A simple Apple-style productbrowser (extends Slider) for MooTools 1.3.x.
- mouse wheel support
- Animated scrolling
- Flexible
- Lightweight
- Cross-Browser Compatible
If you have a working scrollbar online add your link to github.com/eerne/scrollbar/wiki
var myProductbrowser = new ScrollBar('products', 'bar', 'knob'[, options]);
First argument should contain an element with an overflow, for example all your products. Bar and knob are used for the Slider instance.
see Slider
- scroll: (Object) options for the container's Tween instance
- knob: (Object) options for the slider knob's Tween instance, see Fx and Fx.Tween
- code review
- discuss API
- removed Fx.Scroll dependency
- updated to MooTools 1.3 (without compatibility)
- added mouse wheel support
- backported to MooTools 1.11
- added to MooTools 1.3 ßeta 1 example