- Munich, Germany
A collective list of music to listen to while programming
Heroku's Cloud Native Buildpack for PHP applications.
Twital is a "plugin" for Twig that adds some sugar syntax, which makes its templates similar to PHPTal or VueJS.
WordPress, the Twelve-Factor way: fully managed using Composer and configured using environment variables.
HippyVM - an implementation of the PHP language in RPython
PyHP is an implementation of the PHP language with JIT support using the RPython technology.
js frontend for movie recommender demo
Heroku Connect demonstration app
uWSGI experimental plugin for implementing a WSGI/PSGI/Rack-like interface for php
Scripts for benchmarking various PHP implementations when running open source software.
Native Linux client for the official Formula 1 Live Timing service. Git mirror.
PHP Template Attribute Language — template engine for XSS-proof well-formed XHTML and HTML5 pages
A powerful, scalable PHP5 application framework that follows the MVC paradigm
Benchmarks and test code for The Great Web Framework Shootout [DEPRECATED -- See techempower's benchmarks instead]
jQuery YouTube Player Plugin
Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
Frequently Asked Questions and Snippets for Agavi PHP Framework
A virtual machine for executing programs written in Hack.
Source code behind the old version of the joind.in website