PixelGuard protects images from AI scraping and unauthorized use in AI training, such as facial recognition models or style transfer algorithms. It employs multiple invisible protection techniques …
extract-unet-safetensor Public
Processes SafeTensors files for Stable Diffusion 1.5 (SD 1.5), Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL), and FLUX models. It extracts the UNet into a separate file and creates a new file with the remaining model…
security_harden_linux Public
Semi-automated bash scripts that provide security hardening for Linux, Debian based, 2024, attempts DISA STIG and CIS Compliance
sd-webui-bubble-prompter Public
AUTOMATIC1111 port of Bubble Prompter by pols on HF
Detects Compiler, automates build in one line
security hardening solution for Ubuntu and Debian-based Linux systems, implementing DISA STIG and CIS Compliance standards.
Win-11-LTSC-Scripts Public
Scripts for aveage users who like the LTSC version but have QOL issues etc
stick-drift-detect-PC Public
Detects stick drift from USB controllers on PC such as 360
BlockWinKeyToggle Public
Simple way to block Win key, useful in games, simple GUI
Will find and decrypt passwords saved on Firefox
cs2-ak-aim-train Public
cs2 AK Aim Trainer
ESP32-LaserCounter Public
Forked from hevnsnt/NOTCHACOTCHAESP32-based open-source laser countermeasure system for research and educational purposes. Simulates various LIDAR gun models and explores infrared signal manipulation techniques
stable-diffusion-webui-forge Public
Forked from lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forgePython GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 26, 2024 -
Loads models that have been have the unet split in safetensor by https://github.com/captainzero93/extract-unet-safetensor
Mouse-Aim-Trainer-UNITY3D Public
A simple aim trainer to improve muscle memory
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 3, 2024 -
sd-a1111-b34t-emblab Public
Forked from 834t/sd-a1111-b34t-emblabEmbedding Workshop for SD 1.5 Automatic1111 extension
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 1, 2024 -
sd_webui_SAG Public
Forked from AG-w/sd_webui_SAGUpgraded and Fixed on Latest Automatic1111 29/07/24
Forked from treksis/LoRA-EXTRACTORA small script to facilitate the extraction of LoRA models from custom checkpoints.