
sampleB /path/to/SampleB.bam
BE CAREFUL! : The BAM file, the genome fasta and the target BED file should have the same naming convention for chromosomes! Read the FAQs for more details on this and how to check prior to run the analysis.
If the naming convention is not with "chr1" but with "1" to enumerate the chromosomes you must always add the parameter -nochr to the following commands.
Now you should be able to run VarGenius-HZD pre processing and algorithm:
Step 1: Get the exons on-target (to be run only once per-target)
Go to the work folder
cd /path/to/hzd_analyses
perl /path/to/VarGenius-HZD/HZD_launch.pl -f GET_EXONS_ON_TARGET -t /path/to/target.bed [-nochr]
Step 2: Execute the breadth/depth of coverage step for each sample
We suggest to run Step 2 and Step 3 within a screen or in background as they will require a while to finish.
perl /path/to/VarGenius-HZD/HZD_launch.pl -f HZD_PREPROCESSING -l /path/to/bamlist.txt -t /path/to/target.bed [-nochr]
Step 3. Launch HZD algorithm
Here the -m parameter (max_lowBoC) allows to define the number of samples which might have a specific exon HD. Default is 2, Please change accordingly to your case (e.g. siblings in the dataset)
perl /path/to/VarGenius-HZD/HZD_launch.pl -f DETECT_HDs -l /path/to/bamlist.txt -t /path/to/target.bed -m 2
OUTPUT Description
VarGenius-HZD first computes Breadth- and Depth-of-Coverage (BoC and DoC) independently for all samples provided in input (you are constrained to use all samples with same target). Using BoC defines a first tier of likely homozygous deletions. Then these are filtered from artifacts and assessed as rare by checking if they are present in other samples. The third level of filtering is performed by the user leveraging the average DoC along with DoC for sample/parents. We usually filter out HDs were the average/parent coverage is less than 30 reads. A visual validation through IGV is strongly suggested to avoid unfiltered artifacts.
VarGenius-HZD outputs a TAB separated file with the following fields:
compid: an identifier of the HD
samplename: (self-explained)
pBoC: sample Breadth-of-coverage
pDoC: sample Depth-of-coverage
fDoC: father Depth-of-coverage (only in VarGenius)
mDoC: mather Depth-of-coverage (only in VarGenius)
avgDoC: average Depth-of-coverage across samples
cnv_type: type of CNV
gene: UCSC gene symbol
With this VarGenius-HZD test we would like to conduct the users across the same evaluation performed within our manuscript to compare the performances of our tool with existing state-of-art tools. This is not intended to be a Tutorial.
This is the test that we conducted on 1KGP data to detect synthetic deletions using VarGenius-HZD. It requires the use of bedtools and samtools.
Download UCSC Hg19 FASTA genome from: https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/
Download both BAM and BAI files from 1KGP repository (http://ftp.1000genomes.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/ftp/phase1/data/ - exome_alignment folder) as in the bam_list.txt file in the VarGenius-HZD/data folder:
The bam_list.txt file will be used by VarGenius-HZD please change paths accordingly. The samples names containing _deleted indicate those where the deletions were introduced.
VarGenius-HZD folder contains the 1KGP target BED file with changed naming convention as it is within the BAM files (VarGenius-HZD/data folder).
Once downloaded the BAM file you will need to insert the deletions. Samples names and corresponding region deleted are the following:
NA06989 21 48063447 48063551
NA07347 21 27326904 27327003
NA12058 21 35091133 35091161
NA12748 21 10906904 10907040
NA12830 21 40188932 40189015
Please create 5 new BED files containing the 5 intervals above and use the following commands to generate the new BAM files
bedtools intersect -a sample.bam -b deletion_i.bed -v > sample_deleted.bam;
samtools sort sample_deleted.bam > sample_deleted_sort.bam;
samtools index sample_deleted_sort.bam.
if you planned to use our singularity container, it includes bedtools and samtools. Hence you can run the previous commands with command like this:
singularity run VarGenius-HZD/LIB/SOFTWARE/VarGenius-HZD_container.sif bedtools
Now that you have the samples with the synthetic deletion you can run VarGenius-HZD.
5a. Generate the exons on target file:
perl /path/to/VarGenius-HZD/HZD_launch.pl -f GET_EXONS_ON_TARGET -l /path/to/bamlist.txt -t /path/to/VarGenius-HZD/data/20120518.analysis_exome_targets.consensus.annotation.nochr.bed -nochr
For this test we will remove the chr prefix of chromosome names as in the 1KGP BAM files this is not present.
5b. For the pre-processing step we suggest to use screen command or to launch it in background:
perl /path/to/VarGenius-HZD/HZD_launch.pl -f HZD_PREPROCESSING -l /path/to/bamlist.txt -t /path/to/VarGenius-HZD/data/20120518.analysis_exome_targets.consensus.annotation.nochr.bed -nochr
A genomefile will be automatically generated for 1KGP format file. Then bedtools coverage will be run for all samples and needed files will be generated within the same folder.
5c. Detect putative HDs:
perl /path/to/VarGenius-HZD/HZD_launch.pl -f DETECT_HDs -l /path/to/bamlist.txt -t /path/to/VarGenius-HZD/data/20120518.analysis_exome_targets.consensus.annotation.nochr.bed -m 2
5d. Filter the HDs from the output selecting only the "deleted" samples and average DoC>50:
grep 'deleted' /path/to/workfolder/20120518.analysis_exome_targets.consensus_20120518.analysis_exome_targets.consensus_VG-HZD_final_suspect_table_gene.txt | awk '$7>50'
Frequently Asked Questions
Issues with the genome file for bedtools
Please read carefully here. VarGenius-HZD uses bedtools coverage with the -sorted option to accelerate the process. This assumes that the records are sorted lexicographically (e.g., chr1, chr10, etc.). bedtools requires the genome file that must be produced using the exact reference genome file that was used for the alignment (http://bedtools.readthedocs.org/en/latest/content/tools/intersect.html#g-define-an-alternate-chromosome-sort-order-via-a-genome-file).
It is better that prior to launch VarGenius-HZD you check that the reference fasta file, the BAM file and your target BED keep the same nomenclature for the chromosomes i.e. chromosome 1 can be "chr1" or "1". The BAM file keeps the nomenclature of the fasta file, but the target BED file might not. Please check also this latter.
You can open with an editor both the fasta and the target BED while you will require samtools to read the BAM:
e.g. samtools view -H sample.bam | grep SQ | cut -f 2 | awk '{ sub(/^SN:/, ""); print;}'
If the reference folder is not writable you must produce manually the genome file. Please execute these commands: 1. samtools faidx ucsc.hg19.fa (that produces ucsc.hg19.fa.fai) 2. awk -v OFS='\t' {'print $1,$2'} ucsc.hg19.fasta.fai > ucsc.hg19.genomefile
For example 1KGP samples are sorted "numerically" (e.g., 1, 2, etc.). If so, you need to provide the tool with a "genome file" (-g option) defining the expected order.
Issues with naming convention in bedtools
If you get an error like the followiing:
***** WARNING: File SampleA_ucsc_exons_nc.bed has inconsistent naming convention for record: 1 896073 896180 0 0 107 0.0000000
means that bedtools is comparing something with "chrX" and "X" and doesn't get it.