An RSA implementation in pure C#, using the BigInt class.
To import SharpRSA, simply open the solution in VS2017 or above, and build. After this is done, add a reference to the generated class library and use the following to import:
using System;
using SharpRSA;
The bindings of the class library are very simple, and are easy to understand. Below is an example of a few various use cases.
Encrypt an Array 5DEB of Bytes
//The one parameter in this function is the bit length of the keys, which must be divisible by 8.
Keypair kp = RSA.GenerateKeyPair(1024);
byte[] raw = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 ... }
//These bytes are now encrypted using RSA, of the bitlength specified before.
byte[] encrypted = RSA.EncryptBytes(raw, kp.public_);
byte[] decrypted = RSA.DecryptBytes(encrypted, kp.private_);
Encrypt a Class Instance
Keypair kp = RSA.GenerateKeyPair(1024);
ExampleClass example = new ExampleClass(1, 2, 3, 4 ...);
//The class instance is now encrypted with RSA.
LockedBytes encrypted = RSA.EncryptClass(example, kp.public_);
ExampleClass decrypted = RSA.DecryptClass(encrypted, kp.private_);
You can send public keys and LockedBytes over WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) or other networked means, as it is set up as a DataContract object.
Private keys cannot be passed over, as they are set to private, readonly and are not part of the DataContract specified. This is to prevent incorrect asymmetric key usage.