8000 GitHub - medegw01/raccoon.js: A JavaScript chess engine that is used for chess position evaluation; best move search; move generation or validation; piece placement or movement; check, checkmate, stalemate, and insufficient material detection.
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A JavaScript chess engine that is used for chess position evaluation; best move search; move generation or validation; piece placement or movement; check, checkmate, stalemate, and insufficient material detection.


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raccoon.js 🦝

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raccoon.js is a JavaScript chess engine that is used for chess position evaluation; best move search; move generation or validation; piece placement or movement; check, checkmate, stalemate, and insufficient material detection.

raccoon.js has been extensively tested in node.js and most modern browsers.

Example Code

The code below plays a complete game of chess ... randomly.

let { Raccoon } = require('./raccoon.js');
let raccoon = new Raccoon();

while (!raccoon.game_over()) {
    let moves = raccoon.moves();
    let move = moves[Math.floor(Math.random() * moves.length)];
console.log(raccoon.ascii()) /* replace with pgn */

This can also be used as a UCI chess engine via Workers. Below show how this can be done

let raccoon = new Worker('raccoon.js');

raccoon.onmessage = function (e) {
  $('#dump').append(e.data);      //receive message from raccoon engine
/* send UCI commands as in below */

raccoon.postMessage('position startpos');
raccoon.postMessage('go depth 10'); 

For more information on UCI Protocol, visit UCIProtocol

Need a user interface? Try Chris Oakman's excellent chessboard.js library. See My personal Website and the Integration Source code


Constructor: Raccoon([ fen ])

The Raccoon() constructor takes an optional parameter which specifies the board configuration in Forsyth-Edwards Notation.

// board defaults to the starting position when called with no parameters
let raccoon = new Raccoon();

// pass in a FEN string to load a particular position and/or path to opening book
let raccoon = new Raccoon(
   'r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q1p/PPPBBPPP/R3K2R w KQkq - 0 1'


Returns a string containing an ASCII diagram of the current position.

let raccoon = new Raccoon('rnbqkbnr/p3pppp/2p5/1pPp4/3P4/8/PP2PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq b6 0 4');
// =>   +-----------------+
//     8| r n b q k b n r | 
//     7| p . . . p p p p | 
//     6| . . p . . . . . | 
//     5| . p P p . . . . | 
//     4| . . . P . . . . | 
//     3| . . . . . . . . | 
//     2| P P . . P P P P | 
//     1| R N B Q K B N R | 
//      +-----------------+
//        a b c d e f g h
//             INFO         
//     turn: w
//     enpass: 72
//     castling: KQkq
//     poly key: 0xf5b10215c5fb8d1e


Clears the board.

// => '8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1' <- empty board


Returns the FEN string for the current position.

let raccoon = new Raccoon();

// make some moves

// => 'rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/2N5/PPPP1PPP/R1BQKBNR b KQkq - 1 2'


Returns true if the game has ended via checkmate, stalemate, draw, threefold repetition, or insufficient material. Otherwise, returns false.

let raccoon = new Raccoon();
// => false
// stalemate
raccoon.load('1R6/8/8/8/8/8/7R/k6K b - - 0 1');
// => true

// checkmate
raccoon.load('r3k2r/ppp2p1p/2n1p1p1/8/2B2P1q/2NPb1n1/PP4PP/R2Q3K w kq - 0 8')
// => true


Returns the piece on the square:

let raccoon = new Raccoon();
raccoon.put({ type: 'p', color: 'b' }, 'a5'); // put a black pawn on a5

// => { type: 'p', color: 'b' },
// => null

.history([ options ])

Returns a list containing the moves of the current game in SAN. Options is an optional parameter which may contain a 'verbose' flag. See .moves() for a description of the verbose move fields.

let raccoon = new Raccoon();

// => ['e4', 'e5', 'f4', 'exf4']

raccoon.history({ verbose: true });
// => [{ color: 'w', from: 'e2', to: 'e4', flags: 'b', piece: 'p', san: 'e4' },
//     { color: 'b', from: 'e7', to: 'e5', flags: 'b', piece: 'p', san: 'e5' },
//     { color: 'w', from: 'f2', to: 'f4', flags: 'b', piece: 'p', san: 'f4' },
//     { color: 'b', from: 'e5', to: 'f4', flags: 'c', piece: 'p', captured: 'p', san: 'exf4' }]


