8000 RN 0.60.5 iOS release build "No bundle URL present" after updating · Issue #26331 · facebook/react-native · GitHub
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RN 0.60.5 iOS release build "No bundle URL present" after updating #26331

rnnyrk opened this issue Sep 4, 2019 · 86 comments

RN 0.60.5 iOS release build "No bundle URL present" after updating #26331

rnnyrk opened this issue Sep 4, 2019 · 86 comments
Accessibility Team - Evaluated Bug Platform: iOS iOS applications. Stale There has been a lack of activity on this issue and it may be closed soon. Tech: Bundler 📦 This issue is related to the bundler (Metro, Haul, etc) used.


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rnnyrk commented Sep 4, 2019

I've just updated my project from React Native 0.59.9 to 0.60.5 with react-native upgrade and the update helper mentioned in the official blog post. Although my project is already a little "complex" because it's using some libraries etc. it seemed the update was successful.

But unfortunately my app won't work with the Test - Release scheme anymore. On the debug scheme it works without any problems. The release also reaches the "Build succeeded" status, but as soon the app launches it's stuck because of the "No bundle URL present" error (see also my attached Xcode screenshot).

I've tried everything I could find on the internet so far. Re-installing the NPM dependencies and Pods; removing the build folder, changing the NSAppTransportSecurity in the Info.plist, but
it won't resolve the issue.. The deployed app via TestFlight breaks as well on startup.

React Native version:

OS: macOS 10.14.6
CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7360U CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 430.30 MB / 8.00 GB
Shell: 5.3 - /bin/zsh
Node: 10.11.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.11.0/bin/node
Yarn: 1.10.1 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
npm: 6.4.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.11.0/bin/npm
Watchman: 4.9.0 - /usr/local/bin/watchman
Platforms: iOS 12.4, macOS 10.14, tvOS 12.4, watchOS 5.3
Android SDK:
API Levels: 23, 26, 28, 29
Build Tools: 28.0.3, 29.0.0
System Images: android-29 | Google APIs Intel x86 Atom
Android Studio: 3.4 AI-183.6156.11.34.5522156
Xcode: 10.3/10G8 - /usr/bin/xcodebuild
react: 16.9.0 => 16.9.0
react-native: 0.60.5 => 0.60.5
react-native-cli: 2.0.1

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Update react-native from 0.59.9 to 0.60.5
  2. Remove node_modules, ios/Pods, ios/build and Podfile.lock
  3. Re-install node_modules and run pod install
  4. Open Project.xcworkspace
  5. Select the scheme "Project - Test" go to "Edit scheme > Run > Build Configuration" and change the scheme to "Test - Release"
  6. Build the project (on device or simulator, doesn't matter)
  7. "Build succeeded" and app starts
  8. App is stuck on splash screen and Xcode shows the error as in the attached screenshot

Files / Code

Currently these are my Info.plist, Podfile and package.json:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>Your location is required for searching jobs near you</string>
	<string>Your location is required for searching jobs near you</string>
platform :ios, '9.0'
require_relative '../node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-ios/native_modules'

project 'Project',
  'Prod - Debug' => :debug,
  'Acc - Debug' => :debug,
  'Test - Debug' => :debug,
  'Prod - Release' => :release,
  'Acc - Release' => :release,
  'Test - Release' => :release

target 'Project' do
  # Pods for Project
  pod 'React', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/'
  pod 'React-Core', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/React'
  pod 'React-DevSupport', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/React'
  pod 'React-RCTActionSheet', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/ActionSheetIOS'
  pod 'React-RCTAnimation', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/NativeAnimation'
  pod 'React-RCTBlob', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Blob'
  pod 'React-RCTImage', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Image'
  pod 'React-RCTLinking', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/LinkingIOS'
  pod 'React-RCTNetwork', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Network'
  pod 'React-RCTSettings', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Settings'
  pod 'React-RCTText', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Text'
  pod 'React-RCTVibration', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Vibration'
  pod 'React-RCTWebSocket', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/WebSocket'

  pod 'React-cxxreact', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/cxxreact'
  pod 'React-jsi', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsi'
  pod 'React-jsiexecutor', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsiexecutor'
  pod 'React-jsinspector', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/jsinspector'
  pod 'yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga'

  pod 'DoubleConversion', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/DoubleConversion.podspec'
  pod 'glog', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/glog.podspec'
  pod 'Folly', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/Folly.podspec'

  target 'ProjectTests' do
    inherit! :search_paths
    # Pods for testing

  "name": "project",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "start": "react-native start",
    "lint": "eslint --ext .jsx --ext .js src/",
    "ios": "react-native run-ios --scheme \"Project - Test\" --configuration \"Test - Debug\"",
    "android": "ENVFILE=.env.dev react-native run-android --variant=devDebug --appIdSuffix=dev",
    "postinstall": "npx jetify"
  "dependencies": {
    "@aws-amplify/auth": "1.2.31",
    "@aws-amplify/core": "1.1.0",
    "@babel/polyfill": "7.4.4",
    "@react-native-community/async-storage": "1.6.1",
    "accounting": "0.4.1",
    "amazon-cognito-identity-js": "3.0.15",
    "cross-fetch": "3.0.4",
    "dayjs": "1.8.15",
    "iban": "0.0.12",
    "prop-types": "15.7.2",
    "qs": "6.7.0",
    "react": "16.9.0",
    "react-geocode": "0.1.2",
    "react-native": "0.60.5",
    "react-native-android-keyboard-adjust": "^1.2.0",
    "react-native-bootsplash": "1.0.1",
    "react-native-config": "luggit/react-native-config#master",
    "react-native-datepicker": "1.7.2",
    "react-native-device-info": "2.3.2",
    "react-native-gesture-handler": "1.3.0",
    "react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view": "0.9.1",
    "react-native-keyboard-spacer": "^0.4.1",
    "react-native-linear-gradient": "2.5.6",
    "react-native-pdf": "5.1.4",
    "react-native-svg": "9.8.4",
    "react-navigation": "3.11.0",
    "react-redux": "7.1.1",
    "redux": "4.0.4",
    "redux-devtools-extension": "2.13.8",
    "redux-thunk": "2.3.0",
    "reselect": "^4.0.0",
    "rn-fetch-blob": "0.10.16",
    "styled-components": "4.3.2"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@babel/core": "7.5.5",
    "@babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from": "7.5.2",
    "@babel/plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from": "7.5.2",
    "@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import": "7.2.0",
    "@babel/runtime": "7.5.5",
    "babel-eslint": "10.0.2",
    "babel-plugin-module-resolver": "3.2.0",
    "babel-plugin-styled-components": "1.10.6",
    "eslint": "^5.16.0",
    "eslint-config-react-app": "^4.0.1",
    "eslint-import-resolver-babel-module": "5.1.0",
    "eslint-plugin-flowtype": "3.13.0",
    "eslint-plugin-import": "2.18.2",
    "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^6.2.1",
    "eslint-plugin-react": "7.14.3",
    "eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "1.6.1",
    "eslint-plugin-react-native": "3.7.0",
    "jetifier": "^1.6.4",
    "metro-react-native-babel-preset": "0.56.0"
  "xcodeSchemes": {
    "Debug": [
      "Test - Debug",
      "Acc - Debug",
      "Prod - Debug"
    "Release": [
      "Test - Release",
      "Acc - Release",
      "Prod - Release"
    "projectDirectory": "ios",
    "settings": {}
  "rnpm": {
    "assets": [

The AppDelegate.m should link to the correct bundle file right? This code is in there:

- (NSURL *)sourceURLForBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
  return [[RCTBundleURLProvider sharedSettings] jsBundleURLForBundleRoot:@"index" fallbackResource:nil];
  return [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"];

Screenshot 2019-09-04 at 20 44 20

@rnnyrk rnnyrk added the Bug label Sep 4, 2019
@react-native-bot react-native-bot added Platform: iOS iOS applications. Tech: Bundler 📦 This issue is related to the bundler (Metro, Haul, etc) used. labels Sep 4, 2019
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rnnyrk commented Sep 5, 2019

I've found a solution in this Stack Overflow post. Following these steps you can create a main.jsbundle and assets folder and add it to your project.

  1. Run the following command: react-native bundle --dev false --platform ios --entry-file index.js --bundle-output ios/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ./ios
  2. Add main.jsbundle and assets directory to Xcode by dragging them in your project.

Although this feels like a temporary solution.. I've got two main.jsbundle files right now. Can I delete the one in my project folder? And the assets folder includes some node modules do I have this command every time I add new modules and manually drag the assets in my project root?

Also when I build it via CI/CD (Bitrise) there is no main.jsbundle created in the root since it is ignored by default in .gitignore. So my TestFlight builds are still failing. How to handle this?

What exactly is happening here?

Screenshot 2019-09-05 at 09 46 52

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rnnyrk commented Sep 5, 2019

Resolved the issue. Seemed like my project was missing a shell script to automatically build the bundle and assets under "Build Phases > Bundle React Native code and images". Also Xcode was crashing when I opened this section.

I opened the file /ios/Project.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, searched for this part:

/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
		00DD1BFF1BD5951E006B06BC /* Bundle React Native code and images */ = {
			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
			files = (
			inputPaths = (
			name = "Bundle React Native code and images";
			outputPaths = (
			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
			shellPath = /bin/sh;

and added the shell script, so I ended up with:

/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
		00DD1BFF1BD5951E006B06BC /* Bundle React Native code and images */ = {
			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
			files = (
			inputPaths = (
			name = "Bundle React Native code and images";
			outputPaths = (
			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
			shellPath = /bin/sh;
			shellScript = "export NODE_BINARY=node\n../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react-native-xcode.sh\n";

Hopefully this prevents others to spend 2 days on this ;)

@rnnyrk rnnyrk closed this as completed Sep 5, 2019
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arthurstockler commented Sep 12, 2019

there is already this line in my file,
however, when running use of my device or error continues.
He is only working on the emulator

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eggybot commented Sep 26, 2019

got this issue coming from RN0.60.5 to RN0.61.1, I experience so many issue upgrading to the latest version. Then the only issue I'm facing now is this one. The Metro bundle was not initiating and I need to manually run "react-native start" which is not good. I hope someone can find solution for this issue.

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same problem to update 0.59.9 to 0.61.1

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same here

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Andriiklymiuk commented Oct 4, 2019

same problem here

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franckboudraa commented Oct 8, 2019

Same issue for me.

2019-10-07 17:56:49.686 [fatal][tid:main] No bundle URL present.

Make sure you're running a packager server or have included a .jsbundle file in your application bundle.
2019-10-07 17:56:49.692042+0200 SesameApp[3795:761740] No bundle URL present.

Make sure you're running a packager server or have included a .jsbundle file in your application bundle.
2019-10-07 17:56:49.693555+0200 SesameApp[3795:761740] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'RCTFatalException: No bundle URL present.

Make sure you're running a packager server or have included a .jsbundle file in your application bundle.', reason: 'No bundle URL present.

Make sure you're running a packager server or have included a .jsbundle file in your application bundle.'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x1ee34298c 0x1ed51b9f8 0x1000dc79c 0x1000f3c6c 0x1edd80a38 0x1edd817d4 0x1edd2f008 0x1ee2d432c 0x1ee2cf264 0x1ee2ce7c0 0x1f04cf79c 0x21ad99c38 0x1000c1f98 0x1edd928e0)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

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Resolved the issue. Seemed like my project was missing a shell script to automatically build the bundle and assets under "Build Phases > Bundle React Native code and images". Also Xcode was crashing when I opened this section.

I opened the file /ios/Project.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, searched for this part:

/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
		00DD1BFF1BD5951E006B06BC /* Bundle React Native code and images */ = {
			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
			files = (
			inputPaths = (
			name = "Bundle React Native code and images";
			outputPaths = (
			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
			shellPath = /bin/sh;

and added the shell script, so I ended up with:

/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
		00DD1BFF1BD5951E006B06BC /* Bundle React Native code and images */ = {
			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
			files = (
			inputPaths = (
			name = "Bundle React Native code and images";
			outputPaths = (
			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
			shellPath = /bin/sh;
			shellScript = "export NODE_BINARY=node\n../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react-native-xcode.sh\n";

Hopefully this prevents others to spend 2 days on this ;)

I downgraded to Xcode 10.3 and applied that, it's working now thank you.

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ergunyasar commented Oct 22, 2019

It happened to me as well when I upgraded react-native from '0.59.9' to '0.61.2'. For anyone still experiencing this, after the upgrade please check if there is a build phase in xcode called Start packager. If not click the + sign and choose 'new run script phase'. You will see a new phase called 'Run script' added to the bottom of the build phases. Add this shell script code

export RCT_METRO_PORT="${RCT_METRO_PORT:=8081}" echo "export RCT_METRO_PORT=${RCT_METRO_PORT}" > "${SRCROOT}/../node_modules/react-native/scripts/.packager.env" if [ -z "${RCT_NO_LAUNCH_PACKAGER+xxx}" ] ; then if nc -w 5 -z localhost ${RCT_METRO_PORT} ; then if ! curl -s "http://localhost:${RCT_METRO_PORT}/status" | grep -q "packager-status:running" ; then echo "Port ${RCT_METRO_PORT} already in use, packager is either not running or not running correctly" exit 2 fi else open "$SRCROOT/../node_modules/react-native/scripts/launchPackager.command" || echo "Can't start packager automatically" fi fi

Change its name to 'Start packager' and move it to the between 'Check Pods Manifest.lock' and 'Compile sources'. I hope it helps.

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NirvaleO commented Nov 2, 2019

I'm having the same issue. I open my bundler manually and even though it seems like the app can't reach it even though NSAppTraspotSecurity is correct.
Anyone has found solutions for this?

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Same for me, @ergunyasar your solution doesn't work. It gives me an error during build.

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rnnyrk commented Nov 7, 2019

I re-opened this issue since a lot of people seem to have encounter the same error with assumedly another solution.

@rnnyrk rnnyrk reopened this Nov 7, 2019
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davidmarinangeli commented Nov 7, 2019

The script that I have found in another issue and that is working for me is the following:

echo "export RCT_METRO_PORT=${RCT_METRO_PORT}" > "${SRCROOT}/../node_modules/react-native/scripts/.packager.env"
if [ -z "${RCT_NO_LAUNCH_PACKAGER+xxx}" ] ; then
if nc -w 5 -z localhost ${RCT_METRO_PORT} ; then
if ! curl -s "http://localhost:${RCT_METRO_PORT}/status" | grep -q "packager-status:running" ; then
echo "Port ${RCT_METRO_PORT} already in use, packager is either not running or not running correctly"
exit 2
open "$SRCROOT/../node_modules/react-native/scripts/launchPackager.command" || echo "Can't start packager automatically"

All the steps are pretty much the same that @ergunyasar wrote: the only thing that changes is the script code above.

RN 0.61.3

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Yes! Thx a lot @davidmarinangeli and @ergunyasar adding the script (David edition) worked for me (after trying a bunch of the other solutions out there).

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I was trying to go through the official "Getting Started" and I faced the same issue following all the steps.
The expo "Getting started" steps are working though.


  • Latest MacOS,
  • Latest node
  • Latest react-native.

First error (default port)

First, when I keep the default port, it will crash with a port in use error: (Note that there is nothing listening on that port. lsof -t -i:8081 return nothing

npx react-native run-ios

Port 8081 already in use, packager is either not running or not running correctly
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code


The following build commands failed:
	PhaseScriptExecution Start\ Packager /AwesomeTSProject2/ios/build/AwesomeTSProject2/Build/Intermediates.noindex/AwesomeTSProject2.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/AwesomeTSProject2.build/Script-FD10A7F022414F080027D42C.sh
(1 failure)

Second Error with custom port (no bundle error)

Then if I change the port
npx react-native run-ios --port 9092

I got the same error as describe here

no bundle url present

@rnnyrk solution works fine as long as I keep specifying a custom port.

When I use the default, I got the first error even after the fix.

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I use @davidbiedenbach solution and i had to combinate it with this solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54230598/2360269

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jeffminsungkim commented Dec 26, 2019

@eggybot Are you using iterm2 or integrated terminal in VS Code? If so, run react-native run-ios command from a default terminal. For me, it solved the issue. I couldn't believe how I spent a few hours on this.

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@rnnyrk @arthurstockler @eggybot @ivanguimam @ivannovazzi
this video saved me , I have tried

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It happened to me as well when I upgraded react-native from '0.59.9' to '0.61.2'. For anyone still experiencing this, after the upgrade please check if there is a build phase in xcode called Start packager. If not click the + sign and choose 'new run script phase'. You will see a new phase called 'Run script' added to the bottom of the build phases. Add this shell script code

where is the + sign? @ergunyasar

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I am on the latest version of react-native cli and react-native,
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.61.5
I am trying to initialise a brand new project and run it in the iOS simulator and have run into this issue consistently no matter what I try , i. e create a new project, remove the build directory in iOS and try running it.

However the video suggestion did work but it had a lot of unnecessary side effects like losing hot reloading etc.

Is there a fix available for this issue ? if downgrading is an option I am happy to downgrade the cli and react-native versions.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Rutvik17 commented Jan 8, 2020

I am upgrading from react native 0.59.10 to 0.60.6 and i am facing this issue, i have tried all the solutions/suggestions posted in this thread. But no luck 😞 If anyone has found a solution please help.

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I am on the latest version of react-native cli and react-native,
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.61.5
I am trying to initialise a brand new project and run it in the iOS simulator and have run into this issue consistently no matter what I try , i. e create a new project, remove the build directory in iOS and try running it.

However the video suggestion did work but it had a lot of unnecessary side effects like losing hot reloading etc.

Is there a fix available for this issue ? if downgrading is an option I am happy to downgrade the cli and react-native versions.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Okay, Here is what happened now. I created a new project and initialised it as per usual and it worked. I used npx react-native run-ios and it seems to have worked without any issues.. Previously I was using react-native run-ios. Which I reckon may have used a older version of react-native hanging around somewhere in my refs.

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VytautasLozickas commented Aug 20, 2021

Beware that when setting a debug/release mapping in Podfile:

project 'Project',
  'Prod - Debug' => :debug,
  'Acc - Debug' => :debug,
  'Test - Debug' => :debug,
  'Prod - Release' => :release,
  'Acc - Release' => :release,
  'Test - Release' => :release

The left side of this map is a Configuration name, not a Scheme name.

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I had recently created a new build configuration. The old one was working fine. The new one was not able to find the bundle url and crashed on start. In my case, for whatever reason, target membership was unchecked for main.jsbundle for my app target. I checked it and now I can run the new build configuration.

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amirhosseinmajdi commented Oct 7, 2021

react-native bundle --entry-file index.js --platform ios --dev false --bundle-output ios/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ios


Open Awesomeproject.xcodeproj in Xcode

Then drag and drop the main.jsbundle file from iOS folder of react native project to the Xcode->AwesomeProject->Awesomeproject->top of AppDeligate.h file(top of list)

Close all terminals.
Then restart terminal and react-native run-ios

cmd+D on simulator and touch->Configure Bundler and add ip of bundle server(ip of your mac) and port 8081 and reload app.

You can watch my tutorial video about how to fix no bundle url present in IOS Simulator, in the link below:

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stale bot commented Jan 9, 2022

Hey there, it looks like there has been no activity on this issue recently. Has the issue been fixed, or does it still require the community's attention? This issue may be closed if no further activity occurs. You may also label this issue as a "Discussion" or add it to the "Backlog" and I will leave it open. Thank you for your contributions.

@stale stale bot added the Stale There has been a lack of activity on this issue and it may be closed soon. label Jan 9, 2022
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whalemare commented Sep 9, 2022

Снимок экрана 2022-09-09 в 10 12 08

For some reason, debug build for real iPhone device is not correctly detect IP address of my Mac, so I need go to source code and manually change to my local ip.

It's worked only for dev build and you must don't do it for normal dev process, because of some kind of black magic, but maybe it can be helpful for you

facebook-github-bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Mar 14, 2023
This sync includes the following changes:
- **[f828bad38](facebook/react@f828bad38 )**: Extracted definition and access to public instances to a separate module in Fabric ([#26321](facebook/react#26321)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[131768166](facebook/react@131768166 )**: Support Context as renderable node ([#25641](facebook/react#25641)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d4f58c3b8](facebook/react@d4f58c3b8 )**: Support Promise as a renderable node  ([#25634](facebook/react#25634)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[633461486](facebook/react@633461486 )**: Add disableLegacyContext test gates where needed ([#26371](facebook/react#26371)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[432ffc9d0](facebook/react@432ffc9d0 )**: Convert more Scheduler.unstable_flushAll in tests to new test utils ([#26369](facebook/react#26369)) //<Tianyu Yao>//
- **[69fd78fe3](facebook/react@69fd78fe3 )**: Update Float tests to check for specific errors ([#26367](facebook/react#26367)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[93c10dfa6](facebook/react@93c10dfa6 )**: flushSync: Exhaust queue even if something throws ([#26366](facebook/react#26366)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[be353d251](facebook/react@be353d251 )**: [Flight Reply] Add undefined and Iterable Support ([#26365](facebook/react#26365)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[ef8bdbecb](facebook/react@ef8bdbecb )**: [Flight Reply] Add Reply Encoding ([#26360](facebook/react#26360)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a8875eab7](facebook/react@a8875eab7 )**: Update more tests to not rely on sync queuing ([#26358](facebook/react#26358)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d1ad984db](facebook/react@d1ad984db )**: [Flight] Add support for returning `undefined` from render ([#26349](facebook/react#26349)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[39d4b9365](facebook/react@39d4b9365 )**: [Internal tests] Close MessageChannel port to prevent leak ([#26357](facebook/react#26357)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3706edb81](facebook/react@3706edb81 )**: [Float][Fizz]: Don't preload nomodule scripts ([#26353](facebook/react#26353)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[2b003a5cc](facebook/react@2b003a5cc )**: Split out ServerReferenceMetadata into Id and Bound Arguments ([#26351](facebook/react#26351)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[62cd5af08](facebook/react@62cd5af08 )**: Codemod redundant async act scopes ([#26350](facebook/react#26350)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[037378202](facebook/react@037378202 )**: Internal `act`: Call scope function after an async gap ([#26347](facebook/react#26347)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d8e49f2af](facebook/react@d8e49f2af )**: Use setTimeout to schedule work on the server in Edge environments ([#26348](facebook/react#26348)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[83643778b](facebook/react@83643778b )**: Internal test helpers: Use Node's MessageChannel to queue task ([#26345](facebook/react#26345)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[44d380794](facebook/react@44d380794 )**: Move internalAct to internal-test-utils package ([#26344](facebook/react#26344)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d81447304](facebook/react@d81447304 )**: [Internal API only] Delete non-awaited form of act ([#26339](facebook/react#26339)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[702fc984e](facebook/react@702fc984e )**: Codemod act -> await act (4/?) ([#26338](facebook/react#26338)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9fb2469a6](facebook/react@9fb2469a6 )**: Restore definition of NativeMethods as an object for React Native ([#26341](facebook/react#26341)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[161f6ae42](facebook/react@161f6ae42 )**: Codemod act -> await act (3/?) ([#26336](facebook/react#26336)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[58605f798](facebook/react@58605f798 )**: Codemod act -> await act (2/?) ([#26335](facebook/react#26335)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[703c67560](facebook/react@703c67560 )**: Codemod act -> await act (1/?) ([#26334](facebook/react#26334)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b380c2485](facebook/react@b380c2485 )**: Convert class equivlance tests to flushSync ([#26333](facebook/react#26333)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[8f812e75d](facebook/react@8f812e75d )**: Refactor ReactFabricHostComponent ([#26323](facebook/react#26323)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[978fae4b4](facebook/react@978fae4b4 )**: [Float][Fiber] implement a faster hydration match for hoistable elements ([#26154](facebook/react#26154)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[8a9f82ed5](facebook/react@8a9f82ed5 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] - Do not hoist elements with `itemProp` & hydrate more tolerantly in hoist contexts ([#26256](facebook/react#26256)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[3cad3a54e](facebook/react@3cad3a54e )**: Use content hash for facebook-www builds ([#26331](facebook/react#26331)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[ba353a50a](facebook/react@ba353a50a )**: Build: make version in build artifacts match ([#26329](facebook/react#26329)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6e1756a5a](facebook/react@6e1756a5a )**: Move suspended render logic to ensureRootIsScheduled ([#26328](facebook/react#26328)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1528c5ccd](facebook/react@1528c5ccd )**: SchedulerMock.unstable_yieldValue -> SchedulerMock.log ([#26312](facebook/react#26312)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[4bbac04cd](facebook/react@4bbac04cd )**: Upgrade Flow to 0.201 ([#26326](facebook/react#26326)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[eb616a12f](facebook/react@eb616a12f )**: Extract duplicated methods in Fabric and the legacy renderer to a shared module ([#26319](facebook/react#26319)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[49f741046](facebook/react@49f741046 )**: Fix: Infinite act loop caused by wrong shouldYield ([#26317](facebook/react#26317)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[106ea1c58](facebook/react@106ea1c58 )**: Support Iterables in Flight ([#26313](facebook/react#26313)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f905da227](facebook/react@f905da227 )**: [Flight] Send server reference error chunks to the client ([#26293](facebook/react#26293)) //<Hendrik Liebau>//
- **[e0241b660](facebook/react@e0241b660 )**: Simplify Webpack References by encoding file path + export name as single id ([#26300](facebook/react#26300)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[25685d8a9](facebook/react@25685d8a9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (9/?) ([#26309](facebook/react#26309)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[64dde7082](facebook/react@64dde7082 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (8/?) ([#26308](facebook/react#26308)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3cb5afb82](facebook/react@3cb5afb82 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (7/?) ([#26307](facebook/react#26307)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e98695db9](facebook/react@e98695db9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (6/?) ([#26305](facebook/react#26305)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9a52cc8bc](facebook/react@9a52cc8bc )**: Convert ReactLazy-test to waitFor pattern ([#26304](facebook/react#26304)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[03462cfc7](facebook/react@03462cfc7 )**: [Fizz] External runtime: fix bug in processing existing elements ([#26303](facebook/react#26303)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[faacefb4d](facebook/react@faacefb4d )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (4/?) ([#26302](facebook/react#26302)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[06460b6fb](facebook/react@06460b6fb )**: Remove unnecessary (and incorrect) code for compatibility with Paper in the Fabric version of GlobalResponderHandler ([#26290](facebook/react#26290)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[ce8a72fd4](facebook/react@ce8a72fd4 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (2/?) ([#26296](facebook/react#26296)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1f1f8eb55](facebook/react@1f1f8eb55 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber]: Refactor <style> Resource implementation to group on flush ([#26280](facebook/react#26280)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[5c633a48f](facebook/react@5c633a48f )**: Add back accidentally deleted test comments ([#26294](facebook/react#26294)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b72ed698f](facebook/react@b72ed698f )**: Fixed incorrect value returned as public instance from reconciler ([#26283](facebook/react#26283)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[25a8b9735](facebook/react@25a8b9735 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (1/?) ([#26288](facebook/react#26288)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e52446733](facebook/react@e52446733 )**: New internal testing helpers: waitFor, waitForAll, waitForPaint ([#26285](facebook/react#26285)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d49e0e0be](facebook/react@d49e0e0be )**: Removed unused imperative events implementation from React Native renderer ([#26282](facebook/react#26282)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[41110021f](facebook/react@41110021f )**: Fix: Selective hydration causing incorrect thenable type passed to DevTools ([#26275](facebook/react#26275)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[67a61d5bd](facebook/react@67a61d5bd )**: [Flight Fixture] Show SSR Support with CSS ([#26263](facebook/react#26263)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[40755c01a](facebook/react@40755c01a )**: [Flight Fixture] Proxy requests through the global server instead of directly ([#26257](facebook/react#26257)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[b2ae9ddb3](facebook/react@b2ae9ddb3 )**: Cleanup enableSyncDefaultUpdate flag ([#26236](facebook/react#26236)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6ff1733e6](facebook/react@6ff1733e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] support type for ReactDOM.preload() options ([#26239](facebook/react#26239)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[1173a17e6](facebook/react@1173a17e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] implement preconnect and prefetchDNS float methods ([#26237](facebook/react#26237)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[a8f971b7a](facebook/react@a8f971b7a )**: Switch to mount dispatcher after use() when needed ([#26232](facebook/react#26232)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[96cdeaf89](facebook/react@96cdeaf89 )**: [Fizz Node] Fix null bytes written at text chunk boundaries ([#26228](facebook/react#26228)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[c04b18070](facebook/react@c04b18070 )**: Remove eventTime field from class Update type ([#26219](facebook/react#26219)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[60144a04d](facebook/react@60144a04d )**: Split out Edge and Node implementations of the Flight Client ([#26187](facebook/react#26187)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[70b0bbda7](facebook/react@70b0bbda7 )**: [fizz][external-runtime] Fix: process mutation records before disconnecting ([#26169](facebook/react#26169)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[c7967b194](facebook/react@c7967b194 )**: Distribute bundles more evenly into CI shards ([#26208](facebook/react#26208)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[bb1e3d0e1](facebook/react@bb1e3d0e1 )**: Fail yarn build if any bundle fails to build ([#26207](facebook/react#26207)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[62e6c4612](facebook/react@62e6c4612 )**: Move Mutation/Persistence fork inline into the functions ([#26206](facebook/react#26206)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[80cf4a099](facebook/react@80cf4a099 )**: Update Closure Compiler ([#26205](facebook/react#26205)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6b6d0617e](facebook/react@6b6d0617e )**: Update Rollup and related plugins to their most recent versions ([#24916](facebook/react#24916)) //<Glenn 'devalias' Grant>//
- **[bc38a3dfa](facebook/react@bc38a3dfa )**: Update rollup config to use moduleSideEffects ([#26199](facebook/react#26199)) //<Ming Ye>//
- **[c9d9f524d](facebook/react@c9d9f524d )**: Make enableCustomElementPropertySupport a dynamic flag in www build ([#26194](facebook/react#26194)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[189f70e17](facebook/react@189f70e17 )**: Create a bunch of custom webpack vs unbundled node bundles ([#26172](facebook/react#26172)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[fbf3bc315](facebook/react@fbf3bc315 )**: Add `scale` as a unitless property ([#25601](facebook/react#25601)) //<Jonny Burger>//

