Sick of all the choices and recommendations that apps keep giving you? Don't worry. The One is here for you
Back End - Node JS
Front End - React Native ( iOS and Android )
You need to do nothing extra. Follow the next steps!
cd the-one
cd server
npm install
npm start
cd the-one
npm install
Start Expo XDE. Login with your Expo credentials
Hit Open Project and select the location where you cloned the git repo
- If everything goes according to plan, you should see the following message
- Once you see the message, you can open the app in the appropriate simulator!
If you are developing on the Mac, the iOS simulator comes for free ( via xcode )
If you want to try it on an Android Emulator, you will need to follow the expo steps for using the Android emulator ( I use Genymotion )
When the Expo app loads up on the simulator and you are figuring out how to get The One started up, hit the + sign and paste the url from the Expo IDE into this simulator. The app should come up successfully.