Install these tools before running script !
tool | README |
cut-cdn | [] |
dnsx | [] |
this script will give you these infoes :
- ASN: asn number of domain
- IP: IPs of domain (supports ipv4 and ipv6)
- is_cdn: is domain/IP behind cdn or not (true or false)
- CIDR: All prefex of ip (cidr)
Please note that Script Data Source is bgpview !
- single/list of IPs
- single/list of Domains
- single/list of ASNs
And at the end you will get these outputs :
- The ORGINAL output :
- The output which ASNs are equal and is_cdn is false:
- The output which is_cdn is false:
- Also you can create custom output name with
option :)
usage: ./ [options]
-r set resolvers file address [ default: ./resolvers.txt ]
-s -silent silent output
-o set
output (only .json is ok)
-domainlist set domain list txt file (only .txt is ok)
-domain check single domain
-iplist set ip list txt file (only .txt is ok)
-ip check single ip
-asn check single asn
-asnlist set asn list txt file (only .txt is ok)
Add this code to your ~/.bashrc
alias getasn="{{ full path}}"
- replace
{{ full path}}
with path of where is script is save it and the run this code :
source ~/.bashrc
Now you can call getasn script anywhere in bash by only calling getasn
And Only need to pass [options]
How to use with notify
./ -s -domainlist ListOfDomains.txt | notify -mf "done" -id discord
Good luck :)