A pinia plugin for state persist.
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npm i pinia-persists
import { persist } from 'pinia-persists'
import { createPinia } from 'pinia'
const pinia = createPinia()
// pinia use plugin
pinia.use(persist({ /* options */ }))
- type: String
- optional, default "pinia"
- it is the prefix of the key to store the persisted state under, such as the store id is "test", that store key is "pinia_test" by default.
type: Object
interface Storage { readonly length?: number; clear?: () => void; getItem: (key: string) => string | null; key?: (index: number) => string | null; removeItem?: (key: string) => void; setItem: (key: string, value: string) => void; [name: string]: any; }
optional, default
it is the storage for state persist, you can choose localStorage, sessionStorage or your custom storage.
- type: Boolean
- optional, default
- when app first loader or refresh, whether to overwrite the existing state with the output from state directly, instead of merging the two objects with deep merge.