If you're upgrading from an older version of Brainstem, please see Upgrading From The Pre 1.0 Brainstem and the rest of this README.
Brainstem is designed to power rich APIs in Rails. The Brainstem gem provides a presenter library that handles converting ActiveRecord objects into structured JSON and a set of API abstractions that allow users to request sorts, filters, and association loads, allowing for simpler implementations, fewer requests, and smaller responses.
- Separate business and presentation logic with Presenters.
- Version your Presenters for consistency as your API evolves.
- Expose end-user selectable filters and sorts.
- Whitelist your existing scopes to act as API filters for your users.
- Allow users to side-load multiple objects, with their associations, in a single request, reducing the number of requests needed to get the job done. This is especially helpful for building speedy mobile applications.
- Prevent data duplication by pulling associations into top-level hashes, easily indexable by ID.
- Easy integration with Backbone.js via brainstem-js. "It's like Ember Data for Backbone.js!"
Watch our talk about Brainstem from RailsConf 2013
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'brainstem'
Create a class that inherits from Brainstem::Presenter, named after the model that you want to present, and preferrably
versioned in a module. For example lib/api/v1/widget_presenter.rb
module Api
module V1
class WidgetPresenter < Brainstem::Presenter
presents Widget
# Available sort orders to expose through the API
sort_order :updated_at, "widgets.updated_at"
sort_order :created_at, "widgets.created_at"
# Default sort order to apply
default_sort_order "updated_at:desc"
# Optional filter that applies a lambda.
filter :location_name, :string, items: [:sf, :la] do |scope, location_name|
scope.joins(:locations).where("locations.name = ?", location_name)
# Filter with an overridable default. This will run on every request,
# passing in `bool` as `false` unless a user has specified otherwise.
filter :include_legacy_widgets, :boolean, default: false do |scope, bool|
bool ? scope : scope.without_legacy_widgets
# The top-level JSON key in which these presented records will be returned.
# This is optional and defaults to the model's table name.
brainstem_key :widgets
# Specify the fields to be present in the returned JSON.
fields do
field :name, :string,
info: "the Widget's name"
field :legacy, :boolean,
info: "true for legacy Widgets, false otherwise",
via: :legacy?
field :longform_description, :string,
info: "feature-length description of this Widget",
optional: true
field :aliases, :array,
item_type: :string,
info: "the differnt aliases for the widget"
field :updated_at, :datetime,
info: "the time of this Widget's last update"
field :created_at, :datetime,
info: "the time at which this Widget was created"
# Fields can be nested under non-evaluable parent fields where the nested fields
# are evaluated with the presented model.
fields :permissions, :hash do |permissions_field|
# Since the permissions parent field is not evaluable, the can_edit? method is
# evaluated with the presented Widget model.
permissions_field.field :can_edit, :boolean,
via: :can_edit?,
info: "Indicates if the user can edit the widget"
# Specify nested fields within an evaluable parent block field. A parent block field
# is evaluable only if one of the following options :via, :dynamic or :lookup is specified.
# The nested fields are evaluated with the value of the parent.
fields :tags, :array,
item_type: :hash,
info: "The tags for the given category",
dynamic: -> (widget) { widget.tags } do |tag|
# The name method will be evaluated with each tag model returned by the the parent block.
tag.field :name, :string,
info: "Name of the assigned tag"
fields :primary_category, :hash,
via: :primary_category,
info: "The primary category of the widget" do |category|
# The title method will be evaluated with each category model returned by the parent block.
category.field :title, :string,
info: "The title of the category"
# Associations can be included by providing include=association_name in the URL.
# IDs for belongs_to associations will be returned for free if they're native
# columns on the model, otherwise the user must explicitly request associations
# to avoid unnecessary loads.
associations do
association :features, Feature,
info: "features associated with this Widget"
association :location, Location,
info: "the location of this Widget"
Once you've created a presenter like the one above, pass requests through from your Controller.