[General][Changed] - React Native sync for revisions fccf3a9...f828bad


Reviewed By: robhogan, rshest

Differential Revision: D44024996

fbshipit-source-id: 8ac9754c5ffe12bd5d9c3499515c0925bd411f70
facebook-github-bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Mar 15, 2023
This sync includes the following changes:
- **[47cf4e578](facebook/react@47cf4e578 )**: Restore some guards in ReactFabricGlobalResponderHandler after refactor ([#26394](facebook/react#26394)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[cfc1274e3](facebook/react@cfc1274e3 )**: Disable IE innerHTML workaround behind a flag ([#26390](facebook/react#26390)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a57f40d83](facebook/react@a57f40d83 )**: Undo dependency injection of batching ([#26389](facebook/react#26389)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[d310d654a](facebook/react@d310d654a )**: Avoid meta programming to initialize functions in module scope  ([#26388](facebook/react#26388)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[21aee59e4](facebook/react@21aee59e4 )**: Delete unused DOM files ([#26387](facebook/react#26387)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6bd53a5bd](facebook/react@6bd53a5bd )**: Remove FeatureFlags fork for `react-dom/unstable_testing` ([#26383](facebook/react#26383)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[2788d0d8d](facebook/react@2788d0d8d )**: Allow empty string to be passed to formAction ([#26379](facebook/react#26379)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f828bad38](facebook/react@f828bad38 )**: Extracted definition and access to public instances to a separate module in Fabric ([#26321](facebook/react#26321)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[131768166](facebook/react@131768166 )**: Support Context as renderable node ([#25641](facebook/react#25641)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d4f58c3b8](facebook/react@d4f58c3b8 )**: Support Promise as a renderable node  ([#25634](facebook/react#25634)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[633461486](facebook/react@633461486 )**: Add disableLegacyContext test gates where needed ([#26371](facebook/react#26371)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[432ffc9d0](facebook/react@432ffc9d0 )**: Convert more Scheduler.unstable_flushAll in tests to new test utils ([#26369](facebook/react#26369)) //<Tianyu Yao>//
- **[69fd78fe3](facebook/react@69fd78fe3 )**: Update Float tests to check for specific errors ([#26367](facebook/react#26367)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[93c10dfa6](facebook/react@93c10dfa6 )**: flushSync: Exhaust queue even if something throws ([#26366](facebook/react#26366)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[be353d251](facebook/react@be353d251 )**: [Flight Reply] Add undefined and Iterable Support ([#26365](facebook/react#26365)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[ef8bdbecb](facebook/react@ef8bdbecb )**: [Flight Reply] Add Reply Encoding ([#26360](facebook/react#26360)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a8875eab7](facebook/react@a8875eab7 )**: Update more tests to not rely on sync queuing ([#26358](facebook/react#26358)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d1ad984db](facebook/react@d1ad984db )**: [Flight] Add support for returning `undefined` from render ([#26349](facebook/react#26349)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[39d4b9365](facebook/react@39d4b9365 )**: [Internal tests] Close MessageChannel port to prevent leak ([#26357](facebook/react#26357)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3706edb81](facebook/react@3706edb81 )**: [Float][Fizz]: Don't preload nomodule scripts ([#26353](facebook/react#26353)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[2b003a5cc](facebook/react@2b003a5cc )**: Split out ServerReferenceMetadata into Id and Bound Arguments ([#26351](facebook/react#26351)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[62cd5af08](facebook/react@62cd5af08 )**: Codemod redundant async act scopes ([#26350](facebook/react#26350)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[037378202](facebook/react@037378202 )**: Internal `act`: Call scope function after an async gap ([#26347](facebook/react#26347)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d8e49f2af](facebook/react@d8e49f2af )**: Use setTimeout to schedule work on the server in Edge environments ([#26348](facebook/react#26348)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[83643778b](facebook/react@83643778b )**: Internal test helpers: Use Node's MessageChannel to queue task ([#26345](facebook/react#26345)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[44d380794](facebook/react@44d380794 )**: Move internalAct to internal-test-utils package ([#26344](facebook/react#26344)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d81447304](facebook/react@d81447304 )**: [Internal API only] Delete non-awaited form of act ([#26339](facebook/react#26339)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[702fc984e](facebook/react@702fc984e )**: Codemod act -> await act (4/?) ([#26338](facebook/react#26338)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9fb2469a6](facebook/react@9fb2469a6 )**: Restore definition of NativeMethods as an object for React Native ([#26341](facebook/react#26341)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[161f6ae42](facebook/react@161f6ae42 )**: Codemod act -> await act (3/?) ([#26336](facebook/react#26336)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[58605f798](facebook/react@58605f798 )**: Codemod act -> await act (2/?) ([#26335](facebook/react#26335)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[703c67560](facebook/react@703c67560 )**: Codemod act -> await act (1/?) ([#26334](facebook/react#26334)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b380c2485](facebook/react@b380c2485 )**: Convert class equivlance tests to flushSync ([#26333](facebook/react#26333)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[8f812e75d](facebook/react@8f812e75d )**: Refactor ReactFabricHostComponent ([#26323](facebook/react#26323)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[978fae4b4](facebook/react@978fae4b4 )**: [Float][Fiber] implement a faster hydration match for hoistable elements ([#26154](facebook/react#26154)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[8a9f82ed5](facebook/react@8a9f82ed5 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] - Do not hoist elements with `itemProp` & hydrate more tolerantly in hoist contexts ([#26256](facebook/react#26256)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[3cad3a54e](facebook/react@3cad3a54e )**: Use content hash for facebook-www builds ([#26331](facebook/react#26331)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[ba353a50a](facebook/react@ba353a50a )**: Build: make version in build artifacts match ([#26329](facebook/react#26329)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6e1756a5a](facebook/react@6e1756a5a )**: Move suspended render logic to ensureRootIsScheduled ([#26328](facebook/react#26328)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1528c5ccd](facebook/react@1528c5ccd )**: SchedulerMock.unstable_yieldValue -> SchedulerMock.log ([#26312](facebook/react#26312)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[4bbac04cd](facebook/react@4bbac04cd )**: Upgrade Flow to 0.201 ([#26326](facebook/react#26326)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[eb616a12f](facebook/react@eb616a12f )**: Extract duplicated methods in Fabric and the legacy renderer to a shared module ([#26319](facebook/react#26319)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[49f741046](facebook/react@49f741046 )**: Fix: Infinite act loop caused by wrong shouldYield ([#26317](facebook/react#26317)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[106ea1c58](facebook/react@106ea1c58 )**: Support Iterables in Flight ([#26313](facebook/react#26313)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f905da227](facebook/react@f905da227 )**: [Flight] Send server reference error chunks to the client ([#26293](facebook/react#26293)) //<Hendrik Liebau>//
- **[e0241b660](facebook/react@e0241b660 )**: Simplify Webpack References by encoding file path + export name as single id ([#26300](facebook/react#26300)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[25685d8a9](facebook/react@25685d8a9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (9/?) ([#26309](facebook/react#26309)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[64dde7082](facebook/react@64dde7082 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (8/?) ([#26308](facebook/react#26308)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3cb5afb82](facebook/react@3cb5afb82 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (7/?) ([#26307](facebook/react#26307)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e98695db9](facebook/react@e98695db9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (6/?) ([#26305](facebook/react#26305)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9a52cc8bc](facebook/react@9a52cc8bc )**: Convert ReactLazy-test to waitFor pattern ([#26304](facebook/react#26304)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[03462cfc7](facebook/react@03462cfc7 )**: [Fizz] External runtime: fix bug in processing existing elements ([#26303](facebook/react#26303)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[faacefb4d](facebook/react@faacefb4d )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (
4/?) ([#26302](facebook/react#26302)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[06460b6fb](facebook/react@06460b6fb )**: Remove unnecessary (and incorrect) code for compatibility with Paper in the Fabric version of GlobalResponderHandler ([#26290](facebook/react#26290)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[ce8a72fd4](facebook/react@ce8a72fd4 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (2/?) ([#26296](facebook/react#26296)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1f1f8eb55](facebook/react@1f1f8eb55 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber]: Refactor <style> Resource implementation to group on flush ([#26280](facebook/react#26280)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[5c633a48f](facebook/react@5c633a48f )**: Add back accidentally deleted test comments ([#26294](facebook/react#26294)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b72ed698f](facebook/react@b72ed698f )**: Fixed incorrect value returned as public instance from reconciler ([#26283](facebook/react#26283)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[25a8b9735](facebook/react@25a8b9735 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (1/?) ([#26288](facebook/react#26288)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e52446733](facebook/react@e52446733 )**: New internal testing helpers: waitFor, waitForAll, waitForPaint ([#26285](facebook/react#26285)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d49e0e0be](facebook/react@d49e0e0be )**: Removed unused imperative events implementation from React Native renderer ([#26282](facebook/react#26282)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[41110021f](facebook/react@41110021f )**: Fix: Selective hydration causing incorrect thenable type passed to DevTools ([#26275](facebook/react#26275)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[67a61d5bd](facebook/react@67a61d5bd )**: [Flight Fixture] Show SSR Support with CSS ([#26263](facebook/react#26263)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[40755c01a](facebook/react@40755c01a )**: [Flight Fixture] Proxy requests through the global server instead of directly ([#26257](facebook/react#26257)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[b2ae9ddb3](facebook/react@b2ae9ddb3 )**: Cleanup enableSyncDefaultUpdate flag ([#26236](facebook/react#26236)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6ff1733e6](facebook/react@6ff1733e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] support type for ReactDOM.preload() options ([#26239](facebook/react#26239)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[1173a17e6](facebook/react@1173a17e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] implement preconnect and prefetchDNS float methods ([#26237](facebook/react#26237)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[a8f971b7a](facebook/react@a8f971b7a )**: Switch to mount dispatcher after use() when needed ([#26232](facebook/react#26232)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[96cdeaf89](facebook/react@96cdeaf89 )**: [Fizz Node] Fix null bytes written at text chunk boundaries ([#26228](facebook/react#26228)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[c04b18070](facebook/react@c04b18070 )**: Remove eventTime field from class Update type ([#26219](facebook/react#26219)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[60144a04d](facebook/react@60144a04d )**: Split out Edge and Node implementations of the Flight Client ([#26187](facebook/react#26187)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[70b0bbda7](facebook/react@70b0bbda7 )**: [fizz][external-runtime] Fix: process mutation records before disconnecting ([#26169](facebook/react#26169)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[c7967b194](facebook/react@c7967b194 )**: Distribute bundles more evenly into CI shards ([#26208](facebook/react#26208)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[bb1e3d0e1](facebook/react@bb1e3d0e1 )**: Fail yarn build if any bundle fails to build ([#26207](facebook/react#26207)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[62e6c4612](facebook/react@62e6c4612 )**: Move Mutation/Persistence fork inline into the functions ([#26206](facebook/react#26206)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[80cf4a099](facebook/react@80cf4a099 )**: Update Closure Compiler ([#26205](facebook/react#26205)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6b6d0617e](facebook/react@6b6d0617e )**: Update Rollup and related plugins to their most recent versions ([#24916](facebook/react#24916)) //<Glenn 'devalias' Grant>//
- **[bc38a3dfa](facebook/react@bc38a3dfa )**: Update rollup config to use moduleSideEffects ([#26199](facebook/react#26199)) //<Ming Ye>//
- **[c9d9f524d](facebook/react@c9d9f524d )**: Make enableCustomElementPropertySupport a dynamic flag in www build ([#26194](facebook/react#26194)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[189f70e17](facebook/react@189f70e17 )**: Create a bunch of custom webpack vs unbundled node bundles ([#26172](facebook/react#26172)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[fbf3bc315](facebook/react@fbf3bc315 )**: Add `scale` as a unitless property ([#25601](facebook/react#25601)) //<Jonny Burger>//

