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Caution: This version is a BETA.

Stable version checklist:

  • Support all modern Browser and IE 9+
  • Support CSS parse on server side
  • no malfunction of the code


CSSC is a CSS Controller to manage your Cascading Style Sheets.


CSSC can be used to define Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in your browser, to change/show/delete allready defined CSS.

Controller object (CSSC)

The controller object (CSSC) is a function to get handler object or to import new style sheets.

  • get handler object
    var h = CSSC(".className"); //get handler object with all CSS objects are defined as .className
        h = CSSC([".className1", ".className2"]); //get handler object with .className1 and .className2
        h = CSSC(/\.className[0-9]{,1}/); //get handler obejct with objects matched to regular expression
        h = CSSC(); //get handler object with all defined CSS objects
  • define CSS (import)
    //define new style sheets in browser
        ".className": {
            border: "1px solid #000"
        ".className1": {
            border: "1px dotted #000"
        ".className2": function(){ //updatable object
            return {
                border: "none"

Controller methods


init is a method to initialize allready defined CSS. After init you can change, show or delete CSS.

  • initObj - DOM "<style>", "<link>" element, an other CSSC object, StyleSheet object or Array containing it.

Return value - Controller object (CSSC)


// init all defined CSS rules in 
// '<style id="style-sheet">...</style>' element

// init all CSS rules in all 
// '<style>...</style>' elements


import is a meth 9E88 od to import JS objects to the CSS Controller.

  • importObj - an object with style sheets

Return value - Controller object (CSSC)


var importObj = {
    body: {
        margin: 1
    p: {
        width: 500,
        margin: "auto",
        "span.first": { // generate CSS rule "p span.first"
            "font-size": 25
        "@media screen and (max-width: 500px)": { // generate media rule with "p" rule
            width: "100%"
    ".updatable": function(){ // generate updatable class
        return {
            'font-size': 10 + (Math.random() * 10),

CSSC.import(importObj); //alternativly can be used simply CSSC(importObj);


update is a method for updating CSS properties which have been defined via functions

  • selector [optional] - a selector as String or RegEx or Array of Strings

Return value - Controller object (CSSC)


CSSC.update(); // update all CSS rules which were defined through functions
// or
CSSC.update(".updatable"); // update CSS rule .updatable when it was defined through function


export is a method to export defined CSS as String, Object or Array

  • exportType [optional] - String with export type (default: "object")
    • "css" - export as CSS String
    • "min" - export as minified CSS String
    • "obj" - export as JS-Object
    • "arr" - export as array
    • "object" - the same as "obj"
    • "objNMD" - export as not multidimensional object
    • "array" - the same as "arr"

Return value - Mixed


    body: {
        margin: 1
    p: {
        width: 500,
        margin: "auto",
        "span.first": { // generate CSS rule "p span.first"
            "font-size": 25
        "@media screen and (max-width: 500px)": { // generate media rule with "p" rule
            width: "100%"
    ".updatable": function(){ // generate updatable class
        return {
            'font-size': 10 + (Math.random() * 10),

var exportObject = CSSC.export(); // or CSSC.export("obj") or CSSC.export("object")
console.log(JSON.stringify(exportObject, true, 4));
    "body": {
        "margin": "1px"
    "p": {
        "width": "500px",
        "margin": "auto",
        "span.first": {
            "font-size": "25px"
        "@media screen and (max-width: 500px)": {
            "width": "100%"
    ".updatable": {
        "font-size": "18.34px"

exportObject = CSSC.export("css");
body {
  margin: 1px;
p {
  width: 500px;
  margin: auto;
p span.first {
  font-size: 25px;
@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
  p {
    width: 100%;
.updatable {
  font-size: 18.34px;

exportObject = CSSC.export("min");
body{margin:1px;}p{width:500px;margin:auto;}p span.first{font-size:25px;}@media screen and (max-width:500px){p{width:100%;}}.updatable{font-size:18.34px;}

