A Clojure client for the Riemann monitoring system.
Cyclic time series data structures for javascript
A deployment system, with design goals 1: Magic and 2: More Magic
Riemann client: java, plus scala sugar.
aphyr / metriks
Forked from eric/metriksAn experimental library to instrument ruby
An example for using the Reimann Clojure client
A network event stream processing system, in Clojure.
A Ruby client for the Riemann event system
aphyr / clojure-protobuf
Forked from ninjudd/clojure-protobufGoogle protocol buffers for Clojure.
A client for the distributed processing system Fabric
An (incomplete) interface to the Bitcask storage system
Riak Function Contrib
Google protocol buffers wrapper for Clojure.
A rich Ruby modeling layer for Riak, Basho's distributed database