This program is designed to solve a quadratic equation, but it can do more than that.
- Solve 0th, 1st and 2nd degree equations.
- Communicating with the user in different languages (the list of languages will be expanded).
- Testing computational functions
Bend the repository and compile the files
First step:
git clone
Second step:
cd Quadratic\QuadraticEquationSolver
Third step:
qSolver.exe --*flags* *arguments*
This program supports the following flags (the list will be extended in the future)
li>Start tests according to the test_arguments.txt file. The list of files with tested input data can be expanded.
qSolver.exe --test test_arguments.txt
- Get the coefficients of an equation from the command line.
qSolver.exe --coeffs 1 -1.618 3.14