Returns true or false if the side to move is in check.

let raccoon = new Raccoon(
    'rnb1kbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/5PPq/8/PPPPP2P/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 3'
// => true


Returns true or false if the side to move has been checkmated.

let raccoon = new Raccoon(
    'rnb1kbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/5PPq/8/PPPPP2P/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 3'
// => true


Returns true or false if the game is drawn (50-move rule or insufficient material).

let raccoon = new Raccoon('4k3/4P3/4K3/8/8/8/8/8 b - - 0 78');
// => true


Returns true or false if the side to move has been stalemated.

let raccoon = new Raccoon('4k3/4P3/4K3/8/8/8/8/8 b - - 0 78');
// => true


Returns true or false if the current board position has occurred three or more times.

let raccoon = new Raccoon('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1');
// rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq occurs 1st time
// => false
// rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq occurs 2nd time
// => false

// rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq occurs 3rd time
// => true


Returns true if the game is drawn due to insufficient material; otherwise false.

let raccoon = new Raccoon('8/b7/B7/8/8/8/8/k6K w - - 0 1');
// -> true


The board is cleared, and the FEN string is loaded. Returns {value: true, error: "no error!"} if the position was successfully loaded, otherwise {value: false, error: "some specific error"}.

let raccoon = new Raccoon();
raccoon.load('8/b7/B7/8/8/8/8/k6K w - - 0 1');
// => {value: true, error: "no error!"}

raccoon.load('8/T7/B7/8/8/8/8/k6K w - - 0 1')
// => {value: false, error: "Illegal character T"}


Get the polyglot key of current function. See polyglot for more info

raccoon.load('rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/8/3p4/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq d6 0 2');
// => 0x0756b94461c50fb0

.move(move, [ options ])

Attempt to make a move. If successfully, return the move object. Otherwise return null. I can take a move object as shown below or a move string in most common chess notations.

let raccoon = new Raccoon();
let same_moves = [
    'e2e4', 'Pe2e4', 'e2-e4', 'e4', { from: 'e2', to: '34' },
// all the different move notations above represent the same move. The second to the last is SAN notation
for(let mv of same_moves){
    // => {from: "e2", to: "e4", color: "w", pieces: "p", flag: "b", san: "e4"}
    // => {from: "e2", to: "e4", color: "w", pieces: "p", flag: "b", san: "e4"}

 raccoon.move("a1a1"); //-- invalid move
//=> null

.moves([ options ])

Returns a list of legal moves from the current position in smith notation. If verbose is set to true, it return the moves in a detailed object explained below.

let raccoon = new Raccoon();
// => ["a2a3", "a2a4", "b2b3", "b2b4", "c2c3", "c2c4", "d2d3", "d2d4", "e2e3", "e2e4", "f2f3", "f2f4", "g2g3", "g2g4", 
// "h2h3", "h2h4", "b1a3", "b1c3", "g1f3", "g1h3"]

raccoon.moves({ verbose: true })
// => [{ from: "a2"
//         to: "a3",
//      color: "w",
//     pieces: "p",
//       flag: "n",
//        san: "a3",
//     },
//     ...
//     ]

The piece, captured, and promotion fields contain the lowercase representation of the applicable piece.

The flags field in verbose mode may contain one or more of the following values:

  • 'n' - a non-capture
  • 'b' - a pawn push of two squares
  • 'e' - an en passant capture
  • 'c' - a standard capture
  • 'p' - a promotion
  • 'pc' - promotion with a capture
  • 'k' - kingside castling
  • 'q' - queenside castling

A flag of 'pc' would mean that a pawn captured a piece on the 8th rank and promoted.

.put(piece, square)

Place a piece on the square where piece is an object with the form { type: ..., color: ... }. Returns true if the piece was successfully placed, otherwise, the board remains unchanged and false is returned. put() will fail when passed an invalid piece or square, or when two or more kings of the same color are placed.

type can be:(not case sensitive)

  • 'k' or 'K' - king
  • 'q' or 'Q' - queen
  • 'r' or 'R' - rook
  • 'b' or 'B' - bishop
  • 'n' or 'N' - knight
  • 'p' or 'P' - pawn

color can be: case sensitive

  • 'w' - white
  • 'b' - black

raccoon.put({type: 'r', color: 'w'}, 'e4'); // put a white rook on e4
// => true

raccoon.put({type: 'm', color: 'w'}, 'e4'); // invalid piece
// => false

raccoon.put({type: 'k', color: 'w'}, 'e6'); // can not have more than one king
// => false


Remove and return the piece on square.


raccoon.put({type: 'r', color: 'w'}, 'e4'); // put a white rook on e4
raccoon.put({type: 'k', color: 'b'}, 'e6'); // put white king on e6

// -> { type: 'r', color: 'w' },
// -> { type: 'k', color: 'w' },
raccoon.remove('e6');// board is now empty
// -> null


Reset the board to the initial starting position.


