Currently working as a Sr. Business Intelligence Analyst at 10 Minute School. I'm a Dreamer who loves to watch dreams and work hard to make it happen. I'm Looking forward to building a challenging career in the Data Science industry by utilizing my expertise and knowledge gained from years of competitive programming, problem-solving, and academic studies. 🚀
- ⚡ I'm currently working as a Sr. Business Intelligence Analyst at 10 Minute School.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Disease classification using Machine Learning techniques.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning more about Deep Learning methods.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on data science and deep learning projects.
- 🥅 Goals: Becoming a world-leading Data Scientist in the next 5 years.
- 🕹️ Check out my Personal Website for more details about me.
- 📝 Have a look at my Resume for more details about me. I'm open to any valuable suggestions!
"Languages and Frameworks": ["Python", "OpenCV","C (basic)", "HTML", "CSS", "Bootstrap"],
"Database": ["MySQL", "SQL","PostgreSQL"],
"Data Warehouse, ETL": ["Google BigQuery" ,"GCP", "Airbyte"],
"Automation & Web Scraping": ["Selenium", "Scrapy"],
"Data-Science": {
"Predictive Analysis & Algorithm Development": ["Scikit-Learn"],
"Data Visualization": ["Pandas", "Matplotlib", "Seaborn", "Data Studio", "Tableau"],
"Machine Learning": ["Statistical Analysis", "Linear/Logistic Regression","Clustering"],
"Deep Learning": ["Keras", "TensorFlow", "Computer Vision", "Transfer Learning"],
"Operating System": ["Linux", "Mac", "Windows", "Android"],
"Tools": ["BigQuery", "GCP", "Metabase", "Data Studio", "Jupyter Notebook","PyCharm","Visual Code"]