This Kubernetes Operators uses KWasm/kwasm-node-installer to add WebAssembly support to your Kubernetes Nodes. It works with local and managed cloud K8s distributions based on Ubuntu/Debian with Containerd, including MiniKube, MicroK8s, AKS, GKE, and EKS.
Warning Only for development or evaluation purpose. Your nodes may get damaged!
Note If you are searching for a production ready WebAssembly integration for your Kuberne 7B00 tes cluster, reach out to Liquid Reply
The KWasm Operator allows for fine-grained control over node provisioning instead of using the node installer with a DaemonSet. This example shows how to create a KinD cluster with three nodes and install the KWasm Operator. The example provisions a single node and schedules a Wasm pod on that specific node.
# Create cluster
kind create cluster --config examples/kind/cluster.yaml
# Add helm repo
helm repo add kwasm
# Install operator
helm install -n kwasm --create-namespace kwasm-operator kwasm/kwasm-operator
# Annotate single node
kubectl annotate node kind-worker2
# Run example
kubectl apply -f examples/kind/runtimeclass.yaml
kubectl apply -f examples/kind/pod.yaml
Version v3.8.7 does not exist or is not available for darwin/arm64.
make install run