Returns the color of the square ('light' or 'dark').

let raccoon = new Raccoon();
// => 'light'
// => 'dark'
raccoon.square_color('bogus square');
// => null


Returns the current side to move.

raccoon.load('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1');
// -> 'b'


Takeback the last half-move, returning a move object if successful, otherwise null.

let raccoon = new Raccoon();

// -> null


// => { color: 'w', from: 'e2', to: 'e4', flags: 'b', piece: 'p', san: 'e4' }


A debugging function to walk the move generation tree of strictly legal moves and count all the leaf nodes to depth

let raccoon = new Raccoon();

raccoon.load('8/PPP4k/8/8/8/8/4Kppp/8 w - - 0 1');

// => 89363


Works exactly as .perft(depth) but prints out more details to console.

About to start perf testing, with depth: 4
raccoon.js:2065 move: 1 c7c8q 6006
raccoon.js:2065 move: 2 c7c8r 5937
raccoon.js:2065 move: 3 c7c8b 4995
raccoon.js:2065 move: 4 c7c8n 4619
raccoon.js:2065 move: 5 b7b8q 5697
raccoon.js:2065 move: 6 b7b8r 6149
raccoon.js:2065 move: 7 b7b8b 3744
raccoon.js:2065 move: 8 b7b8n 4568
raccoon.js:2065 move: 9 a7a8q 5900
raccoon.js:2065 move: 10 a7a8r 6196
raccoon.js:2065 move: 11 a7a8b 3648
raccoon.js:2065 move: 12 a7a8n 3924
raccoon.js:2065 move: 13 e2d2 5568
raccoon.js:2065 move: 14 e2f2 2630
raccoon.js:2065 move: 15 e2e3 5911
raccoon.js:2065 move: 16 e2d1 3051
raccoon.js:2065 move: 17 e2f3 5031
raccoon.js:2065 move: 18 e2d3 5789
raccoon.js:2067 Total nodes: 89363
// => 89363


A functions that allows you tho send the chess book used by the engine. The book should first be send in the form of arrayBuffer. One way to open a book is,

let bookBuffer = null;
var bookRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
bookRequest.open('GET', 'book.bin', true);
bookRequest.responseType = "arraybuffer";
bookRequest.onload = function(event) {
  if(bookRequest.status == 200){
     bookBuffer = bookRequest.response;
     engine.postMessage({book: bookRequest.response});

// can be used via API
let raccoon = new Raccoon();

//OR via worker as
let engine = Worker("racccon.js");
engine.postMessage({book: bookBuffer}); //This is a work around and not an actual UCI command


.evaluation() NOT COMPLETED

An evaluation function used to heuristically determine the relative value of a positions, i.e. the chances of winning. If we could see to the end of the game in every line, the evaluation would only have values of -inf (loss), 0 (draw), and +inf (win). It considers psqt table, imbalance, pawns, pieces, material value, mobility, threat, passed, space, and king.


  • finish threat
  • passed pawn evaluation
  • space check
  • king safety
let raccoon = new Raccoon();

raccoon.evaluation(); // Positive score for white as it has the tempo
//=> 28

.search(option) NOT COMPLETED


  • Transposition table
  • Static Exchange Evaluation(See)
  • Quiescence search
  • Alpha-beta search
    1. Aspiration window
    2. Interactive deepening
    3. Null move reduction
    4. Razoring pruning
    5. Futility pruning
    6. Late Move Reduction
    7. Late move pruning
    8. History futility pruning
  • Move Ordering
    1. Most value victim / Lowest Value Attacker
    2. Killer moves
    3. Butterfly history

Overall Game TODO

For optimization

  • Bitboard representation
  • Magic bitboard
  • UCI protocol


A JavaScript chess engine that is used for chess position evaluation; best move search; move generation or validation; piece placement or movement; check, checkmate, stalemate, and insufficient material detection.








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