Can the genre of a song be predicted based off of a few audio features? What if more artist-based features are included?
Using a 10,000 song sample, from the Million Song Dataset (, these questions will attempt to be answered.
This dataset contains a million songs from 1922-2011, with artist tagged information from Echonest (now part of Spotify), along with audio measurements, and other relevant information.
Thierry Bertin-Mahieux, Daniel P.W. Ellis, Brian Whitman, and Paul Lamere. The Million Song Dataset. In Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2011), 2011.
-The extraction of HDF5 source files and some initial EDA:
-Web-scraping the Billboard Top 100 charts from 1958-2011, to determine if a song was popular or not:
-Exploratory Data Analysis:
-Predicting if a song is hot/popular or not using information from the Billboard Top 100 charts:
04_Predict_Hot_Billboard Songs.ipynb
-Predicting if a genre can be found with audio features:
An Executive Summary is included in the Documents folder:
Below is a dictionary of audio terms and columns that are found in the 10k dataset file, for reference:
Field name | Description |
artist familiarity | algorithmic estimation |
artist hotttnesss | algorithmic estimation |
artist id | Echo Nest ID |
artist latitude | latitude |
artist location | location name |
artist longitude | longitude |
artist name | artist name |
artist terms | Echo Nest tags (genre classification) |
artist terms freq | Echo Nest tags freqs (how often it shows up) |
artist terms weight | Echo Nest tags weight (genre weight) |
bars start | beginning of bars, usually on a beat |
beats start | result of beat tracking |
duration | in seconds |
end of fade in | seconds at the beginning of the song |
key | key the song is in |
loudness | overall loudness in dB |
mode | major or minor |
release | album name |
sections start | largest grouping in a song, e.g. verse |
segments loudness max | max dB value |
segments loudness max time | time of max dB value, i.e. end of attack |
segments loudness max start | dB value at onset |
segments pitches | chroma feature, one value per note |
segments start | musical events, ~ note onsets |
segments timbre | texture features (MFCC+PCA-like) |
song hotttnesss | algorithmic estimation |
start of fade out | time in sec |
tatums start | smallest rythmic element |
tempo | estimated tempo in BPM |
time signature | estimate of number of beats per bar, e.g. 4 |
title | song title |
year | song release year from MusicBrainz or 0 |