class Api::WidgetsController < ActionController::Base
include Brainstem::ControllerMethods
def index
render json: brainstem_present("widgets") { Widgets.visible_to(current_user) }
def show
widget = Widget.find(params[:id])
render json: brainstem_present_object(widget)
def create
# Note: you are in charge of sanitizing params[brainstem_model_name], likely with strong parameters.
widget = Widget.new(params[brainstem_model_name])
if widget.save
render json: brainstem_present_object(widget)
render json: brainstem_model_error(widget), status: :unprocessable_entity
The Brainstem::ControllerMethods
concern provides:
which is inferred from your controller name or settable withself.brainstem_model_name = :thing
for presenting a scope of models or a single model.brainstem_model_error
for presenting model and system error messages.- Various methods for auto-documentation of your API.
We recommend that your base API controller look something like the following.
module Api
module V1
class ApiController < ApplicationController
include Brainstem::ControllerMethods
before_filter :api_authenticate
rescue_from StandardError, with: :server_error
rescue_from Brainstem::SearchUnavailableError, with: :search_unavailable
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed, with: :record_not_destroyed
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound,
ActionController::RoutingError, with: :page_not_found
def api_authenticate
# Implement your authentication here. We recommend Doorkeeper.
def server_error(exception)
render json: brainstem_system_error("A server error has occurred."), status: 500
def search_unavailable
render json: brainstem_system_error('Search is currently unavailable'), status: 503
def page_not_found
render json: brainstem_system_error('Record not found'), status: 404
def record_not_destroyed
render json: brainstem_model_error("Could not delete the #{brainstem_model_name.humanize.downcase.singularize}"), status: :unprocessable_entity
To configure Brainstem for development and production, we do the following:
We add
to our Rails autoload_paths in application.rb withconfig.autoload_paths += "#{config.root}/lib"
We setup an initializer in
, similar to the following:
# In order to support live code reload in the development environment, we
# register a `to_prepare` callback. This # runs once in production (before the
# first request) and whenever a file has changed in development.
Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
# Forget all Brainstem configuration.
# Set the current default API namespace.
Brainstem.default_namespace = :v1
# (Optional) Utilize MySQL's [FOUND_ROWS()](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-functions.html#function_found-rows)
# functionality to avoid issuing a new query to calculate the record count,
# which has the potential to up to double the response time of the endpoint.
Brainstem.mysql_use_calc_found_rows = true
# (Optional) Load a default base helper into all presenters. You could use
# this to bring in a concept like `current_user`. # While not necessarily the
# best approach, something like http://stackoverflow.com/a/11670283 can
# currently be used to # access the requesting user inside of a Brainstem
# presenter. We hope to clean this up by allowing a user to be passed in #
# when presenting in the future.
module ApiHelper
def current_user
# Load the presenters themselves.
Dir[Rails.root.join("lib/api/v1/*_presenter.rb").to_s].each { |presenter_path| require_dependency(presenter_path) }
The scope passed to brainstem_present
can contain any starting scope conditions that you'd like. Requests can have
includes, filters, and sort orders specified in the params and automatically parsed by Brainstem.
GET /api/widgets.json?include=features&order=created_at:desc&location_name=san+francisco
Responses will look like the following:
