I am a full stack developer with experience in Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Python, C++ and C#. Enrolled in the University of Maryland, College Park Computer Science Degree Program. Software mentor for the 4541 FRC Team - cavineers. I am a Unix and Windows user and have experience in serverside environments.
I am the lead developer of the FRC TASER Application - The Application of Engineering Robots is a workspace and management application which has the goal of increasing productivity for all FIRST robotics teams.
Discord Uptime Bot Developer - One of the maintainers and programmers for the Uptime discord bot organization
FRC Team 4541 Vision Code - Programmed the Artificial Intelligent vision application which helped our team with the Galactic Search challenge in FRC.
FRC Team 4541 Robot Code - Programming the robot to perform tasks in accordance with the FIRST challenge for the season. This is primarily programmed in Java code.
Developer of the SMART Application - Lead developer of the SMART artificial intelligent data processing and management APIs built on Electron.js which is able to detect and generate algorithms intelligently for FIRST Scouting organizations.
JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, c++, and C#.
Unix command line (MacOS and Linux), Windows command line, Serverside environments such as AWS or Azure (including VMWare IT services), React Framework, and Discord bot development.