[General][Changed] - React Native sync for revisions fccf3a9...47cf4e5


Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D44090004

fbshipit-source-id: 6ac2d1d22a078d07ce011481063e78843bded28e
@github-actions github-actions bot removed the Stale There has been a lack of activity on this issue and it may be closed soon. label Mar 19, 2023
facebook-github-bot pushed a commit that referenced this issue Mar 21, 2023
This sync includes the following changes:
- **[3554c8852](facebook/react@3554c8852 )**: Clean interface for public instances between React and React Native ([#26416](facebook/react#26416)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[db281b3d9](facebook/react@db281b3d9 )**: Feature: Suspend commit without blocking render ([#26398](facebook/react#26398)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[55308554e](facebook/react@55308554e )**: [www] enable enableFilterEmptyStringAttributesDOM flag ([#26410](facebook/react#26410)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[163d86e19](facebook/react@163d86e19 )**: Updated comment message ([#26158](facebook/react#26158)) //<Ibrahim Amin>//
- **[108aed083](facebook/react@108aed083 )**: Fix use of stale props in Fabric events ([#26408](facebook/react#26408)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[8fa41ffa2](facebook/react@8fa41ffa2 )**: Don't "fix up" mismatched text content with suppressedHydrationWarning ([#26391](facebook/react#26391)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[05777ffb0](facebook/react@05777ffb0 )**: Setting transition pending flag shouldn't be part of a surrounding transition ([#26243](facebook/react#26243)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[99aa082be](facebook/react@99aa082be )**: Remove unstable_flushControlled ([#26397](facebook/react#26397)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[47cf4e578](facebook/react@47cf4e578 )**: Restore some guards in ReactFabricGlobalResponderHandler after refactor ([#26394](facebook/react#26394)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[cfc1274e3](facebook/react@cfc1274e3 )**: Disable IE innerHTML workaround behind a flag ([#26390](facebook/react#26390)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a57f40d83](facebook/react@a57f40d83 )**: Undo dependency injection of batching ([#26389](facebook/react#26389)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[d310d654a](facebook/react@d310d654a )**: Avoid meta programming to initialize functions in module scope  ([#26388](facebook/react#26388)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[21aee59e4](facebook/react@21aee59e4 )**: Delete unused DOM files ([#26387](facebook/react#26387)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6bd53a5bd](facebook/react@6bd53a5bd )**: Remove FeatureFlags fork for `react-dom/unstable_testing` ([#26383](facebook/react#26383)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[2788d0d8d](facebook/react@2788d0d8d )**: Allow empty string to be passed to formAction ([#26379](facebook/react#26379)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f828bad38](facebook/react@f828bad38 )**: Extracted definition and access to public instances to a separate module in Fabric ([#26321](facebook/react#26321)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[131768166](facebook/react@131768166 )**: Support Context as renderable node ([#25641](facebook/react#25641)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d4f58c3b8](facebook/react@d4f58c3b8 )**: Support Promise as a renderable node  ([#25634](facebook/react#25634)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[633461486](facebook/react@633461486 )**: Add disableLegacyContext test gates where needed ([#26371](facebook/react#26371)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[432ffc9d0](facebook/react@432ffc9d0 )**: Convert more Scheduler.unstable_flushAll in tests to new test utils ([#26369](facebook/react#26369)) //<Tianyu Yao>//
- **[69fd78fe3](facebook/react@69fd78fe3 )**: Update Float tests to check for specific errors ([#26367](facebook/react#26367)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[93c10dfa6](facebook/react@93c10dfa6 )**: flushSync: Exhaust queue even if something throws ([#26366](facebook/react#26366)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[be353d251](facebook/react@be353d251 )**: [Flight Reply] Add undefined and Iterable Support ([#26365](facebook/react#26365)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[ef8bdbecb](facebook/react@ef8bdbecb )**: [Flight Reply] Add Reply Encoding ([#26360](facebook/react#26360)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a8875eab7](facebook/react@a8875eab7 )**: Update more tests to not rely on sync queuing ([#26358](facebook/react#26358)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d1ad984db](facebook/react@d1ad984db )**: [Flight] Add support for returning `undefined` from render ([#26349](facebook/react#26349)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[39d4b9365](facebook/react@39d4b9365 )**: [Internal tests] Close MessageChannel port to prevent leak ([#26357](facebook/react#26357)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3706edb81](facebook/react@3706edb81 )**: [Float][Fizz]: Don't preload nomodule scripts ([#26353](facebook/react#26353)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[2b003a5cc](facebook/react@2b003a5cc )**: Split out ServerReferenceMetadata into Id and Bound Arguments ([#26351](facebook/react#26351)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[62cd5af08](facebook/react@62cd5af08 )**: Codemod redundant async act scopes ([#26350](facebook/react#26350)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[037378202](facebook/react@037378202 )**: Internal `act`: Call scope function after an async gap ([#26347](facebook/react#26347)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d8e49f2af](facebook/react@d8e49f2af )**: Use setTimeout to schedule work on the server in Edge environments ([#26348](facebook/react#26348)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[83643778b](facebook/react@83643778b )**: Internal test helpers: Use Node's MessageChannel to queue task ([#26345](facebook/react#26345)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[44d380794](facebook/react@44d380794 )**: Move internalAct to internal-test-utils package ([#26344](facebook/react#26344)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d81447304](facebook/react@d81447304 )**: [Internal API only] Delete non-awaited form of act ([#26339](facebook/react#26339)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[702fc984e](facebook/react@702fc984e )**: Codemod act -> await act (4/?) ([#26338](facebook/react#26338)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9fb2469a6](facebook/react@9fb2469a6 )**: Restore definition of NativeMethods as an object for React Native ([#26341](facebook/react#26341)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[161f6ae42](facebook/react@161f6ae42 )**: Codemod act -> await act (3/?) ([#26336](facebook/react#26336)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[58605f798](facebook/react@58605f798 )**: Codemod act -> await act (2/?) ([#26335](facebook/react#26335)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[703c67560](facebook/react@703c67560 )**: Codemod act -> await act (1/?) ([#26334](facebook/react#26334)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b380c2485](facebook/react@b380c2485 )**: Convert class equivlance tests to flushSync ([#26333](facebook/react#26333)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[8f812e75d](facebook/react@8f812e75d )**: Refactor ReactFabricHostComponent ([#26323](facebook/react#26323)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[978fae4b4](facebook/react@978fae4b4 )**: [Float][Fiber] implement a faster hydration match for hoistable elements ([#26154](facebook/react#26154)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[8a9f82ed5](facebook/react@8a9f82ed5 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] - Do not hoist elements with `itemProp` & hydrate more tolerantly in hoist contexts ([#26256](facebook/react#26256)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[3cad3a54e](facebook/react@3cad3a54e )**: Use content hash for facebook-www builds ([#26331](facebook/react#26331)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[ba353a50a](facebook/react@ba353a50a )**: Build: make version in build artifacts match ([#26329](facebook/react#26329)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6e1756a5a](facebook/react@6e1756a5a )**: Move suspended render logic to ensureRootIsScheduled ([#26328](facebook/react#26328)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1528c5ccd](facebook/react@1528c5ccd )**: SchedulerMock.unstable_yieldValue -> SchedulerMock.log ([#26312](facebook/react#26312)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[4bbac04cd](facebook/react@4bbac04cd )**: Upgrade Flow to 0.201 ([#26326](facebook/react#26326)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[eb616a12f](facebook/react@eb616a12f )**: Extract duplicated methods in Fabric and the legacy renderer to a shared module ([#26319](facebook/react#26319)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[49f741046](facebook/react@49f741046 )**: Fix: Infinite act loop caused by wrong shouldYield ([#26317](facebook/react#26317)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[106ea1c58](facebook/react@106ea1c58 )**: Support Iterables in Flight ([#26313](facebook/react#26313)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f905da227](facebook/react@f905da227 )**: [Flight] Send server reference error chunks to the client ([#26293](facebook/react#26293)) //<Hendrik Liebau>//
- **[e0241b660](facebook/react@e0241b660 )**: Simplify Webpack References by encoding file path + export name as single id ([#26300](facebook/react#26300)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[25685d8a9](facebook/react@25685d8a9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (9/?) ([#26309](facebook/react#26309)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[64dde7082](facebook/react@64dde7082 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (8/?) ([#26308](facebook/react#26308)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3cb5afb82](facebook/react@3cb5afb82 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (7/?) ([#26307](facebook/react#26307)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e98695db9](facebook/react@e98695db9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (6/?) ([#26305](facebook/react#26305)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9a52cc8bc](facebook/react@9a52cc8bc )**: Convert ReactLazy-test to waitFor pattern ([#26304](facebook/react#26304)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[03462cfc7](facebook/react@03462cfc7 )**: [Fizz] External runtime: fix bug in processing existing elements ([#26303](facebook/react#26303)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[faacefb4d](facebook/react@faacefb4d )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (4/?) ([#26302](facebook/react#26302)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[06460b6fb](facebook/react@06460b6fb )**: Remove unnecessary (and incorrect) code for compatibility with Paper in the Fabric version of GlobalResponderHandler ([#26290](facebook/react#26290)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[ce8a72fd4](facebook/react@ce8a72fd4 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (2/?) ([#26296](facebook/react#26296)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1f1f8eb55](facebook/react@1f1f8eb55 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber]: Refactor <style> Resource implementation to group on flush ([#26280](facebook/react#26280)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[5c633a48f](facebook/react@5c633a48f )**: Add back accidentally deleted test comments ([#26294](facebook/react#26294)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b72ed698f](facebook/react@b72ed698f )**: Fixed incorrect value returned as public instance from reconciler ([#26283](facebook/react#26283)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[25a8b9735](facebook/react@25a8b9735 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (1/?) ([#26288](facebook/react#26288)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e52446733](facebook/react@e52446733 )**: New internal testing helpers: waitFor, waitForAll, waitForPaint ([#26285](facebook/react#26285)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d49e0e0be](facebook/react@d49e0e0be )**: Removed unused imperative events implementation from React Native renderer ([#26282](facebook/react#26282)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[41110021f](facebook/react@41110021f )**: Fix: Selective hydration causing incorrect thenable type passed to DevTools ([#26275](facebook/react#26275)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[67a61d5bd](facebook/react@67a61d5bd )**: [Flight Fixture] Show SSR Support with CSS ([#26263](facebook/react#26263)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[40755c01a](facebook/react@40755c01a )**: [Flight Fixture] Proxy requests through the global server instead of directly ([#26257](facebook/react#26257)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[b2ae9ddb3](facebook/react@b2ae9ddb3 )**: Cleanup enableSyncDefaultUpdate flag ([#26236](facebook/react#26236)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6ff1733e6](facebook/react@6ff1733e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] support type for ReactDOM.preload() options ([#26239](facebook/react#26239)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[1173a17e6](facebook/react@1173a17e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] implement preconnect and prefetchDNS float methods ([#26237](facebook/react#26237)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[a8f971b7a](facebook/react@a8f971b7a )**: Switch to mount dispatcher after use() when needed ([#26232](facebook/react#26232)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[96cdeaf89](facebook/react@96cdeaf89 )**: [Fizz Node] Fix null bytes written at text chunk boundaries ([#26228](facebook/react#26228)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[c04b18070](facebook/react@c04b18070 )**: Remove eventTime field from class Update type ([#26219](facebook/react#26219)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[60144a04d](facebook/react@60144a04d )**: Split out Edge and Node implementations of the Flight Client ([#26187](facebook/react#26187)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[70b0bbda7](facebook/react@70b0bbda7 )**: [fizz][external-runtime] Fix: process mutation records before disconnecting ([#26169](facebook/react#26169)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[c7967b194](facebook/react@c7967b194 )**: Distribute bundles more evenly into CI shards ([#26208](facebook/react#26208)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[bb1e3d0e1](facebook/react@bb1e3d0e1 )**: Fail yarn build if any bundle fails to build ([#26207](facebook/react#26207)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[62e6c4612](facebook/react@62e6c4612 )**: Move Mutation/Persistence fork inline into the functions ([#26206](facebook/react#26206)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[80cf4a099](facebook/react@80cf4a099 )**: Update Closure Compiler ([#26205](facebook/react#26205)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6b6d0617e](facebook/react@6b6d0617e )**: Update Rollup and related plugins to their most recent versions ([#24916](facebook/react#24916)) //<Glenn 'devalias' Grant>//
- **[bc38a3dfa](facebook/react@bc38a3dfa )**: Update rollup config to use moduleSideEffects ([#26199](facebook/react#26199)) //<Ming Ye>//
- **[c9d9f524d](facebook/react@c9d9f524d )**: Make enableCustomElementPropertySupport a dynamic flag in www build ([#26194](facebook/react#26194)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[189f70e17](facebook/react@189f70e17 )**: Create a bunch of custom webpack vs unbundled node bundles ([#26172](facebook/react#26172)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[fbf3bc315](facebook/react@fbf3bc315 )**: Add `scale` as a unitless property ([#25601](facebook/react#25601)) //<Jonny Burger>//

[General][Changed] - React Native sync for revisions fccf3a9...3554c88



Fixes tests for current React version.

Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D44216371

fbshipit-source-id: a569c9aeaf2d96d150219e148f06dcde9ba6f7cd
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bulkinav commented Apr 4, 2023

For some reason, debug build for real iPhone device is not correctly detect IP address of my Mac, so I need go to source code and manually change to my local ip.

Yes, I faced the same problem. At the same time, everything worked fine before. The problem has appeared recently.

