A list of awesome and open projects supporting the German Digital Health Applications (DiGA) space.
- DiGA - Digital Health Applications
- GesundheitsID - Germany's digital identity in the health care space
- TI - Telematik Infrastruktur
- ePA - Germany's personal health record
- DiGA Leitfaden - the bible for specifications and regulations regarding DiGAs
- Gematik gemSpec - online portal to browse the specifications related to DiGAs and other bits of the TI
- Gematik TI Leitfaden - Gematik Wiki for all things related to TI implementation
- diga-api-client - Java library to interact with the DiGA API to validate and invoice prescription codes.
- OpenID Federation Specs - the standard behind the GesundheitsID federation
- TI-RelyingParty - simple OIDC adapter acting as Relying Party in the Gematik OIDC Federation (GesundheitsID) and providing standard OIDC for clients
- ehealthid-relying-party - standalone server exposing Germany's 'GesundheitsID' (eHealthID) as a OpenID Connect Relying Party (OIDC RP) + scripts to generate keys and federation registration form.
- api-ePA - API definitions for ePA APIs
- api-telematik - API definitions for the TI in general
- gematik-epa-postman-collection - Postman-Collection for DiGAs to make requests to the TI-Connector and write into the ePA
- diga-epa-lib - Java library for Telematik-Infrastuktur (TI) via a Konnektor to write structured HL7/FHIR bundles for DiGA treatments into the electronic health record (ePA)
- epa-ps-sim - Simplified triggering of operations provided by the ePA Fachmodul of the Konnektor using a REST interface.
- konnektor-watchdog - exposing Prometheus metrics for a TI Konnektor
- TI Lage - Gematik status dashboard for the TI
- GesundheitsID Dashboard - GesundheitsID Federation Member Overview