A Clojure CLI program to upload files to google-drive
Clone the repo and run lein uberjar
Assuming you name the standalone jar file generated as google-drive-file-uploader.jar
java -jar google-drive-file-uploader.jar uf --folder "APKs"
--file-path "/users/johndoe/foo.apk"
--file-name "foo-debug.apk"
--access-token "1//0g5OOBsnCGBASNwF-i4Be9t3ByEpiSha7" //can be ignored if set in env variable GD_ACCESS_TOKEN
--refresh-token "1//0g5O1fYfm6BsnCgYIARAAGBASNwF-LNYaJvVVTAkpkbGpG" //can be ignored if set in env variable GD_REFRESH_TOKEN
--client-id "806260tdi0.apps.googleusercontent.com" //can be ignored if set in env variable GD_CLIENT_ID
--client-secret "12oXYAcp6Vc6BXxMZf20UQEq" //can be ignored if set in env variable GD_CLIENT_SECRET
will upload your file to google drive to the folder name mentioned in the command line argument.
- The parameters
can be set in environment variablesGD_ACCESS_TOKEN
respectively. - You can choose to set skip
if you give a validaccess-token
- If you don't give the
are mandatory
The jar of the program is available as a docker image - https://hub.docker.com/r/ashwinbhskr/google-drive-uploader
As an example, for folks looking to upload their android apk using this program, I have built a docker image using android build box - https://hub.docker.com/r/ashwinbhskr/android-build-box-with-drive-uploader
You can use the above image to upload your apks in your build pipeline.
- ./gradlew test
- ./gradlew assembleDebug
- cd app/build/outputs/apk/debug/
- java -jar /drive-uploader.jar uf --folder "Foo APKs" --file-path "app-debug.apk" --file-name "foo.apk"