exportObject = CSSC.export("objNMD");
console.log(JSON.stringify(exportObject, true, 4));
    "body": {
        "margin": "1px"
    "p": {
        "width": "500px",
        "margin": "auto"
    "p span.first": {
        "font-size": "25px"
    "@media screen and (max-width: 500px)": {
        "p": {
            "width": "100%"
    ".updatable": {
        "font-size": "18.34px"

exportObject = CSSC.export("array");
console.log(JSON.stringify(exportObject, true, 4));
        "body": {
            "margin": "1px"
        "p": {
            "width": "500px",
            "margin": "auto"
        "p span.first": {
            "font-size": "25px"
        "@media screen and (max-width: 500px)": [
                "p": {
                    "width": "100%"
        ".updatable": {
            "font-size": "18.34px"


parse is a method to parse defined CSS. This method is identical to .export(CSSC.type_export.css) or export(CSSC.type_export.min)

  • min [optional] - Boolean, if true return a minified CSS (default: false)

Return value - String with CSS


this method returns the same result as .export("css") or .export("min");

exportObject = CSSC.parse(); // or .parse(false)
body {
  margin: 1px;
p {
  width: 500px;
  margin: auto;
p span.first {
  font-size: 25px;
@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
  p {
    width: 100%;
.updatable {
  font-size: 18.34px;

exportObject = CSSC.parse(true);
body{margin:1px;}p{width:500px;margin:auto;}p span.first{font-size:25px;}@media screen and (max-width:500px){p{width:100%;}}.updatable{font-size:18.34px;}


new is a method to get a new CSS Controller (CSSC)


Return value - New Controller object (CSSC)


var newCSSC = CSSC.new();
    ".myClass": {
        "margin-top": 10


conf is a method to set or get configurations.

.conf([conf[, value]])
  • conf [optional] - An object with key-value pair to set, Array of Strings to get or key as String to set/get
  • value [optional] - if conf a String becomes value to set

Return value - Mixed -> Controller object (CSSC) if set or object key-value pair or configuration value


CSSC.conf({ // set as object
    style_id: "my-style-sheets", // [String]  Document element ID 
    view_err: true,              // [Boolean] Show errors in console
    parse_tab_len: 4             // [Integer] Length of space characters by export

CSSC.conf("style_id", "cssc-sheet");      // set with key String
CSSC.conf("style_id");                    // get with key String 
CSSC.conf(["style_id", "parse_tab_len"]); // get with Array of strings, return an object as key-value pair
CSSC.conf();                              // get all defined configurations


vars is a method to set or get variables. If you need to use variable keys, you can use this method.

.vars([var[, value]])
  • var [optional] - An object with key-value pair to set, Array of Strings to get or key as String to set/get
  • value [optional] - if conf a String becomes value to set

Return value - Mixed -> Controller object (CSSC) if set or object key-value pair or variable value


//The principle of set and get vars is the same as with conf method.

    T: "-top", // use String / Integer / Float
    R: "-right",
    B: "-bottom",
    L: "-left",
    box: { // use Objects or Arrays
        m: "margin",
        p: "padding"
    media: function(a, b) // use Functions
        return "@media "+a+" and (max-width: "+b+"px)";
    MT: "$box.m$T", // use vars in vars

// begin the var with "$" character
    body: {
        "$box.m": 10,
        "$box.p$T": 15,
        "$media(screen, 500)": {
            "$box.m$B": 20,
            $MT: 25

body {
  margin: 10px;
  padding-top: 15px;
@media screen and (max-width: 500px) {
  body {
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    margin-top: 25px;


this method is a helper function, can be used to test your vars.

.parseVars(text[, vars])
  • text - A String, the text to parse
  • vars [optional] - An object with variables as key-value pair

Return value - Parsed string


    myVar: "my variable text",

var val = CSSC.parseVars("this is $myVar");
this is my variable text

val = CSSC.parseVars("this is $myVar", {myVar: "my temporarily overwritten text"});
this is my temporarily overwritten text

val = CSSC.parseVars("this var $notExists");
this var $notExists


this method is a helper function, can be used to parse CSS from simple object

.cssFromObj(obj[, min[, tabLen]])
  • obj - A simple object to parse
  • min [optional] - a Boolean if the value true, return value is a minified CSS String (default: false)
  • tabLen [optional] - an Integer to define the length of tab (default: 2)

Return value - Parsed string


var cssString = CSSC.cssFromObj({body:{margin: "20px"}});
body {
  margin: 20px;

cssString = CSSC.cssFromObj({body:{margin: "20px"}}, true);

cssString = CSSC.cssFromObj({body:{margin: "20px"}}, false, 8);
body {
        margin: 20px;


this method is a helper function, can be used to generate an object from a css string.