# Total number of results that matched the query.
count: 5,
# Information about the request and response.
meta: {
# Total number of results that matched the query.
count: 5,
# Current page returned in the response.
page_number: 1,
# Total number pages available.
page_count: 1,
# Number of results per page.
page_size: 20,
# A lookup table to top-level keys. Necessary
# because some objects can have associations of
# the same type as themselves. Also helps to
# support polymorphic requests.
results: [
{ key: "widgets", id: "2" },
{ key: "widgets", id: "10" }
# Serialized models with any requested associations, keyed by ID.
widgets: {
"10": {
id: "10",
name: "disco ball",
feature_ids: ["5"],
popularity: 85,
location_id: "2"
"2": {
id: "2",
name: "flubber",
feature_ids: ["6", "12"],
popularity: 100,
location_id: "2"
features: {
"5": { id: "5", name: "shiny" },
"6": { id: "6", name: "bouncy" },
"12": { id: "12", name: "physically impossible" }
Brainstem parses the request params and supports the following:
- Use
to select asort_order
. Seperate thesort_order
name and direction with a colon, like"order=created_at:desc"
. - Perform a search with
. See thesearch
block definition in the Presenter DSL section at the bottom of this README. - To request associations, use the
option with a comma-seperated list of association names, for example"include=features,location"
. - Pagination is supported by providing either the
URL params. You can set legal ranges for these by passing in the:per_page
options when presenting. The defaultper_page
is 20 and the default:max_per_page
is 200. - Brainstem supports a concept called "only queries" which allow you to request a specific set of records by ID, kind of like
a batch show request. These queries are triggered by the presence of the URL param
with a comma-seperated set of one or more IDs, for example""
. Please note that default filters are still applied toonly
queries, so you will receive only the subset of the requested objects that pass any default filters. To prevent this, you can provideapply_default_filters=false
as a query param. - Filters are standard URL parameters. To pass an option to a filter named
, provide a request param likelocation_name=san+francisco
. Because filters are top-level params, avoid naming them after any of the other Brainstem keywords, such assearch
, orinclude
. - Brainstem supports optional fields which will only be returned when requested, for example:
The brainstem
executable provided with the gem is at the moment used only to
generate API docs from the command line, but you can verify which commands are
available simply by running:
bundle exec brainstem
This will give you a list of all available commands. Additional help is
available for each command, and can be found by passing the command
the help
flag, i.e.:
bundle exec brainstem generate --help
Currently, Brainstem supports generation of documentation in the following formats:
- Markdown
- Open API Specification 2.0 (OAS 2.0)
Running bundle exec brainstem generate [ARGS]
will generate the documentation
extracted from your properly annotated presenters and controllers.
Note that this does not, at present, remove existing docs that may be present from a previous generation, so it is recommended that you use this executable as part of a large shell script that empties your directory and regenerates over top of it if you expect much churn.
While options can be passed on the command line, this can complicate the invocation, especially when the desired settings are often specific to the project and do not often change.
As a result, it is possible to specify options through an initializer in your application that will be used in the absence of command-line flags. Thus, configuration precedence is in the following order:
- Command-line flags;
- Initializer settings;
- Built-in defaults.
To see a list of the available command-line options, run bundle exec brainstem generate --help
To see a list of the available initializer settings, view lib/brainstem/api_docs.rb. You can configure these in your initializers just by setting them:
# config/initializers/brainstem.rb
Brainstem::ApiDocs.tap do |config|
config.write_path = "/path/to/output"
By and large, Presenters are self-documenting: simply using them as intended will yield a panoply of data.
All common methods that do not explicitly take a description take an :info
option, which allows for the specification of an explanatory documentation
As a general rule of thumb, methods that are not used within a block tend to
accept :info
strings, and those used within a block tend to have their own
For example:
class MyPresenter < Brainstem::Presenter
sort_order :cost, info: "Sorts by cost" do |scope, direction|
scope.reorder("myobjects.cost #{direction}")
The methods that take an :info
option include:
— also displays the documentation of any condition set in its:if
The following do not accept documentation:
The following methods accept a :nodoc
boolean option, which indicates that the
documentation should be suppressed for this particular entry:
— hides the associationfield
— hides the fieldsort_order
— hides the sort orderfilter
— hides the filterrequest
— causes the conditional not to be listed on any field which specifies it
In addition to the above, there are three additional methods in the DSL designed primarily for documentation:
— within a presenter or thebrainstem_params
block within a controller, skips generating the documentation entirely. Useful for hidden or non-public endpoints.title(str, options)
— used to specify an alternate title for the Presenter.nodoc: true
— forces fallback to the Presenter's constant
description(str, options)
— used to specify a description for the Presenter.nodoc: true
— displays no description
class PostsPresenter < Brainstem::Presenter
presents Post
# Hide the entire presenter
# nodoc!
# If we temporarily want to disable the custom title, and just display
# 'Posts', we can add a 'nodoc' option set to true.
# title "Blog Posts", nodoc: true
title "Blog Posts"
description <<-MARKDOWN.strip_heredoc
The blog post is the primary entity in the blog, which represents a single
post by one of our authors.