React Native 0.71.6
Xcode 14.3
iOS 16.4


- (NSString *)guessPackagerHost
  static NSString *ipGuess;
  static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
  dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
    NSString *ipPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"ip" ofType:@"txt"];
    ipGuess =
        [[NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:ipPath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding
                                      error:nil] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];

  // NSString *host = ipGuess ?: @"localhost";
  NSString *host = ipGuess ?: @""; // if I manually specify the address, the app can access to main.jsbundle
  if ([RCTBundleURLProvider isPackagerRunning:host]) {
    return host;
  return nil;

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Resolved the issue. Seemed like my project was missing a shell script to automatically build the bundle and assets under "Build Phases > Bundle React Native code and images". Also Xcode was crashing when I opened this section.
Hopefully this prevents others to spend 2 days on this ;)

Apparently when I uninstalled sentry this remained flying around.
I had to replace the script with the line mentioned above

shellScript = "export NODE_BINARY=node\n../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react-native-xcode.sh\n";

or this one:

shellScript = "set -e\n\nexport NODE_BINARY=node\n../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react-native-xcode.sh\n";

Thanks for the catch @rnnyrk

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punittttt commented Apr 13, 2023 via email

jeongshin pushed a commit to jeongshin/react-native that referenced this issue May 7, 2023
This sync includes the following changes:
- **[3554c8852](facebook/react@3554c8852 )**: Clean interface for public instances between React and React Native ([facebook#26416](facebook/react#26416)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[db281b3d9](facebook/react@db281b3d9 )**: Feature: Suspend commit without blocking render ([facebook#26398](facebook/react#26398)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[55308554e](facebook/react@55308554e )**: [www] enable enableFilterEmptyStringAttributesDOM flag ([facebook#26410](facebook/react#26410)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[163d86e19](facebook/react@163d86e19 )**: Updated comment message ([facebook#26158](facebook/react#26158)) //<Ibrahim Amin>//
- **[108aed083](facebook/react@108aed083 )**: Fix use of stale props in Fabric events ([facebook#26408](facebook/react#26408)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[8fa41ffa2](facebook/react@8fa41ffa2 )**: Don't "fix up" mismatched text content with suppressedHydrationWarning ([facebook#26391](facebook/react#26391)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[05777ffb0](facebook/react@05777ffb0 )**: Setting transition pending flag shouldn't be part of a surrounding transition ([facebook#26243](facebook/react#26243)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[99aa082be](facebook/react@99aa082be )**: Remove unstable_flushControlled ([facebook#26397](facebook/react#26397)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[47cf4e578](facebook/react@47cf4e578 )**: Restore some guards in ReactFabricGlobalResponderHandler after refactor ([facebook#26394](facebook/react#26394)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[cfc1274e3](facebook/react@cfc1274e3 )**: Disable IE innerHTML workaround behind a flag ([facebook#26390](facebook/react#26390)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a57f40d83](facebook/react@a57f40d83 )**: Undo dependency injection of batching ([facebook#26389](facebook/react#26389)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[d310d654a](facebook/react@d310d654a )**: Avoid meta programming to initialize functions in module scope  ([facebook#26388](facebook/react#26388)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[21aee59e4](facebook/react@21aee59e4 )**: Delete unused DOM files ([facebook#26387](facebook/react#26387)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6bd53a5bd](facebook/react@6bd53a5bd )**: Remove FeatureFlags fork for `react-dom/unstable_testing` ([facebook#26383](facebook/react#26383)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[2788d0d8d](facebook/react@2788d0d8d )**: Allow empty string to be passed to formAction ([facebook#26379](facebook/react#26379)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f828bad38](facebook/react@f828bad38 )**: Extracted definition and access to public instances to a separate module in Fabric ([facebook#26321](facebook/react#26321)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[131768166](facebook/react@131768166 )**: Support Context as renderable node ([facebook#25641](facebook/react#25641)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d4f58c3b8](facebook/react@d4f58c3b8 )**: Support Promise as a renderable node  ([facebook#25634](facebook/react#25634)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[633461486](facebook/react@633461486 )**: Add disableLegacyContext test gates where needed ([facebook#26371](facebook/react#26371)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[432ffc9d0](facebook/react@432ffc9d0 )**: Convert more Scheduler.unstable_flushAll in tests to new test utils ([facebook#26369](facebook/react#26369)) //<Tianyu Yao>//
- **[69fd78fe3](facebook/react@69fd78fe3 )**: Update Float tests to check for specific errors ([facebook#26367](facebook/react#26367)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[93c10dfa6](facebook/react@93c10dfa6 )**: flushSync: Exhaust queue even if something throws ([facebook#26366](facebook/react#26366)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[be353d251](facebook/react@be353d251 )**: [Flight Reply] Add undefined and Iterable Support ([facebook#26365](facebook/react#26365)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[ef8bdbecb](facebook/react@ef8bdbecb )**: [Flight Reply] Add Reply Encoding ([facebook#26360](facebook/react#26360)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a8875eab7](facebook/react@a8875eab7 )**: Update more tests to not rely on sync queuing ([facebook#26358](facebook/react#26358)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d1ad984db](facebook/react@d1ad984db )**: [Flight] Add support for returning `undefined` from render ([facebook#26349](facebook/react#26349)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[39d4b9365](facebook/react@39d4b9365 )**: [Internal tests] Close MessageChannel port to prevent leak ([facebook#26357](facebook/react#26357)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3706edb81](facebook/react@3706edb81 )**: [Float][Fizz]: Don't preload nomodule scripts ([facebook#26353](facebook/react#26353)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[2b003a5cc](facebook/react@2b003a5cc )**: Split out ServerReferenceMetadata into Id and Bound Arguments ([facebook#26351](facebook/react#26351)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[62cd5af08](facebook/react@62cd5af08 )**: Codemod redundant async act scopes ([facebook#26350](facebook/react#26350)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[037378202](facebook/react@037378202 )**: Internal `act`: Call scope function after an async gap ([facebook#26347](facebook/react#26347)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d8e49f2af](facebook/react@d8e49f2af )**: Use setTimeout to schedule work on the server in Edge environments ([facebook#26348](facebook/react#26348)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[83643778b](facebook/react@83643778b )**: Internal test helpers: Use Node's MessageChannel to queue task ([facebook#26345](facebook/react#26345)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[44d380794](facebook/react@44d380794 )**: Move internalAct to internal-test-utils package ([facebook#26344](facebook/react#26344)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d81447304](facebook/react@d81447304 )**: [Internal API only] Delete non-awaited form of act ([facebook#26339](facebook/react#26339)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[702fc984e](facebook/react@702fc984e )**: Codemod act -> await act (4/?) ([facebook#26338](facebook/react#26338)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9fb2469a6](facebook/react@9fb2469a6 )**: Restore definition of NativeMethods as an object for React Native ([facebook#26341](facebook/react#26341)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[161f6ae42](facebook/react@161f6ae42 )**: Codemod act -> await act (3/?) ([facebook#26336](facebook/react#26336)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[58605f798](facebook/react@58605f798 )**: Codemod act -> await act (2/?) ([facebook#26335](facebook/react#26335)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[703c67560](facebook/react@703c67560 )**: Codemod act -> await act (1/?) ([facebook#26334](facebook/react#26334)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b380c2485](facebook/react@b380c2485 )**: Convert class equivlance tests to flushSync ([facebook#26333](facebook/react#26333)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[8f812e75d](facebook/react@8f812e75d )**: Refactor ReactFabricHostComponent ([facebook#26323](facebook/react#26323)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[978fae4b4](facebook/react@978fae4b4 )**: [Float][Fiber] implement a faster hydration match for hoistable elements ([facebook#26154](facebook/react#26154)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[8a9f82ed5](facebook/react@8a9f82ed5 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] - Do not hoist elements with `itemProp` & hydrate more tolerantly in hoist contexts ([facebook#26256](facebook/react#26256)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[3cad3a54e](facebook/react@3cad3a54e )**: Use content hash for facebook-www builds ([facebook#26331](facebook/react#26331)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[ba353a50a](facebook/react@ba353a50a )**: Build: make version in build artifacts match ([facebook#26329](facebook/react#26329)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6e1756a5a](facebook/react@6e1756a5a )**: Move suspended render logic to ensureRootIsScheduled ([facebook#26328](facebook/react#26328)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1528c5ccd](facebook/react@1528c5ccd )**: SchedulerMock.unstable_yieldValue -> SchedulerMock.log ([facebook#26312](facebook/react#26312)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[4bbac04cd](facebook/react@4bbac04cd )**: Upgrade Flow to 0.201 ([facebook#26326](facebook/react#26326)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[eb616a12f](facebook/react@eb616a12f )**: Extract duplicated methods in Fabric and the legacy renderer to a shared module ([facebook#26319](facebook/react#26319)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[49f741046](facebook/react@49f741046 )**: Fix: Infinite act loop caused by wrong shouldYield ([facebook#26317](facebook/react#26317)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[106ea1c58](facebook/react@106ea1c58 )**: Support Iterables in Flight ([facebook#26313](facebook/react#26313)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f905da227](facebook/react@f905da227 )**: [Flight] Send server reference error chunks to the client ([facebook#26293](facebook/react#26293)) //<Hendrik Liebau>//
- **[e0241b660](facebook/react@e0241b660 )**: Simplify Webpack References by encoding file path + export name as single id ([facebook#26300](facebook/react#26300)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[25685d8a9](facebook/react@25685d8a9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (9/?) ([facebook#26309](facebook/react#26309)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[64dde7082](facebook/react@64dde7082 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (8/?) ([facebook#26308](facebook/react#26308)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3cb5afb82](facebook/react@3cb5afb82 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (7/?) ([facebook#26307](facebook/react#26307)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e98695db9](facebook/react@e98695db9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (6/?) ([facebook#26305](facebook/react#26305)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9a52cc8bc](facebook/react@9a52cc8bc )**: Convert ReactLazy-test to waitFor pattern ([facebook#26304](facebook/react#26304)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[03462cfc7](facebook/react@03462cfc7 )**: [Fizz] External runtime: fix bug in processing existing elements ([facebook#26303](facebook/react#26303)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[faacefb4d](facebook/react@faacefb4d )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (4/?) ([facebook#26302](facebook/react#26302)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[06460b6fb](facebook/react@06460b6fb )**: Remove unnecessary (and incorrect) code for compatibility with Paper in the Fabric version of GlobalResponderHandler ([facebook#26290](facebook/react#26290)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[ce8a72fd4](facebook/react@ce8a72fd4 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (2/?) ([facebook#26296](facebook/react#26296)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1f1f8eb55](facebook/react@1f1f8eb55 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber]: Refactor <style> Resource implementation to group on flush ([facebook#26280](facebook/react#26280)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[5c633a48f](facebook/react@5c633a48f )**: Add back accidentally deleted test comments ([facebook#26294](facebook/react#26294)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b72ed698f](facebook/react@b72ed698f )**: Fixed incorrect value returned as public instance from reconciler ([facebook#26283](facebook/react#26283)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[25a8b9735](facebook/react@25a8b9735 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (1/?) ([facebook#26288](facebook/react#26288)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e52446733](facebook/react@e52446733 )**: New internal testing helpers: waitFor, waitForAll, waitForPaint ([facebook#26285](facebook/react#26285)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d49e0e0be](facebook/react@d49e0e0be )**: Removed unused imperative events implementation from React Native renderer ([facebook#26282](facebook/react#26282)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[41110021f](facebook/react@41110021f )**: Fix: Selective hydration causing incorrect thenable type passed to DevTools ([facebook#26275](facebook/react#26275)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[67a61d5bd](facebook/react@67a61d5bd )**: [Flight Fixture] Show SSR Support with CSS ([facebook#26263](facebook/react#26263)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[40755c01a](facebook/react@40755c01a )**: [Flight Fixture] Proxy requests through the global server instead of directly ([facebook#26257](facebook/react#26257)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[b2ae9ddb3](facebook/react@b2ae9ddb3 )**: Cleanup enableSyncDefaultUpdate flag ([facebook#26236](facebook/react#26236)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6ff1733e6](facebook/react@6ff1733e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] support type for ReactDOM.preload() options ([facebook#26239](facebook/react#26239)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[1173a17e6](facebook/react@1173a17e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] implement preconnect and prefetchDNS float methods ([facebook#26237](facebook/react#26237)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[a8f971b7a](facebook/react@a8f971b7a )**: Switch to mount dispatcher after use() when needed ([facebook#26232](facebook/react#26232)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[96cdeaf89](facebook/react@96cdeaf89 )**: [Fizz Node] Fix null bytes written at text chunk boundaries ([facebook#26228](facebook/react#26228)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[c04b18070](facebook/react@c04b18070 )**: Remove eventTime field from class Update type ([facebook#26219](facebook/react#26219)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[60144a04d](facebook/react@60144a04d )**: Split out Edge and Node implementations of the Flight Client ([facebook#26187](facebook/react#26187)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[70b0bbda7](facebook/react@70b0bbda7 )**: [fizz][external-runtime] Fix: process mutation records before disconnecting ([facebook#26169](facebook/react#26169)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[c7967b194](facebook/react@c7967b194 )**: Distribute bundles more evenly into CI shards ([facebook#26208](facebook/react#26208)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[bb1e3d0e1](facebook/react@bb1e3d0e1 )**: Fail yarn build if any bundle fails to build ([facebook#26207](facebook/react#26207)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[62e6c4612](facebook/react@62e6c4612 )**: Move Mutation/Persistence fork inline into the functions ([facebook#26206](facebook/react#26206)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[80cf4a099](facebook/react@80cf4a099 )**: Update Closure Compiler ([facebook#26205](facebook/react#26205)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6b6d0617e](facebook/react@6b6d0617e )**: Update Rollup and related plugins to their most recent versions ([facebook#24916](facebook/react#24916)) //<Glenn 'devalias' Grant>//
- **[bc38a3dfa](facebook/react@bc38a3dfa )**: Update rollup config to use moduleSideEffects ([facebook#26199](facebook/react#26199)) //<Ming Ye>//
- **[c9d9f524d](facebook/react@c9d9f524d )**: Make enableCustomElementPropertySupport a dynamic flag in www build ([facebook#26194](facebook/react#26194)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[189f70e17](facebook/react@189f70e17 )**: Create a bunch of custom webpack vs unbundled node bundles ([facebook#26172](facebook/react#26172)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[fbf3bc315](facebook/react@fbf3bc315 )**: Add `scale` as a unitless property ([facebook#25601](facebook/react#25601)) //<Jonny Burger>//

[General][Changed] - React Native sync for revisions fccf3a9...3554c88



Fixes tests for current React version.

Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D44216371

fbshipit-source-id: a569c9aeaf2d96d150219e148f06dcde9ba6f7cd
Copy link

Resolved the issue. Seemed like my project was missing a shell script to automatically build the bundle and assets under "Build Phases > Bundle React Native code and images". Also Xcode was crashing when I opened this section.
Hopefully this prevents others to spend 2 days on this ;)

Apparently when I uninstalled sentry this remained flying around. I had to replace the script with the line mentioned above

shellScript = "export NODE_BINARY=node\n../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react-native-xcode.sh\n";

or this one:

shellScript = "set -e\n\nexport NODE_BINARY=node\n../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react-native-xcode.sh\n";

Thanks for the catch @rnnyrk

Thanks @alvaromb, also had the same issue after removing sentry

OlimpiaZurek pushed a commit to OlimpiaZurek/react-native that referenced this issue May 22, 2023
This sync includes the following changes:
- **[f828bad38](facebook/react@f828bad38 )**: Extracted definition and access to public instances to a separate module in Fabric ([facebook#26321](facebook/react#26321)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[131768166](facebook/react@131768166 )**: Support Context as renderable node ([facebook#25641](facebook/react#25641)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d4f58c3b8](facebook/react@d4f58c3b8 )**: Support Promise as a renderable node  ([facebook#25634](facebook/react#25634)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[633461486](facebook/react@633461486 )**: Add disableLegacyContext test gates where needed ([facebook#26371](facebook/react#26371)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[432ffc9d0](facebook/react@432ffc9d0 )**: Convert more Scheduler.unstable_flushAll in tests to new test utils ([facebook#26369](facebook/react#26369)) //<Tianyu Yao>//
- **[69fd78fe3](facebook/react@69fd78fe3 )**: Update Float tests to check for specific errors ([facebook#26367](facebook/react#26367)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[93c10dfa6](facebook/react@93c10dfa6 )**: flushSync: Exhaust queue even if something throws ([facebook#26366](facebook/react#26366)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[be353d251](facebook/react@be353d251 )**: [Flight Reply] Add undefined and Iterable Support ([facebook#26365](facebook/react#26365)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[ef8bdbecb](facebook/react@ef8bdbecb )**: [Flight Reply] Add Reply Encoding ([facebook#26360](facebook/react#26360)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a8875eab7](facebook/react@a8875eab7 )**: Update more tests to not rely on sync queuing ([facebook#26358](facebook/react#26358)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d1ad984db](facebook/react@d1ad984db )**: [Flight] Add support for returning `undefined` from render ([facebook#26349](facebook/react#26349)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[39d4b9365](facebook/react@39d4b9365 )**: [Internal tests] Close MessageChannel port to prevent leak ([facebook#26357](facebook/react#26357)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3706edb81](facebook/react@3706edb81 )**: [Float][Fizz]: Don't preload nomodule scripts ([facebook#26353](facebook/react#26353)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[2b003a5cc](facebook/react@2b003a5cc )**: Split out ServerReferenceMetadata into Id and Bound Arguments ([facebook#26351](facebook/react#26351)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[62cd5af08](facebook/react@62cd5af08 )**: Codemod redundant async act scopes ([facebook#26350](facebook/react#26350)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[037378202](facebook/react@037378202 )**: Internal `act`: Call scope function after an async gap ([facebook#26347](facebook/react#26347)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d8e49f2af](facebook/react@d8e49f2af )**: Use setTimeout to schedule work on the server in Edge environments ([facebook#26348](facebook/react#26348)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[83643778b](facebook/react@83643778b )**: Internal test helpers: Use Node's MessageChannel to queue task ([facebook#26345](facebook/react#26345)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[44d380794](facebook/react@44d380794 )**: Move internalAct to internal-test-utils package ([facebook#26344](facebook/react#26344)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d81447304](facebook/react@d81447304 )**: [Internal API only] Delete non-awaited form of act ([facebook#26339](facebook/react#26339)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[702fc984e](facebook/react@702fc984e )**: Codemod act -> await act (4/?) ([facebook#26338](facebook/react#26338)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9fb2469a6](facebook/react@9fb2469a6 )**: Restore definition of NativeMethods as an object for React Native ([facebook#26341](facebook/react#26341)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[161f6ae42](facebook/react@161f6ae42 )**: Codemod act -> await act (3/?) ([facebook#26336](facebook/react#26336)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[58605f798](facebook/react@58605f798 )**: Codemod act -> await act (2/?) ([facebook#26335](facebook/react#26335)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[703c67560](facebook/react@703c67560 )**: Codemod act -> await act (1/?) ([facebook#26334](facebook/react#26334)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b380c2485](facebook/react@b380c2485 )**: Convert class equivlance tests to flushSync ([facebook#26333](facebook/react#26333)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[8f812e75d](facebook/react@8f812e75d )**: Refactor ReactFabricHostComponent ([facebook#26323](facebook/react#26323)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[978fae4b4](facebook/react@978fae4b4 )**: [Float][Fiber] implement a faster hydration match for hoistable elements ([facebook#26154](facebook/react#26154)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[8a9f82ed5](facebook/react@8a9f82ed5 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] - Do not hoist elements with `itemProp` & hydrate more tolerantly in hoist contexts ([facebook#26256](facebook/react#26256)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[3cad3a54e](facebook/react@3cad3a54e )**: Use content hash for facebook-www builds ([facebook#26331](facebook/react#26331)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[ba353a50a](facebook/react@ba353a50a )**: Build: make version in build artifacts match ([facebook#26329](facebook/react#26329)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6e1756a5a](facebook/react@6e1756a5a )**: Move suspended render logic to ensureRootIsScheduled ([facebook#26328](facebook/react#26328)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1528c5ccd](facebook/react@1528c5ccd )**: SchedulerMock.unstable_yieldValue -> SchedulerMock.log ([facebook#26312](facebook/react#26312)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[4bbac04cd](facebook/react@4bbac04cd )**: Upgrade Flow to 0.201 ([facebook#26326](facebook/react#26326)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[eb616a12f](facebook/react@eb616a12f )**: Extract duplicated methods in Fabric and the legacy renderer to a shared module ([facebook#26319](facebook/react#26319)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[49f741046](facebook/react@49f741046 )**: Fix: Infinite act loop caused by wrong shouldYield ([facebook#26317](facebook/react#26317)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[106ea1c58](facebook/react@106ea1c58 )**: Support Iterables in Flight ([facebook#26313](facebook/react#26313)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f905da227](facebook/react@f905da227 )**: [Flight] Send server reference error chunks to the client ([facebook#26293](facebook/react#26293)) //<Hendrik Liebau>//
- **[e0241b660](facebook/react@e0241b660 )**: Simplify Webpack References by encoding file path + export name as single id ([facebook#26300](facebook/react#26300)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[25685d8a9](facebook/react@25685d8a9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (9/?) ([facebook#26309](facebook/react#26309)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[64dde7082](facebook/react@64dde7082 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (8/?) ([facebook#26308](facebook/react#26308)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3cb5afb82](facebook/react@3cb5afb82 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (7/?) ([facebook#26307](facebook/react#26307)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e98695db9](facebook/react@e98695db9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (6/?) ([facebook#26305](facebook/react#26305)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9a52cc8bc](facebook/react@9a52cc8bc )**: Convert ReactLazy-test to waitFor pattern ([facebook#26304](facebook/react#26304)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[03462cfc7](facebook/react@03462cfc7 )**: [Fizz] External runtime: fix bug in processing existing elements ([facebook#26303](facebook/react#26303)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[faacefb4d](facebook/react@faacefb4d )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (4/?) ([facebook#26302](facebook/react#26302)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[06460b6fb](facebook/react@06460b6fb )**: Remove unnecessary (and incorrect) code for compatibility with Paper in the Fabric version of GlobalResponderHandler ([facebook#26290](facebook/react#26290)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[ce8a72fd4](facebook/react@ce8a72fd4 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (2/?) ([facebook#26296](facebook/react#26296)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1f1f8eb55](facebook/react@1f1f8eb55 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber]: Refactor <style> Resource implementation to group on flush ([facebook#26280](facebook/react#26280)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[5c633a48f](facebook/react@5c633a48f )**: Add back accidentally deleted test comments ([facebook#26294](facebook/react#26294)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b72ed698f](facebook/react@b72ed698f )**: Fixed incorrect value returned as public instance from reconciler ([facebook#26283](facebook/react#26283)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[25a8b9735](facebook/react@25a8b9735 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (1/?) ([facebook#26288](facebook/react#26288)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e52446733](facebook/react@e52446733 )**: New internal testing helpers: waitFor, waitForAll, waitForPaint ([facebook#26285](facebook/react#26285)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d49e0e0be](facebook/react@d49e0e0be )**: Removed unused imperative events implementation from React Native renderer ([facebook#26282](facebook/react#26282)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[41110021f](facebook/react@41110021f )**: Fix: Selective hydration causing incorrect thenable type passed to DevTools ([facebook#26275](facebook/react#26275)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[67a61d5bd](facebook/react@67a61d5bd )**: [Flight Fixture] Show SSR Support with CSS ([facebook#26263](facebook/react#26263)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[40755c01a](facebook/react@40755c01a )**: [Flight Fixture] Proxy requests through the global server instead of directly ([facebook#26257](facebook/react#26257)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[b2ae9ddb3](facebook/react@b2ae9ddb3 )**: Cleanup enableSyncDefaultUpdate flag ([facebook#26236](facebook/react#26236)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6ff1733e6](facebook/react@6ff1733e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] support type for ReactDOM.preload() options ([facebook#26239](facebook/react#26239)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[1173a17e6](facebook/react@1173a17e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] implement preconnect and prefetchDNS float methods ([facebook#26237](facebook/react#26237)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[a8f971b7a](facebook/react@a8f971b7a )**: Switch to mount dispatcher after use() when needed ([facebook#26232](facebook/react#26232)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[96cdeaf89](facebook/react@96cdeaf89 )**: [Fizz Node] Fix null bytes written at text chunk boundaries ([facebook#26228](facebook/react#26228)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[c04b18070](facebook/react@c04b18070 )**: Remove eventTime field from class Update type ([facebook#26219](facebook/react#26219)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[60144a04d](facebook/react@60144a04d )**: Split out Edge and Node implementations of the Flight Client ([facebook#26187](facebook/react#26187)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[70b0bbda7](facebook/react@70b0bbda7 )**: [fizz][external-runtime] Fix: process mutation records before disconnecting ([facebook#26169](facebook/react#26169)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[c7967b194](facebook/react@c7967b194 )**: Distribute bundles more evenly into CI shards ([facebook#26208](facebook/react#26208)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[bb1e3d0e1](facebook/react@bb1e3d0e1 )**: Fail yarn build if any bundle fails to build ([facebook#26207](facebook/react#26207)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[62e6c4612](facebook/react@62e6c4612 )**: Move Mutation/Persistence fork inline into the functions ([facebook#26206](facebook/react#26206)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[80cf4a099](facebook/react@80cf4a099 )**: Update Closure Compiler ([facebook#26205](facebook/react#26205)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6b6d0617e](facebook/react@6b6d0617e )**: Update Rollup and related plugins to their most recent versions ([facebook#24916](facebook/react#24916)) //<Glenn 'devalias' Grant>//
- **[bc38a3dfa](facebook/react@bc38a3dfa )**: Update rollup config to use moduleSideEffects ([facebook#26199](facebook/react#26199)) //<Ming Ye>//
- **[c9d9f524d](facebook/react@c9d9f524d )**: Make enableCustomElementPropertySupport a dynamic flag in www build ([facebook#26194](facebook/react#26194)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[189f70e17](facebook/react@189f70e17 )**: Create a bunch of custom webpack vs unbundled node bundles ([facebook#26172](facebook/react#26172)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[fbf3bc315](facebook/react@fbf3bc315 )**: Add `scale` as a unitless property ([facebook#25601](facebook/react#25601)) //<Jonny Burger>//

