Meilisearch client for Smalltalk. Currently, Pharo 11 and GemStone/S 3.6.x are supported.
Metacello new
baseline: 'Meilisearch';
repository: 'github://mumez/';
To use Meilisearch, you need to set an API key. You can set the default API key at the system level.
MsSettings default apiKey: 'meili-api-key-A'.
After setting the default key, all newly created instances will use that API key.
meili := MeiliSearch new.
meili settings apiKey. "print it => 'meili-api-key-A'"
You can also explicitly set an API key on a per-instance basis:
meili := MeiliSearch apiKey: 'meili-api-key-B' url: 'http://localhost:7700'.
meili settings apiKey. "print it => 'meili-api-key-B'"
meili := MeiliSearch new.
task := meili createIndex: 'my-blog' primaryKey: 'id'.
"or just `meili createIndex: 'my-blog'.`"
task inspect. "You can see the task is enqueued"
resp := MeiliSearch new indexes.
resp results detect: [ :each | each uid = 'my-blog' ]. "print it =>
a MsIndex uid: 'my-blog' primaryKey: 'id' createdAt:
2023-06-26T07:10:18.44037373+00:00 updatedAt:
index := (MeiliSearch new index: 'my-blog') loaded.
index := MeiliSearch new index: 'my-blog'.
docs := {
{'id' -> 1. 'title' -> 'Woke up'. 'contents'->'I finally woke up. Started researching Meilisearch.' } asDictionary.
{'id' -> 2. 'title' -> 'Smalltalk'. 'contents'->'I did Smalltalk programming' } asDictionary.
{'id' -> 3. 'title' -> ''. 'contents'->'I tried Works good. I can add full-text search to my blog program in a few minutes.' } asDictionary.
task := index putDocuments: docs.
task waitEndedForAWhile. "Await task is ended"
index := MeiliSearch new index: 'my-blog'.
resp := index search: 'Meilisearch'.
resp hits collect: [ :each | each at: 'id' ]. "print it => #(3 1)"
resp := index search: 'program'.
resp hits collect: [ :each | each at: 'id' ]. "print it => #(2 3)"
resp := index search: 'Smalltalk'.
resp hits. "print it => an Array(a Dictionary('contents'->'I did Smalltalk programming' 'id'->2
'title'->'Smalltalk' ))"
resp := index search: 'Meilisearch' optionsUsing:[:opts | opts attributesToRetrieve: #('id')].
resp hits. "print it => an Array(a Dictionary('id'->3 ) a Dictionary('id'->1 ))"
resp := index search: 'Meilisearch' optionsUsing:[:opts | opts attributesToRetrieve: #('id'); offset: 1; limit: 1].
resp hits. "print it => an Array(a Dictionary('id'->1 ))"
"You can apply index-specific settings for advanced searching"
attributes := #('id' 'title').
settingsTask := index applySettingsUsing: [ :opts |
opts sortableAttributes: attributes copy; filterableAttributes: attributes copy; displayedAttributes: attributes copy.
settingsTask waitEndedForAWhile.
resp := index search: 'Meilisearch' optionsUsing:[:opts | opts filter: 'title = "Woke up"'].
resp hits. "print it => an Array(a Dictionary('id'->1 'title'->'Woke up' ))"
You can also submit multiple searches in a single request.
(meili createIndex: 'my-wiki') waitEndedForAWhile.
otherIndex := meili index: 'my-wiki'.
otherIndex putDocuments: {
{'id' -> 1. 'title' -> 'Smalltalk meetup'. 'contents'->'June 9 will be a Smalltalk meet-up in Tokyo' } asDictionary.
resp := meili multiSearchUsing: [ :opts | {
(opts index: otherIndex) q: 'Smalltalk'.
(opts index: 'my-blog') q: 'Smalltalk'; attributesToRetrieve: #('id')
resp collect: [ :each | each hits ]. "print it => an Array(an Array(a Dictionary('contents'->'June 9 will be a Smalltalk meet-up
in Tokyo' 'id'->1 'title'->'Smalltalk meetup' )) an Array(a Dictionary('id'->2)))"
By setting #filterableAttributes: on an index, you can enable faceted search feature. The search response includes facets statistics, which can be used to further refine search results.