associations do
association :author, User,
info: "the author of the post"
# Temporarily disable documenting this relationship as we revamp the
# editorial system:
association :editor, User,
info: "the editor of the post",
nodoc: true
The configuration for a controller takes place inside the brainstem_params
block, e.g.:
class PostsController < ApiController
include Brainstem::Concerns::ControllerDSL
brainstem_params do
title "Posts"
Configuration that is specified within the root level of the brainstem_params
block is applied to the entire controller, and every action within the
controller. This is referred to as the 'default' context, because it is used as
the default for all actions. This lets you specify common defaults for all
actions, as well as a title and description for the controller, which, along
with an annotation of nodoc!
, are not inherited by the actions.
Each action has its own action context, and the documentation is smart enough
to know that what you want to document for the index
action is likely not
what you'd like to document for the show
action, but you are also likely to
have your create
and update
methods be very similar.
You can define an action context and place any configuration inside this context, and it will keep the documentation isolated to that specific action:
brainstem_params do
valid :global_controller_param, :string,
info: "A trivial example of a param that applies to all actions."
actions :index do
# This adds a `blog_id` param to just the `index` action.
valid :blog_id, :integer,
info: "The id of the blog to which this post belongs"
actions :create, :update do
# This will add an `id` param to both `create` and `update` actions.
valid :id, :integer,
info: "The id of the blog post"
Action contexts, like the default context, are inherited from the parent controller. So it is often possible to express common setup in the more abstract controllers, like so:
class ApiController
brainstem_params do
actions :destroy do
presents nil
class PostsController << ApiController; end
In this example, PostsController
will list no presenter for its destroy
method as it inherits this from ApiController
It is important to specify everything at the most specific level possible. Action contexts have a higher priority than defaults, and will fall back to the action context of the parent controller before they check the default of the child controller. It's therefore recommended that your documentation be kept in action contexts as much as possible.
Any of these can be used inside an action context as well.
class BlogPostsController < ApiController
brainstem_params do
# Make the displayed title of this controller "Posts"
title "Posts"
# Fall back to 'BlogPostsController' for a title
title "Posts", nodoc: true
# Show description
description "Access blog posts through these endpoints."
# Hide description
description "...", nodoc: true
# Do not document this controller or any of its endpoints!
actions :index do
# Set the title of this action
title "Listing blog posts"
description "..."
actions :show do
# Do not display this action.
class BlogPostsController < ApiController
brainstem_params do
# Add an `:category_id` param to all actions in this controller / children:
valid :category_id, :integer,
info: "(required) the category's ID"
# Do not document this additional field.
valid :lang, :string,
info: "(optional) the language of the requested post",
nodoc: true
actions :show do
# Declare a nested param under the `brainstem_model_name` root key,
# i.e. `params[:blog_post][:id]`):
model_params do |post|
post.valid :id, :integer,
info: "the id of the post", required: true
actions :create do
model_params :post do |params|
params.valid :message, :string,
info: "the message of the post",
required: true
params.valid :viewable_by, :array,
item_type: :integer,
info: "an array of user ids that can access the post"
# Declare a nested param with an explicit root key:, i.e. `params[:rating][...]`
model_params :rating do |rating_param|
rating_param.valid :stars, :integer,
info: "the rating of the post"
# Declare nested array params with an explicit key:, i.e. `params[:replies][0][...]`
params.valid :replies, :array,
item_type: :hash,
info: "an array of reply params that can be created along with the post" do |reply_params|
reply_params.valid :message, :string,
info: "the message of the post"
reply_params.valid :replier_id, :integer,
info: "the ID of the user"
actions :share do
# Declare a nested param with an explicit root key:, i.e. `params[:share][...]`
model_param :share do
# ...
def self.param_root
actions :update do
# Declare a dynamic root key, i.e. `params[:widgets][:id]`
model_params(-> (controller_klass) { controller_class.param_root } do |p|
p.valid :id #, ...