  • css - A CSS String

Return value - Generated object


var cssObj = CSSC.objFromCss("body{margin:20px;}");
console.log(JSON.stringify(cssObj, true, 4));
    "margin": "20px"

Controller properties


version is a String with version number of CSS Controller



type is an object with CSS type definitions

console.log(JSON.stringify(CSSC.type, true, 4));
    "rule": 1,
    "charset": 2,
    "import": 3,
    "media": 4,
    "fontFace": 5,
    "page": 6,
    "keyframes": 7,
    "keyframe": 8,
    "namespace": 10,
    "counterStyle": 11,
    "supports": 12,
    "fontFeatureValues": 14,
    "viewport": 15


type_export is an object with CSS Controller export-type definitions

console.log(JSON.stringify(CSSC.type_export, true, 4));
    "css": "css",
    "min": "min",
    "obj": "obj",
    "arr": "arr",
    "object": "object",
    "notMDObject": "objNMD",
    "array": "array"


_conf is an object with default CSSC configurations

console.log(JSON.stringify(CSSC._conf, true, 4));
    "style_id": "cssc-style",   // [String]  ID of the "<style>" element
    "view_err": true,           // [Boolean] if true, the errors are displayed in console
    "parse_tab_len": 2,         // [Integer] Length of space characters by export
    "parse_unit_default": "px", // [String]  default unit to set on values if integer or float given
    "parse_vars_limit": 100     // [Integer] limit to max parse variables

Handler object

The Handler object is an object to get, set, delete, update and export defined CSS properties. You get this object from the controller object

var h = CSSC(".className"); //get a handler object with all CSS objects are defined as .className
    h = CSSC([".className1", ".className2"]); //get a handler object with .className1 and .className2
    h = CSSC(/\.className[0-9]{,1}/); //get a handler obejct with objects matched to regular expression
    h = CSSC(); //get a handler object with all defined CSS objects

Handler methods


get is a method to get CSS properties

.get([propertie[, returnAll]])
  • propertie [optional] - A String with property name. If this value is not given, return this method an object with all properies of the Handler object
  • returnAll [optional] - A Boolean. If true, the return value is an Array with all found properties; if false, the return value is the last definition of property in the Handler object (default: false)

Return value - Mixed -> Object, String or Array of Strings, depending on how the parameters were set


    body: [{
        margin: 10,
        padding: 5,
        border: "1 solid #ccc",
        padding: 7

var val = CSSC("body").get("padding");

val = CSSC("body").get("padding", true);
console.log(JSON.stringify(val, true, 4));

val = CSSC("body").get();
console.log(JSON.stringify(val, true, 4));
    "body": [
            "margin": "10px",
            "padding": "5px"
            "border": "1px solid #ccc",
            "padding": "7px"


set is a method to set CSS properties

.set(toSet[, value])
  • toSet - A property to set as String, an object to set with key-value pair, a function that returns the values to set, or Array containing an object or function with key-value.
  • value [optional] - use this when toSet a String. A value to set as String/Integer/Float, a function that returns the values to set, an object to create a new CSS rule or an Array with objects to create new rules.

