Tags: JuliaNonconvex/Nonconvex.jl
[Diff since v2.1.2](v2.1.2...v2.1.3) **Merged pull requests:** - warnonly = true in docs (#163) (@mohamed82008) **Closed issues:** - Trouble calling Julia Function from Python Code (#153) - Make Nonconvex models type stable (#155) - Unified API for information of the results (#159) - NLopt zero-order algorithms are using Zygote (#160) - Throw a better error when passing an illegal algorithm name for NLopt (#161) - Compatible with JuliaGPU (#162)
[Diff since v2.1.1](v2.1.1...v2.1.2) **Closed issues:** - Constraint handling for evolutionary optimization (#30) - Pullback error when summing over a dictionary (#130) - Problem with sparse matrix when using CustomGradFunction (#152) - Example of Changing AD Package (#156) - problem with Metaheuristics (#157) - Unclear how to use Abstract Differentiation (#158)
[Diff since v2.1.0](v2.1.0...v2.1.1) **Closed issues:** - Wrap NOMAD.jl (#84) - Useage with ComponentArrays (#99) - Wrap Metaheuristics.jl (#124) - Problem with Hyperoptim.jl (#146) - Mixed-mode AD? (#148) - Parallel capabilities of Hyperopt? (#149) - Extract number of iterations from results (#150) **Merged pull requests:** - Update CI.yml (#147) (@mohamed82008) - fix typo in README.md (#151) (@CarloLucibello)
[Diff since v2.0.4](v2.0.4...v2.1.0) **Closed issues:** - Workaround for Mutating Arrays (#137) **Merged pull requests:** - More docs and tests (#145) (@mohamed82008)
[Diff since v2.0.3](v2.0.3...v2.0.4) **Closed issues:** - Support GalacticOptim for unconstrained and bound constrained optimization (#28) - Percival fails with ERROR: outside of the trust region: ‖x‖²= NaN (#55) - Support functions with a sparse Jacobian (#115) - Symbolic AD Sensitivity to Init Values (#143) **Merged pull requests:** - improve docs side bar (#144) (@mohamed82008)
[Diff since v2.0.0](v2.0.0...v2.0.1) **Merged pull requests:** - add more sub-headers to sidebar (#142) (@mohamed82008)
[Diff since v1.0.4](v1.0.4...v2.0.0) **Closed issues:** - Nonconvex (ab)uses eval (#134) - Jacobian_Approximation for IPOPT (#135) - How to extract results from NLopt (#136) **Merged pull requests:** - Docs improvement, sparsity and symbolic AD (#141) (@mohamed82008)
[Diff since v1.0.3](v1.0.3...v1.0.4) **Merged pull requests:** - Reexport NonconvexUtils (#132) (@mohamed82008)