To get this template for your project, you need to install CookieCutter on your machine.
Then, run:
And follow instructions. Done! You are awesome!
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
poetry install
make build
make start_db
make start_dev
make stop
uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 5000 --reload
Init DB: make initdb
Create migrations: make makemigrations
Apply migrations: make migrate
Show migrations: make showmigrations
Go to https://localhost:5000/ to access FastAPI swagger.
I am open for suggestions/reports in issues on Github.
I am sure that template needs some tuning but should work from the box already.
NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION. If you want to use this template in production you need to tune it yourself for your needs.
- Add tests templates with pytest