- Berlin, Germany
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/alieldinayman
vscode-settings Public
My VS Code settings + opinionated Linting/Formatting setup using ESlint and Prettier
questionnaire-editor-backend Public
A backend implementation of a Questionnaire Editor utilizing NestJS, TypeScript and MongoDB
TypeScript UpdatedMay 16, 2022 -
A frontend implementation of a Questionnaire Editor utilizing React and TypeScript with a focus on Atomic Design
TypeScript UpdatedMay 16, 2022 -
mario-saves-the-princess Public
A path-finding web application made with Plotly Dash that aims to solve the puzzle by finding the shortest path between a start and goal nodes
Python UpdatedApr 24, 2022 -
cubojo Public
Cubojo is a Unity3D hack-and-slash arcade game, that makes use of motion sensing
hsv-color-picker Public
A simple OpenCV script that displays the upper and lower HSV ranges of any pixel in an RGB image
pyanu-rov Public
Co-Piloting Software developed for the 2018 MATE EXPLORER ROV competition for the ABYDOS ROV CO.
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 19, 2018 -
8-puzzle-astar-solver Public
A (3x3) 8-Puzzle solver using A* Heuristics, and Best-First Search (BFS) Algorithms in a priority queue data structure
sun-tracking-solar-cell Public
A Solar-cell running on an Arduino chip that automatically tracks the sun, by constantly rotating to the point where the light intensity is at its maximum
C++ MIT License UpdatedMar 31, 2018 -
magic-mushroom Public
A survival 3D endless-runner/side-scroller game made in Unity 3D and written in C#
C# MIT License UpdatedMar 31, 2018 -
web-scrapper Public
A Multi-purpose Web Crawler
hangman-simulator Public
A C/C++ Hangman game using the WinBGIm graphics library
legions-prototype Public
A Java 3D Tower-Defense (TD) game prototype built in the jMonkey 3 game engine