class BlogPostsController < ApiController
brainstem_params do
# Includes a link to the presenter for `BlogPost` in each action.
presents BlogPost
Allows documenting custom responses on endpoints. These are only applicable to action contexts.
class ContactsController < ApiController
brainstem_params do
actions :index do
response :hash do
field :count, :integer,
info: "Total count of contacts"
fields :contacts, :array,
item_type: :hash,
info: "Array of contact details" do
field :full_name, :string,
info: "Full name of the contact"
field :email_address, :string,
info: "Email address of the contact"
These are applicable only to the root context.
brainstem_params do
# The `tag` configuration allows grouping of all endpoints
# in a controller under the same group
tag "Adopt a Pet"
# The `tag_group` configuration introduces another level of nesting
# and allows grouping multiple controllers under a specific group
tag_groups "Dogs", "Cats"
Any of these can be used inside an action context.
class PetsController < ApiController
brainstem_params do
# A list of default MIME types, endpoints on this controller can consume.
consumes "application/xml", "application/json"
# A list of default MIME types, endpoints on this controller can produce.
produces "application/xml"
# A declaration of which security schemes are applied to endpoints on this controller.
security []
# The default transfer protocols for endpoints on this controller.
schemes "https", "http"
# Additional external documentation
external_doc description: 'External Doc',
url: 'www.google.com'
# Declares endpoints on this controller to be deprecated.
deprecated true
actions :update do
# Overriden MIME types the endpoints can consume.
consumes "application/json"
# A list of default MIME types the endpoints can produce.
produces "application/json"
# Security schemes for this endpoint.
security { "petstore_auth" => [ "write:pets" ] }
# Transfer protocols applicable to this endpoint.
schemes "https"
# External documentation for the endpoint.
external_doc description: 'Stock Market News',
url: 'www.google.com/finance'
# Overrides the deprecated value set on the root context.
deprecated false
The operation_id
configuration can only be used within an action context.
class BlogPostsController < ApiController
brainstem_params do
actions :show do
# Unique string used to identify the operation.
operation_id "getBlogByID"
For more information on extending and customizing the API documentation, please see the API Doc Generator developer documentation.
For more detailed examples, please see the rest of this README and our detailed Rails example application.
APIs presented with Brainstem are just JSON APIs, so they can be consumed with just about any language. As Brainstem evolves, we hope that people will contribute client libraries in many languages.
Existing libraries:
- If you're already using Backbone.js, integrating with a Brainstem API is super simple. Just use the brainstem-js gem (or its JavaScript contents) to access your relational Brainstem API from JavaScript.
- For consuming Brainstem APIs in Ruby, take a look at the brainstem-adaptor gem.
results: [
{ key: "widgets", id: "2" }, { key: "widgets", id: "10" }
widgets: {
"10": {
id: "10",
name: "disco ball",
Brainstem returns objects as top-level hashes and provides a results
array of key
and id
objects for finding the
returned data in those hashes. The reason that we use the results
array is two-fold: 1st) it provides order outside
of the serialized objects so that we can provide objects keyed by ID, and 2nd) it allows for polymorphic responses and
for objects that have associations of their own type (like posts and replies or tasks and sub-tasks).
