Inspire-HEP Statistics with Python
This is an independent tool made public with the hope it will be helpful to others, but without any guarantee. Co-author finding tool adapted from coauthors by David Radice. See also projects by efranzin and motloch.
For official products, see
Please note this is a simply a tool, and, hopefully as you already know, author metrics should not be overinterpreted.
At this time, you can clone the repository and pip install it locally. From the top folder of the repo,
python3 -m pip install -e .
Author(identifier: str)
: Main class containing all the records, statistics, and functionality to understand a given author's Inspire-HEP statistics.
InspireRecord(info: str | dict)
: Main class containing the information on a specific Inspire-HEP record. The argument record
can be a str with the texkey of the record or a json
-fomatted dictionary spat out by Inspire.
For instance, to get "A Model of Leptons" and the author i 73A2 nformation for Weinberg, simply do
from inspyhep import InspireRecord, Author
SM_paper = InspireRecord('Weinberg:1967tq')
SW = Author('Steven.Weinberg.1')
and all the inspire obtained directly from Inspire is accessible through ins_{attribute}
, but a few additional properties are also implemented. For example
print(SM_paper) # __repr__ returns 'Weinberg, Phys.Rev.Lett. 19 (1967), 1967.'
SM_paper.authorlist_bibtex_style # = 'Weinberg, Steven'
SM_paper.get_bibtex() # = '@article{Weinberg:1967tq, [...]}
The Author class also has a few useful features. If you tired of copy and pasting your publications, you can do:
SW.nice_publication_list(latex_itemize=True, split_peer_review=True)
to get a latex-formatted string:
\textbf{Peer-reviewed publications}
\item On the Development of Effective Field Theory, Weinberg, Eur.Phys.J.H 46 (2021) 1 6, 2021, arXiv:2101.04241 [hep-th], [citations: 10].
\item Massless particles in higher dimensions, Weinberg, Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 9 095022, 2020, arXiv:2010.05823 [hep-th], [citations: 10].
\item Models of Lepton and Quark Masses, Weinberg, Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 3 035020, 2020, arXiv:2001.06582 [hep-th], [citations:
\item Current algebra, Weinberg, proceedings, 1968.
\item ON THE DERIVATION OF INTRINSIC SYMMETRIES, Weinberg, preprint, 1963.
\item The non-field theory of non-elementary particles, Weinberg, proceedings, 1962.
Adapted from coauthors by David Radice.
To obtain all the literature records from a given author, we query the Inspire API with AUTHOR_IDENTIFIER
where AUTHOR_IDENTIFIER is the identifier of the author (e.g., Steven.Weinberg.1). To obtain all the information of a given Inspire literature record, we use:
where TEXKEY is the record.texkey (e.g., 'Weinberg:1967tq').
For the documentation of the Inspire API, see the documentation.
- Develop institution class
- Full literature and institution dataclasses like for Author
- Write command line scripts
- Count co-authors
- Add geographical information
- Implement tests
Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience