Install pCloud Drive via Homebrew
Since this recipe was rejected from Homebrew because of the volatile nature of pCloud links (see homebrew-cask#57634) we will try to maintain this because it is useful to us and might be for others. :smile:
First, make sure you have installed homebrew
if you haven't yet.
Then, run the following in your command-line:
brew tap lyraphase/pcloud
Note: For info run:
brew info --cask pcloud-drive
Once the tap is installed, you can install pcloud-drive
brew install --cask pcloud-drive
To uninstall run:
brew uninstall --cask pcloud-drive
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Note: This Homebrew Tap has migrated from the old location
) to lyraphase/pcloud
. It has NOT changed
ownership or maintainers at this time. It has been moved to benefit from
GitHub's CI/CD automation features that are available to a GitHub Organization.
While all links to the previous repository location are automatically redirected
to the new location by GitHub, it is recommended to migrate this Tap and any
previously cloned git
repos to use the new URL.
To avoid confusion, we strongly recommend updating any existing local clones to
point to the new repository URL.
You can do this easily using Homebrew commands:
brew uninstall --cask pcloud-drive
brew untap trinitronx/pcloud
brew tap lyraphase/pcloud
brew install --cask pcloud-drive
Alternatively, you can also do this by using git remote on the command line:
This method does not require that you uninstall the pcloud-drive
cd $(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/trinitronx/homebrew-pcloud
git remote -vv # List remote repos
# Find the named remote URL with 'trinitronx/homebrew-pcloud'
# (usually 'origin' by default)
# If you checked this repo out as a fork
# or named the remote repo something other than 'origin',
# then use that in the following command
git remote set-url origin
git remote -vv # Check that the remote repo URL now contains 'LyraPhase/homebrew-pcloud'
# Move the directory to the new naming format
cd $(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/
mv trinitronx lyraphase
If you wish to contribute to this Cask, there is a helper Makefile
with some
useful targets.
To checkout this repo and install in development mode:
git clone
cd homebrew-pcloud
make install
This will install a symbolic link to this git repo under:
$(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/lyraphase/homebrew-pcloud
Then, you may edit and test the Homebrew Cask recipe from the cloned git repo file location.
To test:
make test
The base formula comes from