We recommend writing specs for your Presenters and validating them with the Brainstem::PresenterValidator
. Here is an
example RSpec shared behavior that you might want to use:
shared_examples_for "a Brainstem api presenter" do |presenter_class|
it 'passes Brainstem::PresenterValidator' do
validator = Brainstem::PresenterValidator.new(presenter_class)
validator.should be_valid, "expected a valid presenter, got: #{validator.errors.full_messages}"
And then use it in your presenter specs (e.g., in spec/lib/api/v1/widget_presenter_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe Api::V1::WidgetPresenter do
it_should_behave_like "a Brainstem api presenter", described_class
describe 'presented fields' do
let(:loaded_associations) { { } }
let(:user_requested_associations) { %w[features location] }
let(:model) { some_widget } # load from a fixture or create with a factory
let(:presented_data) {
# `present_model` will return the representation of a single model. As an optional
# side effect, it will store any requested associations in the Hash provided
# to `load_associations_into`.
described_class.new.present_model(model, user_requested_associations,
load_associations_into: loaded_associations)
describe 'attributes' do
it 'presents the attributes' do
presented_data['name'].should == model.name
describe 'something conditional on the presenter' do
describe 'for widgets with this behavior' do
let(:model) { widget_with_permissions }
it 'should be true' do
presented_data['conditional_thing'].should be_truthy
describe 'for widgets without this behavior' do
let(:model) { widget_without_permissions }
it 'should be missing' do
presented_data.should_not have_key('conditional_thing')
describe 'associations' do
it 'should load the associations' do
loaded_associations.keys.should == %w[features location]
You can also write a spec that validates all presenters simultaniously by calling Brainstem.presenter_collection.validate!
Brainstem also includes some spec helpers for controller specs. In order to use them, you need to include Brainstem in
your controller specs by adding the following to spec/support/brainstem.rb
or in your spec/spec_helper.rb
require 'brainstem/test_helpers'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Brainstem::TestHelpers, type: :controller
Now you are ready to use the brainstem_data
# Access the request results:
expect(brainstem_data.results.first.name).to eq('name')
# View the resulting IDs
expect(brainstem_data.results.ids).to eq(['1', '2', '3'])
Selecting an item from a top-level collection by it's id
expect(brainstem_data.users.by_id(235).name).to eq('name')
# Accessing the keys of presented model
expect(brainstem_data.results.first.keys).to =~ %w(id name email address)
If you're upgrading from the previous version of Brainstem to 1.0, there are some key changes that you'll want to know about:
- The Presenter DSL has been rebuilt. Filters and sorts are the same, but the
method has been completely replaced by a class-level DSL. Please see the documentation above and below. - You can use
instead ofcustom_preload
now, althoughcustom_preload
still exists for complex cases. present_objects
have been renamed tobrainstem_present_objects
is now an annotation on presenters and not needed when declaring associations. It should always be plural.key_map
has been supplanted bybrainstem_key
in the presenter and has been removed.options[:as]
is no longer used withbrainstem_present
. Use thebrainstem_key
annotation in your presenters instead.helper
can now take a block or module.
Brainstem provides a rich DSL for building presenters. This section details the methods available to you.
- Accepts a list of classes that this specific presenter knows how to present. These are not inherited. -
- The name of the top-level JSON key in which these presented models will be returned. Defaults to the model's table name. This annotation is useful when returning data under a different external name than you use for your internal models, or when pres CEB7 enting data from STI tables that you want to have use the subclass's name. -
- Givesort_order
a sort name (as a symbol) and either a string of SQL to be used for ordering (like"widgets.updated_at"
) or a lambda that accepts a scope and an order, like the following:sort_order :composite do |scope, direction| # Be careful to avoid a SQL injection! sanitized_direction = direction == "desc" ? "desc" : "asc" scope.reorder("widgets.created_at #{sanitized_direction}, widgets.id #{sanitized_direction}") end
- The name and direction of the default sort for this presenter. The format is the same as is expected in the URL parameter, for example"name:desc"
. The default value is"updated_at:desc"
. -
- Provide a Module or block of helper methods to make available in filter, sort, conditional, association, and field lambdas. Any instance variables defined in the helpers will only be available for a single model presentation.# Provide a global helper Module for all presenters. Brainstem::Presenter.helper(ApiHelper) # Inside of a Presenter, provide local helpers. helper do def some_widget_helper(widget) widget.some_widget_method end end