[General][Changed] - React Native sync for revisions fccf3a9...f828bad


Reviewed By: robhogan, rshest

Differential Revision: D44024996

fbshipit-source-id: 8ac9754c5ffe12bd5d9c3499515c0925bd411f70
OlimpiaZurek pushed a commit to OlimpiaZurek/react-native that referenced this issue May 22, 2023
This sync includes the following changes:
- **[47cf4e578](facebook/react@47cf4e578 )**: Restore some guards in ReactFabricGlobalResponderHandler after refactor ([facebook#26394](facebook/react#26394)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[cfc1274e3](facebook/react@cfc1274e3 )**: Disable IE innerHTML workaround behind a flag ([facebook#26390](facebook/react#26390)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a57f40d83](facebook/react@a57f40d83 )**: Undo dependency injection of batching ([facebook#26389](facebook/react#26389)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[d310d654a](facebook/react@d310d654a )**: Avoid meta programming to initialize functions in module scope  ([facebook#26388](facebook/react#26388)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[21aee59e4](facebook/react@21aee59e4 )**: Delete unused DOM files ([facebook#26387](facebook/react#26387)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6bd53a5bd](facebook/react@6bd53a5bd )**: Remove FeatureFlags fork for `react-dom/unstable_testing` ([facebook#26383](facebook/react#26383)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[2788d0d8d](facebook/react@2788d0d8d )**: Allow empty string to be passed to formAction ([facebook#26379](facebook/react#26379)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f828bad38](facebook/react@f828bad38 )**: Extracted definition and access to public instances to a separate module in Fabric ([facebook#26321](facebook/react#26321)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[131768166](facebook/react@131768166 )**: Support Context as renderable node ([facebook#25641](facebook/react#25641)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d4f58c3b8](facebook/react@d4f58c3b8 )**: Support Promise as a renderable node  ([facebook#25634](facebook/react#25634)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[633461486](facebook/react@633461486 )**: Add disableLegacyContext test gates where needed ([facebook#26371](facebook/react#26371)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[432ffc9d0](facebook/react@432ffc9d0 )**: Convert more Scheduler.unstable_flushAll in tests to new test utils ([facebook#26369](facebook/react#26369)) //<Tianyu Yao>//
- **[69fd78fe3](facebook/react@69fd78fe3 )**: Update Float tests to check for specific errors ([facebook#26367](facebook/react#26367)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[93c10dfa6](facebook/react@93c10dfa6 )**: flushSync: Exhaust queue even if something throws ([facebook#26366](facebook/react#26366)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[be353d251](facebook/react@be353d251 )**: [Flight Reply] Add undefined and Iterable Support ([facebook#26365](facebook/react#26365)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[ef8bdbecb](facebook/react@ef8bdbecb )**: [Flight Reply] Add Reply Encoding ([facebook#26360](facebook/react#26360)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a8875eab7](facebook/react@a8875eab7 )**: Update more tests to not rely on sync queuing ([facebook#26358](facebook/react#26358)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d1ad984db](facebook/react@d1ad984db )**: [Flight] Add support for returning `undefined` from render ([facebook#26349](facebook/react#26349)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[39d4b9365](facebook/react@39d4b9365 )**: [Internal tests] Close MessageChannel port to prevent leak ([facebook#26357](facebook/react#26357)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3706edb81](facebook/react@3706edb81 )**: [Float][Fizz]: Don't preload nomodule scripts ([facebook#26353](facebook/react#26353)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[2b003a5cc](facebook/react@2b003a5cc )**: Split out ServerReferenceMetadata into Id and Bound Arguments ([facebook#26351](facebook/react#26351)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[62cd5af08](facebook/react@62cd5af08<
/a> )**: Codemod redundant async act scopes ([facebook#26350](facebook/react#26350)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[037378202](facebook/react@037378202 )**: Internal `act`: Call scope function after an async gap ([facebook#26347](facebook/react#26347)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d8e49f2af](facebook/react@d8e49f2af )**: Use setTimeout to schedule work on the server in Edge environments ([facebook#26348](facebook/react#26348)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[83643778b](facebook/react@83643778b )**: Internal test helpers: Use Node's MessageChannel to queue task ([facebook#26345](facebook/react#26345)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[44d380794](facebook/react@44d380794 )**: Move internalAct to internal-test-utils package ([facebook#26344](facebook/react#26344)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d81447304](facebook/react@d81447304 )**: [Internal API only] Delete non-awaited form of act ([facebook#26339](facebook/react#26339)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[702fc984e](facebook/react@702fc984e )**: Codemod act -> await act (4/?) ([facebook#26338](facebook/react#26338)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9fb2469a6](facebook/react@9fb2469a6 )**: Restore definition of NativeMethods as an object for React Native ([facebook#26341](facebook/react#26341)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[161f6ae42](facebook/react@161f6ae42 )**: Codemod act -> await act (3/?) ([facebook#26336](facebook/react#26336)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[58605f798](facebook/react@58605f798 )**: Codemod act -> await act (2/?) ([facebook#26335](facebook/react#26335)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[703c67560](facebook/react@703c67560 )**: Codemod act -> await act (1/?) ([facebook#26334](facebook/react#26334)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b380c2485](facebook/react@b380c2485 )**: Convert class equivlance tests to flushSync ([facebook#26333](facebook/react#26333)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[8f812e75d](facebook/react@8f812e75d )**: Refactor ReactFabricHostComponent ([facebook#26323](facebook/react#26323)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[978fae4b4](facebook/react@978fae4b4 )**: [Float][Fiber] implement a faster hydration match for hoistable elements ([facebook#26154](facebook/react#26154)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[8a9f82ed5](facebook/react@8a9f82ed5 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] - Do not hoist elements with `itemProp` & hydrate more tolerantly in hoist contexts ([facebook#26256](facebook/react#26256)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[3cad3a54e](facebook/react@3cad3a54e )**: Use content hash for facebook-www builds ([facebook#26331](facebook/react#26331)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[ba353a50a](facebook/react@ba353a50a )**: Build: make version in build artifacts match ([facebook#26329](facebook/react#26329)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6e1756a5a](facebook/react@6e1756a5a )**: Move suspended render logic to ensureRootIsScheduled ([facebook#26328](facebook/react#26328)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1528c5ccd](facebook/react@1528c5ccd )**: SchedulerMock.unstable_yieldValue -> SchedulerMock.log ([facebook#26312](facebook/react#26312)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[4bbac04cd](facebook/react@4bbac04cd )**: Upgrade Flow to 0.201 ([facebook#26326](facebook/react#26326)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[eb616a12f](facebook/react@eb616a12f )**: Extract duplicated methods in Fabric and the legacy renderer to a shared module ([facebook#26319](facebook/react#26319)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[49f741046](facebook/react@49f741046 )**: Fix: Infinite act loop caused by wrong shouldYield ([facebook#26317](facebook/react#26317)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[106ea1c58](facebook/react@106ea1c58 )**: Support Iterables in Flight ([facebook#26313](facebook/react#26313)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f905da227](facebook/react@f905da227 )**: [Flight] Send server reference error chunks to the client ([facebook#26293](facebook/react#26293)) //<Hendrik Liebau>//
- **[e0241b660](facebook/react@e0241b660 )**: Simplify Webpack References by encoding file path + export name as single id ([facebook#26300](facebook/react#26300)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[25685d8a9](facebook/react@25685d8a9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (9/?) ([facebook#26309](facebook/react#26309)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[64dde7082](facebook/react@64dde7082 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (8/?) ([facebook#26308](facebook/react#26308)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3cb5afb82](facebook/react@3cb5afb82 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (7/?) ([facebook#26307](facebook/react#26307)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e98695db9](facebook/react@e98695db9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (6/?) ([facebook#26305](facebook/react#26305)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9a52cc8bc](facebook/react@9a52cc8bc )**: Convert ReactLazy-test to waitFor pattern ([facebook#26304](facebook/react#26304)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[03462cfc7](facebook/react@03462cfc7 )**: [Fizz] External runtime: fix bug in processing existing elements ([facebook#26303](facebook/react#26303)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[faacefb4d](facebook/react@faacefb4d )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (4/?) ([facebook#26302](facebook/react#26302)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[06460b6fb](facebook/react@06460b6fb )**: Remove unnecessary (and incorrect) code for compatibility with Paper in the Fabric version of GlobalResponderHandler ([facebook#26290](facebook/react#26290)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[ce8a72fd4](facebook/react@ce8a72fd4 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (2/?) ([facebook#26296](facebook/react#26296)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1f1f8eb55](facebook/react@1f1f8eb55 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber]: Refactor <style> Resource implementation to group on flush ([facebook#26280](facebook/react#26280)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[5c633a48f](facebook/react@5c633a48f )**: Add back accidentally deleted test comments ([facebook#26294](facebook/react#26294)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b72ed698f](facebook/react@b72ed698f )**: Fixed incorrect value returned as public instance from reconciler ([facebook#26283](facebook/react#26283)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[25a8b9735](facebook/react@25a8b9735 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (1/?) ([facebook#26288](facebook/react#26288)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e52446733](facebook/react@e52446733 )**: New internal testing helpers: waitFor, waitForAll, waitForPaint ([facebook#26285](facebook/react#26285)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d49e0e0be](facebook/react@d49e0e0be )**: Removed unused imperative events implementation from React Native renderer ([facebook#26282](facebook/react#26282)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[41110021f](facebook/react@41110021f )**: Fix: Selective hydration causing incorrect thenable type passed to DevTools ([facebook#26275](facebook/react#26275)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[67a61d5bd](facebook/react@67a61d5bd )**: [Flight Fixture] Show SSR Support with CSS ([facebook#26263](facebook/react#26263)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[40755c01a](facebook/react@40755c01a )**: [Flight Fixture] Proxy requests through the global server instead of directly ([facebook#26257](facebook/react#26257)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[b2ae9ddb3](facebook/react@b2ae9ddb3 )**: Cleanup enableSyncDefaultUpdate flag ([facebook#26236](facebook/react#26236)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6ff1733e6](facebook/react@6ff1733e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] support type for ReactDOM.preload() options ([facebook#26239](facebook/react#26239)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[1173a17e6](facebook/react@1173a17e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] implement preconnect and prefetchDNS float methods ([facebook#26237](facebook/react#26237)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[a8f971b7a](facebook/react@a8f971b7a )**: Switch to mount dispatcher after use() when needed ([facebook#26232](facebook/react#26232)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[96cdeaf89](facebook/react@96cdeaf89 )**: [Fizz Node] Fix null bytes written at text chunk boundaries ([facebook#26228](facebook/react#26228)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[c04b18070](facebook/react@c04b18070 )**: Remove eventTime field from class Update type ([facebook#26219](facebook/react#26219)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[60144a04d](facebook/react@60144a04d )**: Split out Edge and Node implementations of the Flight Client ([facebook#26187](facebook/react#26187)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[70b0bbda7](facebook/react@70b0bbda7 )**: [fizz][external-runtime] Fix: process mutation records before disconnecting ([facebook#26169](facebook/react#26169)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[c7967b194](facebook/react@c7967b194 )**: Distribute bundles more evenly into CI shards ([facebook#26208](facebook/react#26208)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[bb1e3d0e1](facebook/react@bb1e3d0e1 )**: Fail yarn build if any bundle fails to build ([facebook#26207](facebook/react#26207)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[62e6c4612](facebook/react@62e6c4612 )**: Move Mutation/Persistence fork inline into the functions ([facebook#26206](facebook/react#26206)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[80cf4a099](facebook/react@80cf4a099 )**: Update Closure Compiler ([facebook#26205](facebook/react#26205)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6b6d0617e](facebook/react@6b6d0617e )**: Update Rollup and related plugins to their most recent versions ([facebook#24916](facebook/react#24916)) //<Glenn 'devalias' Grant>//
- **[bc38a3dfa](facebook/react@bc38a3dfa )**: Update rollup config to use moduleSideEffects ([facebook#26199](facebook/react#26199)) //<Ming Ye>//
- **[c9d9f524d](facebook/react@c9d9f524d )**: Make enableCustomElementPropertySupport a dynamic flag in www build ([facebook#26194](facebook/react#26194)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[189f70e17](facebook/react@189f70e17 )**: Create a bunch of custom webpack vs unbundled node bundles ([facebook#26172](facebook/react#26172)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[fbf3bc315](facebook/react@fbf3bc315 )**: Add `scale` as a unitless property ([facebook#25601](facebook/react#25601)) //<Jonny Burger>//

