8000 GitHub - fourjay/w3m.vim: vim embedded w3m plugin (forked from original https://github.com/yuratomo/w3m.vim )
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Fork Note

The original has not been updated for 8 years. It's a very solid w3m wrapper for vim.

I've come to like the utility of an embedded vim browser. But this implementation, as old as it is, is showing it's age.

I've done some basic improvements

  • moving the README into a help file
  • implement (some) of the various bug fixes from other forks
  • moved W3m buffer specific mappings/commands to <buffer> local commands
  • some Markdown cleanup for this README
  • fixes for search engine mappings
  • added frogfind search, frog to compliment duck. Frogfind specifically reformats results for text based browser (using a port of mozilla's Readability library).

I've also made some more specific changes for my tastes:

  • limit word wrap to 80 characters for readability (with option to disable)
  • Changes to the W3m command namespace, adopting Tim Popes :V :T convention. I've always found the finger combo of 1) shift-w followed by the reach of 3 harder than it needs to be to type in a command.

Most of the rest of this doc is a cleaned up version of the original doc.


w3m.vim is a plugin on vim for w3m that is a console web browser.


w3m.vim requires w3m to be installed.

If w3m is not in your $PATH, you can specify its location in your vimrc file.

let g:w3m#command = 'C:\w3m.exe'


Open URL:

input :W3m [url or keyword]

Search Mode:

input :W3m search-engine-name keyword

alc              : space alc
android          : Android SDK
as3              : ActionScript 3.0
go               : Go language
google           : Google
java             : JDK6
man              : man
msdn             : MSDN
perl             : PERL
php              : PHP
python           : Python
rfc              : RFC
ruby             : Ruby
wikipedia        : Wikipedia
yahoo            : Yahoo
yahoodict        : Yahoo dictionary
local            : Local HTML file

Open URL At New Tab

input :W3mTab [url or keyword]

Open URL At Split Window:

input :W3mSplit [url or keyword]

Open URL At Vertical Split Window:

input :W3mVSplit [url or keyword]

Open Local Html File

input :W3m local html-file-path

Buffer specific functions

This is the first change I've made to upstream The (standard) practice of uniform command prefixes seems over strict when applied to buffer local Commands, where the chance of overlap is small, and the default is sensibly to the buffer local Command. This make the commands considerably easier to type and more intuitive.


input :Close
input :bd

Copy URL To Clipboard

input :CopyUrl

Reload Current Page

input :Reload

Change Url:

input :AddressBar

Show External Browser:

input :ShowExtenalBrowser

Syntax Off:

input :SyntaxOff

Syntax On:

input :SyntaxOn

Change User-Agent

input :SetUserAgent (w3m|Chrome|Firefox|IE6|IE7|IE8|IE9|Opera|Android|iOS|KDDI|DoCoMo|SoftBank)

Open from history:

input :History

Clear history:

input :HistoryClear



highlight! link w3mLink      Function
highlight! link w3mLinkHover SpecialKey
highlight! link w3mSubmit    Special
highlight! link w3mInput     String
highlight! link w3mBold      Comment
highlight! link w3mUnderline Underlined
highlight! link w3mHitAHint  Question
highlight! link w3mAnchor    Label

Use Proxy:

let &HTTP_PROXY='http://xxx.xxx/:8080'

Set External Browser:

let g:w3m#external_browser = 'chrome'

Set Home Page

let g:w3m#homepage = "http://www.google.co.jp/"

Specify Key Of Hit-A-Hint

let g:w3m#hit_a_hint_key = 'f'

Specify Default Search Engine:

let g:w3m#search_engine = 
    \ 'http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search?search.x=1&fr=top_ga1_sa_124&tid=top_ga1_sa_124&ei=' . &encoding . '&aq=&oq=&p='

Disable Default Keymap

You set as follows if you do not want to use default keymap.

let g:w3m#disable_default_keymap = 1

Disable Vimproc

You set as follows if you do not want to use vimproc.

let g:w3m#disable_vimproc = 1

Toggle Link Hovering

By default links under the curosr are highlighted. Turn off with one of the following

unlet g:w3m#set_hover_on
let g:w3m#hover_set_on = -1 
" a value less than or equal to 0 will turn it off

" set delay time until highlighting
let g:w3m#hover_delay_time = 100

Search Engine Localization

Search engines are loaded from autoload/w3m/search_engines/YOUR_LOCALE/, and then from the "global" locale unless a localized search engine of the same name exists. Your locale defaults to v:lang, which vim sets based on your $LANG environment variable.`

To specify a custom locale for loading search engines:

let g:w3m#lang = 'en_US'

Specify path to history file

let g:w3m#history#save_file = $HOME.'/.vim_w3m_hist'

Disable 80 column limit for line wrap

let g:w3m#allow_long_lines = 1

Default Keymaps

  • <CR> Open link under the cursor.
  • <S-CR> Open link under the cursor (with new tab).
  • <TAB> Move cursor next link.
  • <s-TAB> Move cursor previous link.
  • <Space> Scroll down.
  • <S-Space> Scroll up.
  • <BS> Back page.
  • <A-LEFT> Back page.
  • <A-RIGHT> Forward page.
  • = Show href under the cursor.
  • f Hit-A-Hint.
  • s Toggle Syntax On/Off.
  • c Toggle Cookie On/Off.
  • <M-D> Edit current url.


Sample Image1





Forked from https://github.com/yuratomo/w3m.vim


vim embedded w3m plugin (forked from original https://github.com/yuratomo/w3m.vim )







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