A simple transpiler for the Mermaid language.
This small library allows to store a representation of a parsed mermaid graph into a case class (by parsing a string that represents the graph) or do the reverse by rendering a case class to a mermaid string (by a serialization mechanism).
You can get the mermaid case class representation by running the following string interpolation:
import com.mermaidparse.chart.flowchart._
val interpolatedGraph =
|flowchart LR
| subgraph TOP
| direction TB
| subgraph B1
| direction RL
| i1 -->f1
| end
| subgraph B2
| direction BT
| i2 -->f2
| end
| end
| A --> B
| B1 --> B2
| """
interpolatedGraph == FlowChart(
direction =
nodes = List(
Node(id = "A", text = "A", shape = Squared),
Node(id = "B", text = "B", shape = Squared),
Node(id = "B1", text = "B1", shape = Squared),
Node(id = "B2", text = "B2", shape = Squared)
connections = List(
source = Node(id = "A", text = "A", shape = Squared),
destination = Node(id = "B", text = "B", shape = Squared),
text = None,
connection = ConnectionType(
direction = LeftToRight(tipType = Some(value = Standard)),
lineType = Continuous
length = 2
source = Node(id = "B1", text = "B1", shape = Squared),
destination = Node(id = "B2", text = "B2", shape = Squared),
text = None,
connection = ConnectionType(
direction = LeftToRight(tipType = Some(value = Standard)),
lineType = Continuous
length = 2
subGraph = List(
name = SubGraphName(id = None, name = "TOP"),
maybeDirection = Some(value = TB),
nodes = List(),
connections = List(),
subGraph = List(
name = SubGraphName(id = None, name = "B1"),
maybeDirection = Some(value = RL),
nodes = List(
Node(id = "i1", text = "i1", shape = Squared),
Node(id = "f1", text = "f1", shape = Squared)
connections = List(
source = Node(id = "i1", text = "i1", shape = Squared),
destination = Node(id = "f1", text = "f1", shape = Squared),
text = None,
connection = ConnectionType(
direction = LeftToRight(tipType = Some(value = Standard)),
lineType = Continuous
length = 2
subGraph = List()
name = SubGraphName(id = None, name = "B2"),
maybeDirection = Some(value = BT),
nodes = List(
Node(id = "i2", text = "i2", shape = Squared),
Node(id = "f2", text = "f2", shape = Squared)
connections = List(
source = Node(id = "i2", text = "i2", shape = Squared),
destination = Node(id = "f2", text = "f2", shape = Squared),
text = None,
connection = ConnectionType(
direction = LeftToRight(tipType = Some(value = Standard)),
lineType = Continuous
length = 2
subGraph = List()
You can also do the reverse by calling:
import com.mermaidparse.chart.flowchart._
val first = Node(id = "c1", text = "c1", shape = Squared)
val second = Node(id = "a2", text = "a2", shape = Squared)
val myGraph = FlowChart(
direction = TB,
nodes = List(
connections = List(
source = first,
destination = second,
text = None,
connection = ConnectionType(
direction = LeftToRight(tipType = Some(value = Standard)),
lineType = Continuous
length = 2
subGraph = List(
name = SubGraphName("ide1", name = "[one]"),
maybeDirection = None,
nodes = List(
Node(id = "a1", text = "a1", shape = Squared),
connections = List(
source = Node(id = "a1", text = "a1", shape = Squared),
destination = second,
text = None,
connection = ConnectionType(
direction = LeftToRight(tipType = Some(value = Standard)),
lineType = Continuous
length = 2
subGraph = List()
The library is possible thanks to the Liaoyi fastparse2 library.