- Declare an available filter for this Presenter. Filters have a name, some options, and a block to run when they're requested by a user. When a user provides either"true"
, as ininclude_legacy_widgets=true
, they will be coerced into booleans. All other input formats are left as strings. Here are some examples:# Optional filter that applies a lambda. filter :location_name, :string do |scope, location_name| scope.joins(:locations).where("locations.name = ?", location_name) end # Filter with an overridable default. This will run on every request, # passing in `bool` as `false` unless a user has specified otherwise. filter :include_legacy_widgets, :boolean, default: false do |scope, bool| bool ? scope : scope.without_legacy_widgets end
- This annotation allows you to create a block that is run when your users provide the specialsearch
URL param. When in "search" mode, Brainstem delegates entirely to this block and applies no filters or sorts beyond scoping to the base scope passed intopresenting
. You're in charge of implementing whatever filters and sorts you'd like to support in search mode inside of your search subsystem. The block should return an array where the first element is an array of a page of matching model ids, and the second option is the total number of matched records.search do |search_string, options| # options will contain: # include: an array of the requested association inclusions # order: { sort_order: sort_name, direction: direction } # limit and offset or page and per_page, depending on which the user has provided # requested filters and any default filters # Talk to your search system (solr, elasticsearch, etc.) here. results = do_an_actual_search(search_string, location_name: options[:location_name]) if results [results.map { |result| result.id.to_i }, results.total] else [false, 0] end end
If you wish to perform your Brainstem filters in conjunction with your search block you can use the beta
query strategy. See this for details. -
- Use this annotation to provide a list of valid associations to preload on this model. If you always end up asking a question of each instance that requires loading an association,preload
it here to avoid an N+1 query. The syntax is the same aspreload
in Rails and allows for nesting.preload :location preload :location, features: :feature_creator
- The Brainstemfields
DSL is how you tell Brainstem what JSON fields to provide in each of your presented models. Fields have a name, which is what they will be called in the returned JSON, a type which is used for API documentation, an optional documentation string, and a number of options. By default, fields will call a model method with the same name as the field's name and return the result. Use the:via
option to call a different method, or the:dynamic
option to provide a lambda that takes the model and returns the field's output value. Fields which result in N + 1 queries can be optimized with a:lookup
option, detailed in thelookup
section below. Fields can be conditionally returned with the:if
option, detailed in theconditionals
section below. Expensive fields can be declared asoptional: true
so that they are only returned whenoptional_fields=field
is provided in the API request. Here are some example fields:fields do field :name, :string, info: "the Widget's name" field :legacy, :boolean, info: "true for legacy Widgets, false otherwise", via: :legacy? field :dynamic_name, :string, info: "a formatted name for this Widget", dynamic: lambda { |widget| "This Widget's name is #{widget.name}" } field :aliases, :array, item_type: :string, info: "the differnt aliases for the widget" field :longform_description, :string, info: "feature-length description of this Widget", optional: true # Fields can be nested fields :permissions do field :access_level, :integer end # Fields can be nested under executable parent blocks. # Sub fields are evaluated with the value of the parent block. fields :tags, :array, info: "The tags for the given category", dynamic: -> (widget) { widget.tags } do |tag| tag.field :name, :string, info: "Name of the assigned tag" end end
- Associations are one of the best features of Brainstem. Your users can provide the names of associations toinclude
with their response, preventing N+1 API requests. Declaredassociation
entries have a name, an ActiveRecord class, an optional documentation string, and some options. By default, associations will call the association or method on the model with their name. Like fields, you can use:via
to call a different method or association and:dynamic
to provide a lambda that takes the model and returns a model, array of models, or relation of models. Associations which result in N + 1 queries can be optimized with a:lookup
option, detailed in thelookup
