- Georgia
(UTC -05:00) - https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopherwinland/
FastMoq Public
Easy and fast Extension for Moq Mocking framework for mocking and auto injection of classes
SonarQube-AzureAppService Public
Forked from vanderby/SonarQube-AzureAppServiceInstructions and files to host SonarQube on an Azure App Service without a container.
PowerShell MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2024 -
wpf-material-dialogs Public
Common and customizable dialogs made easier in WPF using MaterialDesignThemes.
Cron.Core Public
Cron Builder object that can be used to build Cron expressions, describe Cron expressions, and manipulate cron expressions..
Wpf.NotificationCenter Public
Wpf Notifications and a global notification center to keep track of missed alerts.
BlazorFileReader Public
Forked from Tewr/BlazorFileReaderLibrary for creating read-only file streams from file input elements or drop targets in Blazor.
DebtPaymentPlan Public
Calculate the best way to pay down your debt.
SyslogServer Public
Forked from jchristn/SyslogServerC# Syslog Server
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 11, 2022 -
HandyExtensions Public
Common extensions for files, logging, strings, and conversion
PowershellRunner Public
Easy powershell runner for scripts and commands of different versions
EnhancedEnum Public
Any object Enumeration that auto converts to string, integer, as well as provides easy looping through the options.
AppConfigSettings Public
Manage Validated and Strongly Typed Application Settings from multiple sources
GmailCleanup Public
Automatic Gmail Cleanup by search