Using nix-darwin, home-manager, neovim and a few others tools
- Install nix with installer
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
- Clone this repo and run
in it
cd ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/markdown-preview.nvim/app
nix --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run nix-darwin#darwin-uninstaller
/nix/nix-installer uninstall
for some reason i had to del manually the partition via disk util after that step, reinstall following above
use mise ls
to list currently installed language
add shims directory to path so lsp etc are not lost
mise activate --shims
!h gist-vim
for help, tldr add a ~/.gist-vim
with token xxx
in it, token
from gh with gist scope
Search + Replace all and save
Telescope Grep to find the string project wise, CTRL+Q to add them all to the Quickfix list and then ‘:cdo s/StringOne/StringTwo/g | update’
LSP Default behaviour of Ctrl n comes from that, we overload it inside cmp settings Improve completion popup menu | Vim Tips Wiki | Fandom
Select sessions named such as <M-a>
in tmux sessions list selection.
We change the profile in iterm2 keys> keys config
Right option key : Esc+
Github Patch fonts for glyph like so
docker run --rm -v ~/dev/dotfiles/fonts/in:/in -v ~/dev/dotfiles/fonts/out:/out nerdfonts/patcher