secontion below.If you have an association that tends to be large and expensive to return, you can annotate it with the
restrict_to_only: true
option and it will only be returned when theonly
URL param is provided and contains a specific set of requested model IDs.Included associations will be present in the returned JSON as either
, or<field>_refs
depending on whether they reference a single model, an array (or Relation) of models, a single polymorphic association (a polymorphicbelongs_to
), or a plural polymorphic association (a polymorphichas_many
) respectively. When a*_ref
is returned, it will look like{ "id": "2", "key": "widgets" }
, telling the consumer the top-level key in which to find the identified record by ID.If your model has a native column named
, it will be returned for free without being requested. Otherwise, users need to request associations via theinclude
url param.associations do association :features, Feature, info: "features associated with this Widget" association :location, Location, info: "the location of this Widget" association :previous_location, Location, info: "the Widget's previous location", dynamic: lambda { |widget| widget.previous_locations.first } association :associated_objects, :polymorphic, info: "a mixture of objects related to this Widget" end
- Use this option to avoid N + 1 queries for Fields and Associations. Thelookup
lambda runs once when presenting and every presented model gets its assocation or value from the cache thelookup
lambda generates. Thelookup
lambda takes in the presented models and should generate a cache containing the models' coresponding assocations or values. Brainstem expects the return result of thelookup
to be a Hash where the keys are the presented models' ids and the values are those models' associations or values. Use thelookup
when you would like to preload but cannot e.g. if your association referencescurrent_user
. If both alookup
options are defined, thelookup
will be used.associations do association :current_user_groups, Group, info: "the Groups for the current user", lookup: lambda { |models| Group.where(subject_id: models.map(&:id) .where(user_id: current_user.id) .group_by { |group| group.subject_id } } end
- Use this option for Fields and Associations if you would like to override how a model should retrieve its value or assocation returned by thelookup
cache. Thelookup_fetch
lambda takes in the presented model and the result from thelookup
lambda. It should return the association or value from thelookup
cache for thatmodel
. Iflookup_fetch
is not defined, Brainstem will run the default. The examplelookup_fetch
below is equivalent to the default.fields do field :current_user_post_count, Post, info: "count of Posts the current_user has for this model", lookup: lambda { |models| lookup = Post.where(subject_id: models.map(&:id) .where(user_id: current_user.id) .group_by { |post| post.subject_id } lookup }, lookup_fetch: lambda { |lookup, model| lookup[model.id] } end
- Conditionals are named questions that can be used to restrict whichfields
are returned. Theconditionals
block has two available methods,request
. Therequest
conditionals run once for the entire set of presented models, whilemodel
ones run once per model. Userequest
conditionals to check and then cache things like permissions checks that do not change between models, and usemodel
conditionals to ask questions of specific models. The optional documentation string is used in API doc generation.conditionals do model :title_is_hello, lambda { |model| model.title == 'hello' }, info: 'visible when the title is hello' request :user_is_bob, lambda { current_user == 'bob' }, # Assuming some sort of `helper` that provides `current_user` info: 'visible only to bob' end fields do field :hello_title, :string, info: 'the title, when it is exactly the word "hello"', dynamic: lambda { |model| model.title + " is the title" }, if: :title_is_hello field :secret, :string, info: "a secret, via the secret_info model method, only visible to bob and when the model's title is hello", via: :secret_info, if: [:user_is_bob, :title_is_hello] with_options if: :user_is_bob do field :bob_title, :string, info: 'another name for the title, only visible to Bob', via: :title end end
In Rails 3 it was acceptable to write scopes like this: scope :popular, where(:popular => true)
. This was deprecated
in Rails 4 in preference of scopes that include a callable object: scope :popular, lambda { where(:popular) => true }
If your scope does not take any parameters, this can cause a problem with Brainstem if you use a filter that delegates
to that scope in your presenter. (e.g., filter :popular
). The preferable way to handle this is to write a Brainstem
scope that delegates to your model scope:
filter :popular { |scope| scope.popular }
- Fork Brainstem or Brainstem.js
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request (
git pull-request
Brainstem and Brainstem.js were created by Mavenlink, Inc. and are available under the MIT License.