English Readme | 中文说明
A SDK for WinnerMicro MCU W806.
├─app # User application code
├─bin # Compilation results
├─demo # Demos
├─include # SDK header files
├─ld # Link scripts
├─lib # Libraries
├─platform # SDK source code
└─tools # Utilities
- https://occ.t-head.cn/community/download
- You need to register an account for download
- 导航->工具->工具链-800系列->(For now, it is V3.10.29)
- Download according to your OS version, e.g. for Ubuntu20.04, download csky-elfabiv2-tools-x86_64-minilibc-yyyymmdd.tar.gz
- Alternative download links
Extract the toolchains to proper folder -- be careful that the tar ball use ./
as top level path, move it to a seperate folder or specify a target folder for the uncompressing.
mkdir csky-elfabiv2-tools-x86_64-minilibc-20210423
tar xvf csky-elfabiv2-tools-x86_64-minilibc-20210423.tar.gz -C csky-elfabiv2-tools-x86_64-minilibc-20210423/
Then move it to somewhere, e.g. /opt/toolchains, set it read-only to normal users
cd /opt/toolchains/
sudo mv ~/Download/csky-elfabiv2-tools-x86_64-minilibc-20210423/ .
sudo chown -R root:root csky-elfabiv2-tools-x86_64-minilibc-20210423/
You don't need to add it to the system PATH variable.
Checkout this project
git clone https://github.com/IOsetting/wm-sdk-w806.git
Run menuconfig, configurate the toolchains path
cd wm-sdk-w806
make menuconfig
In menuconfig, navigate to Toolchain Configuration
, In the second line "the toolchain path", input the absolute path of the toolchains executables, e.g.
Leave other settings unchanged, save and exit menuconfig.
Then build the project
In /include/arch/xt804/csi_config.h, optionUSE_UART0_PRINT
controls whether use UART0 to sendprintf()
output, it is turned on by default. Note: This feature will occupy UART0, if any other devices are going to communicate with UART0, please turn it off. - Hands-free download
In /include/arch/xt804/csi_config.h, optionUSE_UART0_AUTO_DL
controls enable/disable automatic download, it is turned off by default. When it is enabled, download tool will reset the board automatically before the downloading. OptionUSE_UART0_PRINT
should be enabled to make this work.
Connect the development board to PC, get the USB port name by commands dmesg
, lsusb
and ls /dev/tty*
Run menuconfig to set the download port
cd wm-sdk-w806
make menuconfig
In menuconfig, navigate to Download Configuration
- Download port: Input the USB port name, e.g.
; - Down rate: Input the UART baud rate, the higher rate the higher download speed. The availabe options are
Then save and exit menuconfig, download the hex file to development board
make flash
Press the Reset
key to start the downloading. If previously downloaded hex was built with USE_UART0_AUTO_DL
enabled, the board will start downloading automatically.
build finished!
connecting serial...
serial connected.
wait serial sync......... <--- Press the Reset key here
please manually reset the device. <--- (Or here)
serial sync sucess.
start download.
0% [###] 100%
download completed.
reset command has been sent.
When downloding finishes, the board will be reset automatically to run the new program. In case the auto-reset fails, you need to press the reset key manually to make it run.
Show serial ports
make list
Build, download and start serial monitor
make run
Start serial monitor only
make monitor
- Download MSYS2 from https://www.msys2.org/
- Download toolchains: https://occ.t-head.cn/community/download
- 导航 -> 工具 -> 工具链-800系列 -> (Currently it is V3.10.29)
- Download csky-elfabiv2-tools-mingw-minilibc-yyyymmdd.tar.gz for Windows
- If you can not download from above link, try
- Download Flash Tool: https://h.hlktech.com/Mobile/download/fdetail/143.html
- Click the download link right to 'W800串口烧录工具_V1.4.8(.rar)'
- Alternative download links
- Run msys2-x86_64-yyyymmdd.exe to install MSYS2
- When the 845F installation finishes, install necessary tools in MSYS2 console
# Update all packages
pacman -Syu
# Install make
pacman -S msys/make
# Install automake
pacman -S msys/automake
# Install autoconf
pacman -S msys/autoconf
# Install gcc
pacman -S msys/gcc
# Install git
pacman -S msys/git
# Install dependencies
pacman -S msys/ncurses-devel
pacman -S msys/gettext-devel
Extract toolchains to specified folder
mkdir csky-elfabiv2-tools-mingw-minilibc-20210423
tar xvf csky-elfabiv2-tools-mingw-minilibc-20210423.tar.gz -C csky-elfabiv2-tools-mingw-minilibc-20210423/
Note down the full path of toolchain executables, e.g. /d/w806/csky-elfabiv2-tools-mingw-minilibc-20210423/bin/
Check out this SDK
git clone https://github.com/IOsetting/wm-sdk-w806.git
Configurate toolchains path in menuconfig
cd wm-sdk-w806
make menuconfig
In menuconfig, navigate to Toolchain Configuration -> toolchain path, input the path (including the tail slash '/'), e.g.
Leave other settings unchanged, save and exit menuconfig.
Then build the project
The result files are under bin/W806.
- Connect the development board to your PC
- Run flash tool Upgrade_Tools_V1.4.8.exe
- Select the correct COM port, and use the default baud rate 115200, Click
- Select bin file 'W806.fls' from bin/W806
- Click
to start download - Press
key to reset board, then it will start downloading. - When downloading finishes, press
key again to make it run.
Find the port name of connected board in Device Manager, e.g. COM5
Run menuconfig to set the download port
cd wm-sdk-w806
make menuconfig
In menuconfig, navigate to Download Configuration
- Download port: Input the USB port name, e.g.
; - Down rate: The higher rate the higher download speed, the availabe options are
The rest are the same as operations in Linux, please refer to Linux - Download To Development Board
- Download Failed
When it showscan not open serial make: *** [tools/w806/rules.mk:158: flash] Error 255
, check if any other applications are occupying the USB port, if yes, close it and retry. - Delay function failed in FreeRTOS
In /include/arch/xt804/csi_config.h, please comment out#define CONFIG_KERNEL_NONE 1
- Hex is not updated
If the compilation doesn't reflect your code changes, please clean the workspace withmake clean
ormake distclean
- Auto-reset failed
In some cases the auto-reset may fail, you need to press the Reset key to reset the board manually.
The code of WM-SDK-W806 is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license.
As WM-SDK-W806 includes code from many upstream projects it includes many copyright owners. WM-SDK-W806 makes NO claim of copyright on any upstream code. Patches to upstream code have the same license as the upstream project, unless specified otherwise. For a complete copyright list please checkout the source code to examine license headers.
Unless expressly stated otherwise all code submitted to the WM-SDK-W806 project (in any form) will be licensed under Apache-2.0 license. You are absolutely free to retain copyright. To retain copyright simply add a copyright header to each submitted code page. If you submit code that is not your own work it is your responsibility to resolve the conflicts and place a header stating the copyright.