- 🌎 languages & travelling.
- 🎥 Cinema.
- 🏃🏻Running.
- 🥊Kickboxing & Muay Thai
🛠️ I work with T-SQL, Jira, Confluence, Git,
Uipath, VB, and C Programming building effective solutions.
💡 I'm also a skilled in C#, Unix, Unity3D, and Figma.
- CPP Modules -> in progress..
- Minishell -> As beautiful as a Shell
- Minitalk -> A small data exchange program using UNIX signals
- Push_Swap -> Sorting data on a stack, with a limited set of instructions
- FdF -> A wireframe viewer for 3D maps
- Philosophers -> The dining philosophers problem
- Ft_printf -> Recoding the printf function
- Get_next_line -> Reading content line by line from a file, stdin, or even a network connection
- Libft -> A C library