<match pattern> type reassemble output_tag OUTPUT_TAG assemble CONFIGURATION_FOR_REASSEMBLE null_to_null true or false (default false) null_to_empty true or false (default false) datetime_format DATETIME_FORMAT (default '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' / used in operation = 'unixtime_to_datetime') date_format DATE_FORMAT (default '%Y/%m/%d' / used in operation = 'unixtime_to_date') time_format TIME_FORMAT (default '%H:%M:%S' / used in operation = 'unixtime_to_time') tz TIMEZONE(default :local) </match>
{extract_key1}:{replaced_key1}:{operation1},{extract_key2}:{replaced_key2}:{operation2},....{extract_keyN}:{replaced_keyN}:{operationN} ex1. assemble foo1:bar1:to_i, foo2:bar2:to_s record => {"foo1": "1", "foo2": 2} reassemble => {"bar1": 1, "bar2": "2"} ex2. assemble foo1,foo2:bar2,foo3:bar3:unixtime_to_datetime,foo4:bar4:url_to_host record => {"foo1": "1", "foo2": 2, "foo3": 1377946931, "foo4": "http://www.sada.co.jp/concert.html"} reassemble => {"foo1": "1", "bar2": 2, "bar3": "2013-08-31 20:00:02", "bar4": "www.sada.co.jp"}
- to_s
to string
- to_i
to integer
- to_f
to float
- unixtime_to_datetime
convert from unixtime to datetime(string)
- unixtime_to_date
convert from unixtime to date(string)
- unixtime_to_time
convert from unixtime to time(string)
- url_to_domain
extract host from url
- url_to_host
extract host from url
- url_to_path
extract path from url
- bool_to_i
convert from bool to integer (true -> 1 / false -> 0)
- add_
addition (original value + integer)
- sub_
subtraction (original value - integer)
- mul_
multiplication (original value * integer)
- div_
division (original value / integer)
- Copyright
Copyright © 2013 moaikids
- License
Apache License, Version 2.0