(meili createIndex: 'facet-books') waitEndedForAWhile.
booksIndex := meili index: 'facet-books'.
settingsTask := booksIndex applySettingsUsing: [ :opts |
opts filterableAttributes: #('title' 'rating' 'genres').
settingsTask waitEndedForAWhile.
docs := {
{'id' -> 1. 'title' -> 'Hard Times'. 'rating' -> 4.5.
'genres' -> #('Classics' 'Victorian' 'English Literature')} asDictionary.
{'id' -> 2. 'title' -> 'The Great Gatsby'. 'rating' -> 4.8.
'genres' -> #('Classics' 'American Literature' 'Romance') } asDictionary.
{'id' -> 3. 'title' -> 'Moby Dick'. 'rating' -> 4.7.
'genres' -> #('Classics' 'American Literature' 'Adventure') } asDictionary.
(booksIndex putDocuments: docs) waitEndedForAWhile.
resp := booksIndex search: 'classic' optionsUsing: [:opts | opts facets: #('genres' 'rating')].
resp facetStats at: 'rating'. "print it => a Dictionary('max'->4.8 'min'->4.5 )"
resp facetDistribution at: 'genres'. "print it => a Dictionary('Adventure'->1 'American Literature'->2 'Classics'->3 'English
Literature'->1 'Romance'->1 'Victorian'->1 )"
resp := booksIndex search: 'America' optionsUsing: [:opts | opts facets: #('genres' 'rating')].
resp facetStats at: 'rating'. "print it => a Dictionary('max'->4.8 'min'->4.7 )"
resp facetDistribution at: 'genres'. "print it => a Dictionary('Adventure'->1 'American Literature'->2 'Classics'->2 'Romance'->1
You can also use #facetSearchUsing: to search for facet values in the index. The #facetQuery: search word is a prefix match and allows typos.
resp := booksIndex facetSearchUsing: [:opts | opts facetQuery: 'clasic'; facetName: 'genres'; filter: 'rating > 4.
facetHits := resp facetHits. "print it => an Array(a Dictionary('count'->2 'value'->'Classics' ))"
Starting with Meilisearch 1.3 you can search documents by vectors. This feature is still experimental, so you should explicitly enable it using the experimental features API.
"Enable vector search feature"
meili vectorStore: true.
Now you can perform vector search.
(meili createIndex: 'vector-blog') waitEndedForAWhile.
vectorBlogIndex := meili index: 'vector-blog'.
"Each document should have '_vectors' field to store vectors"
"These values are dummy. In reality, the values should be calculated by some Word2Vec programs"
docs := {
{'id' -> 1. 'title' -> 'Woke up'. 'contents' -> 'I finally woke up'.
'_vectors' -> #(0 0.8 -0.2)} asDictionary.
{'id' -> 2. 'title' -> 'Smalltalk'. 'contents' -> 'I did Smalltalk'.
'_vectors' -> #(1 -0.2 0) } asDictionary.
{'id' -> 3. 'title' -> ''. 'contents' -> 'I tried'.
'_vectors' -> #(1 2 3) } asDictionary.
(vectorBlogIndex putDocuments: docs) waitEndedForAWhile.
resp := vectorBlogIndex vectorSearch: #(1 2 3).
resp hits first. "print it => a Dictionary('_semanticScore'->14.0 '_vectors'->#(1 2 3) 'contents'->'I tried' 'id'->3 'title'->'' )
resp := vectorBlogIndex vectorSearch: #(0 0.8 0.2).
resp hits first. "a Dictionary('_semanticScore'->0.6 '_vectors'->#(0 0.8 -0.2) 'contents'->'I finally woke up' 'id'->1 'title'->'Woke up' )"
(MeiliSearch new index: 'my-blog') delete.