Return value - Handler object.


    body: {
        margin: 10,
        padding: 5,

CSSC("body").set("border", "1 solid red");
body {
  margin: 10px;
  padding: 5px;
  border: 1px solid red;

CSSC("body").set({margin: 20, padding: 0});
body {
  margin: 20px;
  padding: 0px;
  border: 1px solid red;

CSSC("body").set(".newClass",{margin: "5 0 0 10", float: "left"});
body {
  margin: 20px;
  padding: 0px;
  border: 1px solid red;
body .newClass {
  margin: 5px 0px 0px 10px;
  float: left;

CSSC("body .newClass").set({border: "1 solid #ccc", "/.class1":{float: "none"}});
body {
  margin: 20px;
  padding: 0px;
  border: 1px solid red;
body .newClass {
  margin: 5px 0px 0px 10px;
  float: left;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
body .newClass.class1 {
  float: none;


delete is a method to delete a CSS property or a CSS rule

  • property [optional] - A property name to delete. If this value not given, the method deletes the complete rule(s)

Return value - Handler object.


    body: [{
        margin: 10,
        padding: 5,
        border: "1 solid #ccc",
        padding: 7

var parsed = CSSC.parse();
body {
  margin: 10px;
  padding: 5px;
body {
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  padding: 7px;

// delete property
parsed = CSSC.parse();
body {
  margin: 10px;
body {
  border: 1px solid #ccc;

//delete rule
parsed = CSSC.parse();
body {
  border: 1px solid #ccc;


update is a method to update updatable properties or rules


Return value - Handler object.


    '.updatable1': function(){
        return {
            width: Math.random()*100+100,
            height: Math.random()*100+100,
    '.updatable2': {
        width: 20,
        height: function(){ return Math.random()*10+10; }

var parsed = CSSC.parse();
.updatable1 {
  width: 166.16px;
  height: 147.66px;
.updatable2 {
  width: 20px;
: 16.13px;

parsed = CSSC.parse();
.updatable1 {
  width: 101.4px;
  height: 143.95px;
.updatable2 {
  width: 20px;
  height: 16.13px;

parsed = CSSC.parse();
.updatable1 {
  width: 117.66px;
  height: 198.24px;
.updatable2 {
  width: 20px;
  height: 10.94px;


export is a method to export defined CSS as String, Object or Array

  • exportType [optional] - String with export type (default: "object")
    • "css" - export as CSS String
    • "min" - export as minified CSS String
    • "obj" - export as JS-Object
    • "arr" - export as array
    • "object" - the same as "obj"
    • "objNMD" - export as not multidimensional object
    • "array" - the same as "arr"

Return value - Mixed


    body: {
        margin: 1
    p: {
        width: 500,
        margin: "auto",
        "span.first": {
            "font-size": 25
        "@media screen and (max-width: 500px)": { 
            width: "100%"

var exportObject = CSSC("p").export(); // or CSSC.export("obj") or CSSC.export("object")
console.log(JSON.stringify(exportObject, true, 4));
    "p": {
        "width": "500px",
        "margin": "auto",
        "span.first": {
            "font-size": "25px"
        "@media screen and (max-width: 500px)": {
            "width": "100%"

exportObject = CSSC("p").export("css");
p {
  width: 500px;
  margin: auto;


parse is a method to parse defined CSS. This method is identical to .export(CSSC.type_export.css) or .export(CSSC.type_export.min)

  • *min [optional]* - Boolean, if true return a minified CSS (default: false)

Return value - String with CSS


this method returns the same result as .export("css") or .export("min");

exportObject = CSSC("p").parse(true);


pos is a method to get a Handler object with style element of the given position

  • position - Integer, the position of found style elements. If the position is negative, count the position from last.

Return value - Handler object with style element of the given position


    p: [{
        height: 100
        width: 500
        color: "green"

var handler = CSSC("p");
p {
  height: 100px;
p {
  width: 500px;
p {
  color: green;

p {
  height: 100px;

p {
  width: 500px;

p {
  color: green;


first is a method to get a Handler object with first style element. This method is equivalent to .pos(0)


Return value - Handler object with first style element


    p: [{ height: 100 },{ width: 500 },{ color: 0xff00 }]

p {
  height: 100px;


last is a method to get a Handler object with last style element. This method is equivalent to .pos(-1)


Return value - Handler object with last style element


    p: [{ height: 100 },{ width: 500 },{ color: 0xff00 }]

p {
  color: rgb(0, 255, 0);

Handler properties


e is an Array with CSS Objects

    ".className": {
        border: "1px solid #000"
    ".className1": {
        border: "1px dotted 0x0"
    ".className2": {
        border: "none"


console screenshot


console screenshot
