Ruby version 2.3.1
Rails version 5.13
- pg_search for autocomplete
- devise for authentication
- kaminari for pagination
- carrierwave for photo upload
jQuery autocomplete
Run project:
- just run the seed and you should be good to go, 2 users created
- User / 12345678
- Admin / 12345678 Admin should login from user login screen and should be able to find admin tab in header
All following are supported:
- Ability to view featured items that are marked by the administrator
- View list all the items in each entertainment category
- Ability to search for items on the platform using autocomplete feature
- View the details of each item and add them to the cart
- Ability to checkout his cart and receive and email with the invoice, noting that only registered users can complete the checkout process.
- Also, Users can register a new account using Facebook to ease the login process to his/her account.
- Submit a review on any entertainment item with a rating
- Share on Facebook a particular movie with the review submitted
Admin should be able to:
- The administrator should have the ability of creating a bundled item which is a set of other products on the platform with a discounted price.
- Listing and views of the all the orders to manage them online
- Upload various media types for the entertainment items such as cover images, trailers, etc…
- Control the reviews submitted on the elements by deleting them if necessary
- Ability to mark orders as fulfilled and label them for future references
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