You must first install the Grabbit AEM package on any instance you wish to sync content to (i.e. a Grabbit client). You can download the latest package from bintray: See the Grabbit project page for more information.
Finally, the distributed binaries are self-executing Java programs (thanks to the awesome Capsule packager). The only requirement is that you have the Java 8+ runtime installed.
If you’re running on Windows, you need to put e.g., |
For the instructions below, assuming that you’ve renamed the binary you chose to grabbit-cli
(If you downloaded the file from BinTray, you may need to set the execute bit on it first to use on a *nix system: chmod u+x grabbit-cli
Run grabbit-cli -h
to view list of options:
usage: grabbit-cli -[h|s|sm|m] [grabbit-json-file] [env-json-file] [env] [grabbit-ids-file]
-h,--help Show usage information
-m,--monitor <[env-json-file] [environment] [grabbit-ids-file]> Monitor grabbit
-s,--start <[grabbit-json-file] [env-json-file] [environment]> Start grabbit
-sm,--start-monitor <[grabbit-json-file] [env-json-file] [environment]> Start and monitor grabbit
Example for syncing to your local author:
grabbit-cli -sm grabbit-author.json localhost.json localhost
Example for syncing to your local publish:
grabbit-cli -sm grabbit-publish.json localhost.json localhost
For now, check the Grabbit documentation for the format of the environment/configuration files. |
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