A set of tests validating YABench framework against CSRBench. Using this test one can check whether YABench produces the same results as CSRBench.
First, you need to clone this repository, download the latest release of the YABench framework from the releases page and unpack it.
Make sure that you have installed all prerequisites and dependencies which are listed in the Installing wiki page.
Now you're ready to run the tests!
Example command to execute a test:
./runner.py <test folder> -Dinputstream=<CSRBench's inputstream> -Dexec.oracle=<path to Oracle's .jar> -Dexec.engine=<path to Engine's jar>
For example, if you've unpacked the release archive to the cloned repository folder, you should have the following folder structure:
-- .
-- cqels_Q1/
-- cqels_Q2/
-- csparql_Q1/
-- yabench-<version>/
-- csrbench-inputstream.n3t
If you want to run test cqels_Q1
, you need to execute the following command:
./yabench-<version>/yabench-runner/runner.py cqels_Q1 -Dinputstream=csrbench-inputstream.n3t -Dexec.oracle=yabench-<version>/yabench-oracle.jar -Dexec.engine=yabench-<version>/yabench-cqels.jar
The results can be found in cqels_Q1/results