Delta_robot Public
A repository containing all of my Matlab codes for the delta parallel robot study
A Verilog implementation of a hand-written digit recognition Neural Network
GitHATS Public
Forked from GitHATSLPC/GitHATSExample repository for the Git/GitHub HATS @ LPC
UpdatedMay 27, 2024 -
Fourier_drawing Public
A Python script that draws any svg file using the associated fourier series and epicycloids
Python UpdatedMar 15, 2024 -
A Matlab implementation of the 3-RRR planar parallel manipulator study
HX711-STM32-Library Public
A simple library to provide control over the hx711 load cell module for STM32
Follow_me Public
Follow me is a mix of tracking and live streaming. Using RPi, STM32 boards and a lot of code, you'll be able to implement your very own tracking device to bring live events to others.
C UpdatedJan 8, 2023 -
PigLatin Public
A simple python code to turn any english text into its PigLatin equivalent.
Python UpdatedDec 18, 2022 -
A simple tutorial for setting up a nrf24-l01 communication between an Arduino and a RPi