Mach-O modify tools
The system is not limited. It can be used after installing JDK
-o path [(optional parameter at the end) write to save path]
-f path [parse mach-o file]
-t path index [extract mach-o single schema index]
-r path libname index > [mach-o injection lib path name optional index (- 1 silent tail)]
-d path index [remove CMD instruction to remove index]
-md path index [modify CMD instruction dylib name address modify index]
-o path > [(末尾可选参数)写入保存路径]
-f path> [解析Mach-O文件]
-t path index> [提取Mach-O单架构 架构索引]
-r path libname index> [Mach-O注入 lib路径名 可选索引(-1默尾)]
-d path index [移除cmd指令 移除索引]
-md path index [修改cmd指令 DYLIB名称地址 修改索引]