8000 GitHub - epomatti/aks-autoscaler-metrics: HPA Metrics & Logging with AKS
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AKS Autoscaler Metrics

Observability and Auto Scaling for AKS with Terraform with the following logging and metrics configuration:

  • Container Insights
  • ContainerLogV2
  • Log Analytics Workspace
  • OMS Agent
  • Monitoring Metrics Publisher

Container Insights live dashboard:



terraform -chdir='infrastructure' init
terraform -chdir='infrastructure' apply -auto-approve

Once done get the credentials:

az aks get-credentials -n aks-icecream -g rg-icecream

Test the metrics components:

# Confirm agent deployment
kubectl get ds omsagent --namespace=kube-system

# Confirm solution deployment
kubectl get deployment omsagent-rs -n=kube-system

Set Container Insights to use ContainerLogV2:

kubectl apply -f container-azm-ms-agentconfig.yaml

Setup ContainerLogV2 to Basic Logs to save costs.

az monitor log-analytics workspace table update --resource-group 'rg-icecream'  --workspace-name 'log-icecream' --name 'ContainerLogV2'  --plan 'Basic'

Deploy to Kubernetes:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yaml

Service should be running on the external address:

curl 'http://<CLUSTER_EXTERNAL_IP>:30000/api/icecream/5'

That's it 👍 services should be ready for load testing.

Auto Scaling Load Testing

Check autoscaler status:

kubectl describe configmap --namespace kube-system cluster-autoscaler-status

| where Category == "cluster-autoscaler"

To load test it with K6 on Docker:

docker run \
  -e "API=/api/fibonacci/40" \
  -e "VUS=10" \
  -e "DURATION=300s" \
  -e "K6_SLEEP=1" \
  --rm -i grafana/k6 run - <k6.js

Watch for the autoscale behavior on HPA:

kubectl get hpa

Watch for AKS autoscaler:

kubectl describe configmap --namespace kube-system cluster-autoscaler-status

App Development

Make sure you're in the app directory:

cd app

Set up the local environment:

cp config/example.env .env

Start the Rust server:

cargo build
cargo run

Test the app:

curl 'http://localhost:8080/api/icecream/5'

With Docker

docker build -t icecream .
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --rm --name icecream icecream 

Kubernets Image Refresh

If you upload a new image simply force a pull with this:

kubectl rollout restart deployment/icecream-deployment