[General][Changed] - React Native sync for revisions fccf3a9...47cf4e5


Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D44090004

fbshipit-source-id: 6ac2d1d22a078d07ce011481063e78843bded28e
OlimpiaZurek pushed a commit to OlimpiaZurek/react-native that referenced this issue May 22, 2023
This sync includes the following changes:
- **[3554c8852](facebook/react@3554c8852 )**: Clean interface for public instances between React and React Native ([facebook#26416](facebook/react#26416)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[db281b3d9](facebook/react@db281b3d9 )**: Feature: Suspend commit without blocking render ([facebook#26398](facebook/react#26398)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[55308554e](facebook/react@55308554e )**: [www] enable enableFilterEmptyStringAttributesDOM flag ([facebook#26410](facebook/react#26410)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[163d86e19](facebook/react@163d86e19 )**: Updated comment message ([facebook#26158](facebook/react#26158)) //<Ibrahim Amin>//
- **[108aed083](facebook/react@108aed083 )**: Fix use of stale props in Fabric events ([facebook#26408](facebook/react#26408)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[8fa41ffa2](facebook/react@8fa41ffa2 )**: Don't "fix up" mismatched text content with suppressedHydrationWarning ([facebook#26391](facebook/react#26391)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[05777ffb0](facebook/react@05777ffb0 )**: Setting transition pending flag shouldn't be part of a surrounding transition ([facebook#26243](facebook/react#26243)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[99aa082be](facebook/react@99aa082be )**: Remove unstable_flushControlled ([facebook#26397](facebook/react#26397)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[47cf4e578](facebook/react@47cf4e578 )**: Restore some guards in ReactFabricGlobalResponderHandler after refactor ([facebook#26394](facebook/react#26394)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[cfc1274e3](facebook/react@cfc1274e3 )**: Disable IE innerHTML workaround behind a flag ([facebook#26390](facebook/react#26390)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a57f40d83](facebook/react@a57f40d83 )**: Undo dependency injection of batching ([facebook#26389](facebook/react#26389)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[d310d654a](facebook/react@d310d654a )**: Avoid meta programming to initialize functions in module scope  ([facebook#26388](facebook/react#26388)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[21aee59e4](facebook/react@21aee59e4 )**: Delete unused DOM files ([facebook#26387](facebook/react#26387)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6bd53a5bd](facebook/react@6bd53a5bd )**: Remove FeatureFlags fork for `react-dom/unstable_testing` ([facebook#26383](facebook/react#26383)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[2788d0d8d](facebook/react@2788d0d8d )**: Allow empty string to be passed to formAction ([facebook#26379](facebook/react#26379)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f828bad38](facebook/react@f828bad38 )**: Extracted definition and access to public instances to a separate module in Fabric ([facebook#26321](facebook/react#26321)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[131768166](facebook/react@131768166 )**: Support Context as renderable node ([facebook#25641](facebook/react#25641)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d4f58c3b8](facebook/react@d4f58c3b8 )**: Support Promise as a renderable node  ([facebook#25634](facebook/react#25634)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[633461486](facebook/react@633461486 )**: Add disableLegacyContext test gates where needed ([facebook#26371](facebook/react#26371)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[432ffc9d0](facebook/react@432ffc9d0 )**: Convert more Scheduler.unstable_flushAll in tests to new test utils ([facebook#26369](facebook/react#26369)) //<Tianyu Yao>//
- **[69fd78fe3](facebook/react@69fd78fe3 )**: Update Float tests to check for specific errors ([facebook#26367](facebook/react#26367)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[93c10dfa6](facebook/react@93c10dfa6 )**: flushSync: Exhaust queue even if something throws ([facebook#26366](facebook/react#26366)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[be353d251](facebook/react@be353d251 )**: [Flight Reply] Add undefined and Iterable Support ([facebook#26365](facebook/react#26365)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[ef8bdbecb](facebook/react@ef8bdbecb )**: [Flight Reply] Add Reply Encoding ([facebook#26360](facebook/react#26360)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[a8875eab7](facebook/react@a8875eab7 )**: Update more tests to not rely on sync queuing ([facebook#26358](facebook/react#26358)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d1ad984db](facebook/react@d1ad984db )**: [Flight] Add support for returning `undefined` from render ([facebook#26349](facebook/react#26349)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[39d4b9365](facebook/react@39d4b9365 )**: [Internal tests] Close MessageChannel port to prevent leak ([facebook#26357](facebook/react#26357)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3706edb81](facebook/react@3706edb81 )**: [Float][Fizz]: Don't preload nomodule scripts ([facebook#26353](facebook/react#26353)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[2b003a5cc](facebook/react@2b003a5cc )**: Split out ServerReferenceMetadata into Id and Bound Arguments ([facebook#26351](facebook/react#26351)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[62cd5af08](facebook/react@62cd5af08 )**: Codemod redundant async act scopes ([facebook#26350](facebook/react#26350)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[037378202](facebook/react@037378202 )**: Internal `act`: Call scope function after an async gap ([facebook#26347](facebook/react#26347)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d8e49f2af](facebook/react@d8e49f2af )**: Use setTimeout to schedule work on the server in Edge environments ([facebook#26348](facebook/react#26348)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[83643778b](facebook/react@83643778b )**: Internal test helpers: Use Node's MessageChannel to queue task ([facebook#26345](facebook/react#26345)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[44d380794](facebook/react@44d380794 )**: Move internalAct to internal-test-utils package ([facebook#26344](facebook/react#26344)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d81447304](facebook/react@d81447304 )**: [Internal API only] Delete non-awaited form of act ([facebook#26339](facebook/react#26339)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[702fc984e](facebook/react@702fc984e )**: Codemod act -> await act (4/?) ([facebook#26338](facebook/react#26338)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9fb2469a6](facebook/react@9fb2469a6 )**: Restore definition of NativeMethods as an object for React Native ([facebook#26341](facebook/react#26341)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[161f6ae42](facebook/react@161f6ae42 )**: Codemod act -> await act (3/?) ([facebook#26336](facebook/react#26336)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[58605f798](facebook/react@58605f798 )**: Codemod act -> await act (2/?) ([facebook#26335](facebook/react#26335)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[703c67560](facebook/react@703c67560 )**: Codemod act -> await act (1/?) ([facebook#26334](facebook/react#26334)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b380c2485](facebook/react@b380c2485 )**: Convert class equivlance tests to flushSync ([facebook#26333](facebook/react#26333)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[8f812e75d](facebook/react@8f812e75d )**: Refactor ReactFabricHostComponent ([facebook#26323](facebook/react#26323)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[978fae4b4](facebook/react@978fae4b4 )**: [Float][Fiber] implement a faster hydration match for hoistable elements ([facebook#26154](facebook/react#26154)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[8a9f82ed5](facebook/react@8a9f82ed5 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] - Do not hoist elements with `itemProp` & hydrate more tolerantly in hoist contexts ([facebook#26256](facebook/react#26256)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[3cad3a54e](facebook/react@3cad3a54e )**: Use content hash for facebook-www builds ([facebook#26331](facebook/react#26331)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[ba353a50a](facebook/react@ba353a50a )**: Build: make version in build artifacts match ([facebook#26329](facebook/react#26329)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6e1756a5a](facebook/react@6e1756a5a )**: Move suspended render logic to ensureRootIsScheduled ([facebook#26328](facebook/react#26328)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1528c5ccd](facebook/react@1528c5ccd )**: SchedulerMock.unstable_yieldValue -> SchedulerMock.log ([facebook#26312](facebook/react#26312)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[4bbac04cd](facebook/react@4bbac04cd )**: Upgrade Flow to 0.201 ([facebook#26326](facebook/react#26326)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[eb616a12f](facebook/react@eb616a12f )**: Extract duplicated methods in Fabric and the legacy renderer to a shared module ([facebook#26319](facebook/react#26319)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[49f741046](facebook/react@49f741046 )**: Fix: Infinite act loop caused by wrong shouldYield ([facebook#26317](facebook/react#26317)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[106ea1c58](facebook/react@106ea1c58 )**: Support Iterables in Flight ([facebook#26313](facebook/react#26313)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[f905da227](facebook/react@f905da227 )**: [Flight] Send server reference error chunks to the client ([facebook#26293](facebook/react#26293)) //<Hendrik Liebau>//
- **[e0241b660](facebook/react@e0241b660 )**: Simplify Webpack References by encoding file path + export name as single id ([facebook#26300](facebook/react#26300)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[25685d8a9](facebook/react@25685d8a9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (9/?) ([facebook#26309](facebook/react#26309)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[64dde7082](facebook/react@64dde7082 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (8/?) ([facebook#26308](facebook/react#26308)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[3cb5afb82](facebook/react@3cb5afb82 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (7/?) ([facebook#26307](facebook/react#26307)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e98695db9](facebook/react@e98695db9 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (6/?) ([facebook#26305](facebook/react#26305)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[9a52cc8bc](facebook/react@9a52cc8bc )**: Convert ReactLazy-test to waitFor pattern ([facebook#26304](facebook/react#26304)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[03462cfc7](facebook/react@03462cfc7 )**: [Fizz] External runtime: fix bug in processing existing elements ([facebook#26303](facebook/react#26303)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[faacefb4d](facebook/react@faacefb4d )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (4/?) ([facebook#26302](facebook/react#26302)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[06460b6fb](facebook/react@06460b6fb )**: Remove unnecessary (and incorrect) code for compatibility with Paper in the Fabric version of GlobalResponderHandler ([facebook#26290](facebook/react#26290)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[ce8a72fd4](facebook/react@ce8a72fd4 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (2/?) ([facebook#26296](facebook/react#26296)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[1f1f8eb55](facebook/react@1f1f8eb55 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber]: Refactor <style> Resource implementation to group on flush ([facebook#26280](facebook/react#26280)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[5c633a48f](facebook/react@5c633a48f )**: Add back accidentally deleted test comments ([facebook#26294](facebook/react#26294)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[b72ed698f](facebook/react@b72ed698f )**: Fixed incorrect value returned as public instance from reconciler ([facebook#26283](facebook/react#26283)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[25a8b9735](facebook/react@25a8b9735 )**: Codemod tests to waitFor pattern (1/?) ([facebook#26288](facebook/react#26288)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[e52446733](facebook/react@e52446733 )**: New internal testing helpers: waitFor, waitForAll, waitForPaint ([facebook#26285](facebook/react#26285)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[d49e0e0be](facebook/react@d49e0e0be )**: Removed unused imperative events implementation from React Native renderer ([facebook#26282](facebook/react#26282)) //<Rubén Norte>//
- **[41110021f](facebook/react@41110021f )**: Fix: Selective hydration causing incorrect thenable type passed to DevTools ([facebook#26275](facebook/react#26275)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[67a61d5bd](facebook/react@67a61d5bd )**: [Flight Fixture] Show SSR Support with CSS ([facebook#26263](facebook/react#26263)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[40755c01a](facebook/react@40755c01a )**: [Flight Fixture] Proxy requests through the global server instead of directly ([facebook#26257](facebook/react#26257)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[b2ae9ddb3](facebook/react@b2ae9ddb3 )**: Cleanup enableSyncDefaultUpdate flag ([facebook#26236](facebook/react#26236)) //<Jan Kassens>//
- **[6ff1733e6](facebook/react@6ff1733e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] support type for ReactDOM.preload() options ([facebook#26239](facebook/react#26239)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[1173a17e6](facebook/react@1173a17e6 )**: [Float][Fizz][Fiber] implement preconnect and prefetchDNS float methods ([facebook#26237](facebook/react#26237)) //<Josh Story>//
- **[a8f971b7a](facebook/react@a8f971b7a )**: Switch to mount dispatcher after use() when needed ([facebook#26232](facebook/react#26232)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[96cdeaf89](facebook/react@96cdeaf89 )**: [Fizz Node] Fix null bytes written at text chunk boundaries ([facebook#26228](facebook/react#26228)) //<Sophie Alpert>//
- **[c04b18070](facebook/react@c04b18070 )**: Remove eventTime field from class Update type ([facebook#26219](facebook/react#26219)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[60144a04d](facebook/react@60144a04d )**: Split out Edge and Node implementations of the Flight Client ([facebook#26187](facebook/react#26187)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[70b0bbda7](facebook/react@70b0bbda7 )**: [fizz][external-runtime] Fix: process mutation records before disconnecting ([facebook#26169](facebook/react#26169)) //<mofeiZ>//
- **[c7967b194](facebook/react@c7967b194 )**: Distribute bundles more evenly into CI shards ([facebook#26208](facebook/react#26208)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[bb1e3d0e1](facebook/react@bb1e3d0e1 )**: Fail yarn build if any bundle fails to build ([facebook#26207](facebook/react#26207)) //<Sebastian Silbermann>//
- **[62e6c4612](facebook/react@62e6c4612 )**: Move Mutation/Persistence fork inline into the functions ([facebook#26206](facebook/react#26206)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[80cf4a099](facebook/react@80cf4a099 )**: Update Closure Compiler ([facebook#26205](facebook/react#26205)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[6b6d0617e](facebook/react@6b6d0617e )**: Update Rollup and related plugins to their most recent versions ([facebook#24916](facebook/react#24916)) //<Glenn 'devalias' Grant>//
- **[bc38a3dfa](facebook/react@bc38a3dfa )**: Update rollup config to use moduleSideEffects ([facebook#26199](facebook/react#26199)) //<Ming Ye>//
- **[c9d9f524d](facebook/react@c9d9f524d )**: Make enableCustomElementPropertySupport a dynamic flag in www build ([facebook#26194](facebook/react#26194)) //<Andrew Clark>//
- **[189f70e17](facebook/react@189f70e17 )**: Create a bunch of custom webpack vs unbundled node bundles ([facebook#26172](facebook/react#26172)) //<Sebastian Markbåge>//
- **[fbf3bc315](facebook/react@fbf3bc315 )**: Add `scale` as a unitless property ([facebook#25601](facebook/react#25601)) //<Jonny Burger>//

[General][Changed] - React Native sync for revisions fccf3a9...3554c88



Fixes tests for current React version.

Reviewed By: sammy-SC

Differential Revision: D44216371

fbshipit-source-id: a569c9aeaf2d96d150219e148f06dcde9ba6f7cd
Copy link
Umair-max commented Aug 22, 2023

just run the following command one by one and the metro will start working as ussual. not that this is not a poblem of a specific project app so you no need to do changes in any file . when I faced this issue it would show while running every app . here are commads.

brew reinstall watchman

watchman watch-del-all

watchman shutdown-server

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fendermany commented Dec 16, 2023

Facing same issue after upgrading to 0.73. Clean project same dont start on ios.

Only workaround is using

react-native start

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aburduk commented Apr 3, 2024

Facing same issue after upgrading to 0.73. Clean project same dont start on ios.

Only workaround is using

react-native start

All that helped me was the following 2 step:

  1. Build Phases > Run Script

# Type a script or drag a script file from your workspace to insert its path. export RCT_METRO_PORT="${RCT_METRO_PORT:=8081}" echo "export RCT_METRO_PORT=${RCT_METRO_PORT}" > "${SRCROOT}/../node_modules/react-native/scripts/.packager.env" if [ -z "${RCT_NO_LAUNCH_PACKAGER+xxx}" ] ; then if nc -w 5 -z localhost ${RCT_METRO_PORT} ; then if ! curl -s "http://localhost:${RCT_METRO_PORT}/status" | grep -q "packager-status:running" ; then echo "warning: Port ${RCT_METRO_PORT} already in use, packager is either not running or not running correctly" exit 2 fi else open "$SRCROOT/../node_modules/.bin/launchPackager.command" || echo "warning: Can't start packager automatically" fi fi
2. I copied the launchPackager.command file from older projects and put it along the path from the script

but this is not the best solution since after deleting the node_modules directory I have to repeat these steps....

"react": "18.2.0",
"react-native": "0.73.6",

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Not sure if this will help anyone, but I was running into this error when trying to run the metro server on a different port. It seems I had to run react-native start --port=9090 to start the metro server on port 9090 (my chosen port). And then I had to clean my Xcode project by running "Clean build folder" command. Then I could execute env RCT_METRO_PORT=9090 react-native run-ios and it seems work.

Note that in my case I'm actually running env RCT_METRO_PORT=9090 react-native run-macos, but I think this could work other Xcode projects.

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9lan commented Jun 23, 2024

Resolved the issue. Seemed like my project was missing a shell script to automatically build the bundle and assets under "Build Phases > Bundle React Native code and images". Also Xcode was crashing when I opened this section.

I opened the file /ios/Project.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, searched for this part:

/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
		00DD1BFF1BD5951E006B06BC /* Bundle React Native code and images */ = {
			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
			files = (
			inputPaths = (
			name = "Bundle React Native code and images";
			outputPaths = (
			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
			shellPath = /bin/sh;

and added the shell script, so I ended up with:

/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
		00DD1BFF1BD5951E006B06BC /* Bundle React Native code and images */ = {
			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
			buildActionMask = 2147483647;
			files = (
			inputPaths = (
			name = "Bundle React Native code and images";
			outputPaths = (
			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
			shellPath = /bin/sh;
			shellScript = "export NODE_BINARY=node\n../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react-native-xcode.sh\n";

Hopefully this prevents others to spend 2 days on this ;)

In my case runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing was set to 1. After set it to 0, now it works fine.

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@react-native-bot react-native-bot added the Stale There has been a lack of activity on this issue and it may be closed soon. label Dec 21, 2024
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@react-native-bot react-native-bot closed this as not planned Won't fix, can't repro, duplicate, stale Dec 28, 2024
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