This is an easier-to-use API to write Standard Notes extensions.
The easiest way to start creating Standard Notes extensions is to use the template repo:
Otherwise, install the npm module:
npm install sn-extension-api
Import the base theme variables in your root CSS or SASS file:
@import 'sn-extension-api/dist/sn.min.css';
Then make sure you use the standard notes theme variables when styling your extension.
import snApi from "sn-extension-api";
// only call this once - it will establish communication with standard notes
// get notified when note is received from standard notes
snApi.subscribe(() => {
// set current text into text area for editing
document.getElementById('my-text-area').value = snApi.text;
document.getElementById('my-text-area').addEventListener('input', (e) => {
// update text on change - automatically saves to standard notes
snApi.text =;
This needs to be called before doing anything else. Do not call more than once.
debounceSave: 300 // the number of ms to debounce the save for performance reasons (defaults to 250ms)
// get text
// update text
snApi.text = 'new text';
The note text must be a string. So if the extension uses json, it must be converted back and forth from a string:
// get text
// update text
snApi.text = JSON.stringify({cell1: 'some content', cell2: 2});
By default, the note preview will be generated using the first 50 characters of the text. If you want to use a custom preview, you can set the preview directly after setting the text:
snApi.text = JSON.stringify({...});
snApi.preview = 'my note preview';
You can store metadata separately from the note text. This data can be any object (it does not need to be a string like the text).
// get metadata
// set metadata
snApi.meta = {lastCursorPosition: 123, selectedLines: [1, 3]};
This data is stored per extension (not per note). It can be any object.
// get extension metadata
// set extension metadata
snApi.extensionMeta = {spacingPreference: 'comfortable'};
Check which environment the extension is being used in. There are 3 different environments: browser, desktop app, mobile app.
When the "Prevent editing" is toggled for a note, the locked property will be true.